Beauty-accompanying Manual



1"Ah!" "Savage!    


At the same time, she jumped up, her hands tightly covering her ample chest, as if Yun Long was a hungry wolf that would pounce on her at any time … /p Yun Long was stunned, he lowered his head and realized that he was completely naked now, especially the strange bird below him, who was shaking arrogantly, revealing a "hideous face" to the blonde woman.    


Ah!" "Savage!    


/p p "Err..." This... Sorry … "I am not a savage …"    


Yun Long's face reddened and he immediately explained: "I, I was just passing by and heard your cry for help, and then I rushed over here!"    


/p p "You..." You are the one who saved us? "    


The blonde woman was stunned. Then, her eyes landed on Yun Long, who was a huge weirdo. She was shocked and her face turned red. She exclaimed in her heart, "Wow, it's so big!"    


/p p "Yes..." I am that person... Young mistress, don't misunderstand! "    


Yun Long found out that his strange bird had caused the other party to be 'perturbed and uneasy'.    


Quickly, he bent down and picked up a tattered mountain-climbing bag from the ground, covering the space between his feet.    


Yun Long's action dispelled the blonde woman's embarrassment and suspicion. She cautiously asked Yun Long again, "Mister …" Did you really save us?     


/p p "Err..." Of course, do you think there will be others? "    


Yun Long asked her.    


/p p "Oh..." That... Thank you so much! I misunderstood you just now, really... I'm very sorry! "    


The blond woman said, embarrassed.    


/p p "Oh, it's fine now, looking at me like this..." I've scared you too! "    


Yun Long laughed at himself.    


/p p "By the way, Mr...." You... How did you end up like this? Where are your clothes? "    


the blond woman asked curiously.    


/p p "Oh, I..." I will train on this snowy mountain! "    


Yun Long hesitated for a moment and could only blurt out a reason.    


/p p "Training?" Eh? Sir, could it be that you are one of those legendary cultivators from the Hidden Earth Sect? "    


The blond woman was excited.    


/p p "Err..." "I guess so!"    


Since the other party thought so, Yun Long admitted it. It was because of this "mysterious identity".    


That suited his current situation.    


/p p "Wow!" It seems like the secret sect you are training in is really powerful. This place is at least -30 degrees Celsius.    


The golden-haired woman actually had a look of worship in her eyes.    


"Not bad, I'm training against the cold."    


Yun Long just continued bullshitting, otherwise this would be unscientific.    


Under the circumstances, he really didn't know how to explain it.    


/p p "Wow!" You're amazing! Mister, you were the one that chased that terrifying monster away, right? "    


the blond woman continued.    


"Yeah, it's already gone."    


Yun Long nodded.    


/p p "Oh!" Oh my god! Sir, you are too strong! You know what? My brother, Harry, was originally a very powerful boxer. He couldn't even take a slap from that monster! Then, he was slapped until he fainted … You can actually chase it away! "    


The blond woman screamed, her face full of awe and adoration.    


/p p "Heh heh..." Miss, that's just a child's play, don't be so agitated, let me see what's going on with your brother. If possible, I will give him first aid and protect his life. "    


Yun Long said to her.    


/p p "Oh!" "Great!"    


The blond woman cried out in surprise.    


/p For her, the most important thing was to save her brother. However, her skill level was limited, so Yun Long's suggestion was too timely.     


Yun Long didn't waste any more time with her. He strode forward and squatted beside the handsome young man. He lifted his eyelids to check, then touched his chest and checked his pulse.    


/p Following that, Yun Long suddenly pressed his left hand on the handsome young man's chest and pushed.    


The young handsome guy who was still in a daze immediately opened his mouth. Then, Yun Long suddenly stretched out his right hand, clenched it into a fist and smacked the top of his head.    


/p p "Peng!"    


A muffled sound rang out.    


/p p "Wow …"    


A clot of dark red blood spurted out from the young handsome man's mouth. He actually woke up in a daze. However, his breathing was still hurried, and blood was still flowing out from the wounds on his body.    


/p p "Oh!" Oh my god! Harry woke up. Sir, you are an omnipotent person! Oh no, you're a superman! "    


the blond woman shouted excitedly.    


For those in dire straits, a determined, calm and methodical rescuer was more persuasive than any comforting words. Even if the rescuer was completely naked, in the golden-haired woman's heart, he was already like a sun god!    


Moreover, after going through Level 2 Genetic Engineering, Yun Long's body shape had become perfect. His bulging horn, muscles, and bronze-coloured skin were almost comparable to Apollo's!    


As a result, when the blonde woman was excited, her eyes were always on Yun Long's naked body, especially when she was' careless'.    


His heart beat wildly when he caught a glimpse of his strange big bird.    


