Beauty-accompanying Manual







He treated this place as the arena for the Black Market Fist competition!    




With a roar of rage, Boss Niu leaped into the air. With his left foot as a support leg, he landed on the ground and easily crossed the two meter distance between him and Yun Long. Then, his right foot swept out crazily!    


/p p "Puff..."    


It was as if the air itself was exploding!    


"Lifesteal Gale Kick!    


/p p Strength!    


An explosive force!    






Just as Boss Niu moved his right leg, the wind from his kick caused Yun Long's head to stand on end.    


/p p "Don't!"    


Suddenly, Yun Long heard Meiduo Zhuoma's heartbroken shout, and also heard the excited laughter of Boss Niu's subordinates.    


In that split-second, Yun Long didn't even dodge. His body rushed towards Boss Niu's right leg, which was coming at him with a whipping kick, sweeping towards Boss Niu's right leg!    




/p p "Peng!"    


Bang!" A loud crash was heard, and it sounded like two large trucks were colliding with each other. Even the ground seemed to tremble.    


/p p "Wow!"    


A figure flew out, arcing through the air before falling far away. It was Boss Niu!    


Life and death!    




/p p "Thump, thump..."    


Boss Niu's thick body flew for at least ten meters before smashing onto the circular mound. Dust flew into the air, and a human-shaped crater was formed on the ground!    


Boss Niu's body was completely deformed, including his right leg, it was in a completely twisted shape. Even a hole was indented in his chest, and several bloody bones were stuck out from the pit of his stomach, making him look extremely horrifying!    


It turned out that after that forceful collision, Yun Long's kick had completely shattered Boss Niu's right leg, including his breastbone!    


At this moment, Boss Niu looked like he had expended a lot of air, and his breathing was slow. He was on the verge of death, and blood kept flowing out from his mouth and chest, while his body was trembling and twitching irregularly!    




/p p One move!    


Just one move!    


Lightning and fire!    






Whether it was strength or speed, they were all outside of everyone's expectations. Very soon, after a short period of absent-mindedness, the subordinates of Boss Niu's men started to stir up. No one knew who among them started to shout, "He killed Boss Niu! We... We must avenge our boss! "    


/p p "Revenge!" We must avenge our boss! "    


In the blink of an eye, all of Poacher's enemies charged at Yun Long with hatred in their hearts!    


They did not want to face Yun Long directly because they knew that they were no match for Yun Long. Their goal was to retrieve the weapons on the ground.    


/p They all knew that only by taking the weapon in their hands would they have the chance to kill Yun Long … /p p Peng! "Bam!"    


Two huge gunshots rang out. Due to the commotion caused by Poacher, Meiduo Zhuoma, who was originally in a shocked state, reacted. She pulled the trigger of the double-barreled shotgun in her hand and opened fire!    


As the two sides were very close, Meiduo Zhuoma's two bullets shot out and knocked down two Poacher.    


/p However, her firing didn't scare the other Poacher, but instead stirred up their ferocious nature!    


All of them were experienced fighters and ruthless people who licked their lips and licked their blood. They knew that in this situation, the only way to survive was not to retreat, but to fight for their lives!    


Although the double-barreled shotgun in Meiduo Zhuoma's hand was powerful, it could only fire two rounds at a time. She had to reload, so she didn't know how to do that at all. After firing two rounds, she was stunned on the spot.    




At this moment, Yun Long suddenly roared and once again launched an attack towards them … As his roar did not stop, Yun Long swung out his fists. With his terrifying speed and terrifying strength, Yun Long punched without any fancy tricks and ruthlessly struck towards the two Poacher who were at the front!    


/p p "Peng!" "Bam!"    


With two muffled sounds, along with the sound of bones breaking, the two Poacher flew backward like kites with a broken string. The huge inertia knocked down three people in one fell swoop.    


Before the group of Poacher moved forward again, Yun Long already roared and leaped towards them. Like a sharp knife, he stabbed into the already chaotic group.    


Without a care!    


At this moment, from behind the circular mound, a white figure dashed out and joined the battle. It was the Tibetan mastiff, "Silver Leopard", who was waiting for an opportunity to attack.    




Under the powerful and terrifying joint attack, he was completely thrown into chaos.    


The mastiff's attacks were as quick as fire and as fierce as thunder. Poacher, who originally had good combat skills, was swept away like a dead leaf by the autumn wind amidst his panic.    


/p In less than two minutes, the remaining ten or so Poacher were all killed by Yun Long and the "Silver Leopard".    


Only after dealing with all the enemies did Yun Long stop and take a deep breath. At the same time, he calculated in his heart that he had taken 19 enemies out of the attack just now, including Boss Niu, who was sent flying in front of him!    


If Yun Long brought along the Thief who was initially defeated by Cheap Shot, then the number of enemies Yun Long put down would be exactly 20 people!    


/p p And "Silver Leopard"    


/p When Yun Long stopped, the effect of the [Viridescent Eagle] was mainly to intimidate others, and it said, "If you don't wish for it to end, don't let it end.    


"Silver Leopard!"    


He continued to bite Poacher's arm, who was injured and still in a coma, and dragged the unlucky fellow dozens of meters away, turning him into a bloody mess … If it wasn't for the fact that Meiduo Zhuoma saw that the scene was too bloody and cruel, she would have stopped the "Silver Leopard" loudly.    


If that was the case, then that unlucky Poacher would have already been shattered into pieces!    


/p p After the battle, "Silver Leopard    


He ran to Meiduo Zhuoma's feet and sat down next to her skirt, vigilantly looking at Poacher and the others who hadn't fainted yet were still wailing in pain. He believed that as long as any of them dared to act recklessly, what awaited them would be the "Silver Leopard".    


Yun Long walked in front of Meiduo Zhuoma and asked her, "Are you alright?"    


/p p "I'm fine, but these people..." I, I have to save them first! "    


Meiduo Zhuoma pointed at Poacher, who was wailing in pain on the ground, and said to Yun Long.    


/p p "Err..." Save them? Why must we save them? These guys are bad people! "    


Yun Long was stunned and quickly replied.    


Meiduo Zhuoma shook her head and said firmly, "I …" I am a doctor of concealment, and I cannot stand idly by the side! No matter if they are good or bad, I have to save them. "    


/p p "Oh!" That... "Alright then!"    


Yun Long was stunned for a moment and then nodded. He suddenly realized that Meiduo Zhuoma had the most precious qualities of a doctor — the kind heart of a doctor!    


Immediately, Meiduo Zhuoma began to get busy. She first took out a small bowl from the basket, ran to the lake and took out the lake water. Then, she took out a small black bottle from her body and carefully unscrewed the cap.    


A strong smell of medicine wafted out. Meiduo Zhuoma crouched down and carefully poured the thick dark green liquid into the bowl of lake water, letting it dissolve in the water.    


/p p "Oh!"    


This... It was the "Brilliant Ink Jadeite Liquid".    






Yun Long immediately recognized the familiar smell the moment he smelled it.    


/p p "Eh?"    


You also know that this is the "Brilliant Ink Jade Dew"!    






Meiduo Zhuoma curiously asked Yun Long as she poured water into the solution.    


"I know, your sister Dawa Yangzhen let me take a look. This kind of medicine isn't bad. I heard you made it!"    


Yun Long asked her.    


Oh, that's right. This pill was indeed concocted by me. I'm a hidden alchemist!    


Meiduo Zhuoma nodded and stood up. She looked at Yun Long and said, "The solution has been prepared. I'll give it to them first … Healing, you... If you don't mind, I hope you can help me! "    


/p p "Ah?" You want me to help you save them? "    


Yun Long was stunned, he didn't expect Meiduo Zhuoma to beg him like that.    


/p p "Um..." "Yeah, I, I can't do it alone, so I sincerely hope that you can help me!"    


Meiduo Zhuoma nodded and continued, "Although these people are guilty of heinous crimes, but … "But I don't want to see them die like this in front of me!"    


Looking at Meiduo Zhuoma's astonishingly clear and beautiful eyes, then looking at Poacher and the others who were lying on the ground wailing in pain, Yun Long sighed helplessly and said, "Alright!" I'll help you! "    


/p p "Thank you!" Let each of them take a sip first! I'll find some more herbs to apply to their wounds. "    


Meiduo Zhuoma nodded at Yun Long. Then, she added the bowl with the "Brilliant Ink Jade Dew".    


He handed the lake water to Yun Long.    


Yun Long reached out his hand to take it, then took the bowl to Poacher, who was the closest to him. He reached out his other hand and grabbed that guy's collar, pulling him up.    


Drink it quickly!" Listen, only one sip!     


Yun Long warned the guy. Ignoring his painful struggles and screams, he picked up the bowl and stuffed it into the guy's mouth.    


/p p     


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