/p p "This man..." Nice figure! I wonder what it feels like to be carried by him? "    


This strange thought even flashed through the blonde woman's mind. Miss, don't get too worked up, I'm only trying to wake your brother up temporarily. He's lost a lot of blood, and his wound seems to have been infected.    


Yun Long hurriedly said to her.    


/p p "Ah!" It's impossible to not have a hospital in this kind of place! "    


When the blonde woman heard Yun Long's words, she panicked again.    


Yun Long looked down at the huge travel backpack that covered his crotch and said, "This backpack is so big, it can't be that there's nothing useful inside right? "I even heard that donkeys who are well-equipped carry around some emergency medicine or even an emergency injection!"    


/p p "Oh!" God, I'm so stupid, yes, we have everything in our backpacks. "    


The golden-haired woman cried out in alarm when Yun Long reminded her. However, when she saw the place where Yun Long covered it with his backpack, her heart couldn't help but jump because she knew that there was a huge, scary, and monstrous bird behind the backpack!    


"Oh, that's good enough!"    


Yun Long noticed the blonde woman's awkwardness as he spoke.    


Immediately, Yun Long put the backpack on the ground and opened it. Inside were clothes and food, and a small first-aid kit with black leather inside.    


Yun Long took a set of clothes and quickly put it on his body. These clothes were obviously Harry's clothes after he passed out. His stature was also quite tall, so Yun Long could be considered fit for wearing his clothes.    


After putting on his clothes, Yun Long opened the black first aid kit. A wave of cold air rose from inside. This box actually had a freezing function.    


The first aid kit was filled with emergency medical life saving products that were divided into several layers. The innermost layer was filled with a few wide-spectrum antidotes in silver glass bottles, a hemostatic agent, and epinephrine, which was mixed with some nerve stimulants.    


"Harry was scratched by that monster. He still has claw marks on his body. According to the wild training earlier, he should have received an injection of antidote and epinephrine, right?"    


After finding the medicine, the blonde woman calmed down and asked unconfidently.    


"You guys have wild training, right?"    


Yun Long asked her.    


"Yeah, Harry and I have been trained in this area."    


The blond woman nodded.    


/p "That's good, then go and make it according to your own thoughts. The first aid kit you brought is all very high quality, it should be able to save him."    


Yun Long said to her.    


/p p "Oh!" "Well, by the way, sir, what would you do if you were injured in the mountains?"    


The blonde woman asked Yun Long curiously.    


/p p "Heh heh..." As a practitioner of the Secret Sect, I have never been injured in the mountains. "    


Yun Long didn't know how to answer her question, so he pretended to be cold.    


/p p "Oh!" That's true, he could even chase away that huge monster! You are definitely a powerful cultivator of the Secret Sect. "    


The blonde woman nodded without a hint of doubt.    


Then he took a few deep breaths of the cold air and braced himself to give his brother the antidote and intrathoracic injection of epinephrine, as the doctor had taught him during their training in the wild.    


The expensive and effective first-aid medicine usually meant that it worked quickly. Thirty seconds after the injection was successful, Harry, who was originally dizzy, let out a light moan.    


/p p "I'm so thirsty..." "I want to drink water, water …"    


"Sure, I'll give you water right away. Take your time, Harry."    


The blonde woman took out a canteen from the mess on the floor and handed it to Harry.    


/p p Receiving the nourishment of functional beverages rich in various nutrients, coupled with the effects of adrenaline, the already robust Harry regained his consciousness in a short period of time.    


Lina, you … you're actually fine. This is great!    


Harry said in surprise as he opened his eyes. The blurry focus was finally focused on the blonde woman in front of him.    


"I, I was also almost killed by that giant monster. If it wasn't for this mister helping out, you and I would have already become that monster's dinner!"    


The blonde woman pointed at Yun Long on the side.    


/p p "Oh!" So it was this mister who saved us, thank you so much! "    


Harry stood up from the ground. He sat on the floor and rubbed his still sore limbs. Then he looked at Yun Long with some doubt and asked, "Sir …" Why are you wearing my clothes? "    


/p p "Err..." It's Harry. This mister is a powerful cultivator from the Secret Sect. He cultivates a very mysterious martial art in the depths of this snowy mountain. You can survive in -30 degrees Celsius even without clothes! "    


The golden-haired woman immediately took the initiative to recommend Yun Long's so-called "Mystic Arcane Art".    




/p p "Secret Sect Practitioners!" Oh my god! Is there really such a person in the world? "    


Harry looked at Yun Long with disbelief.    


/p p "What?" "You don't believe me?"    



The blonde woman was clearly unhappy with Harry's reaction.    


/p p "Err..." Of course! "I always thought that those secret sect cultivators, or those with special abilities, were fictional characters that would only appear in novels about mysterious religions."    


Harry actually nodded and said.    


/p p     


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