Beauty-accompanying Manual

C222 Success control

C222 Success control

2Zhou Bingjie looked at Yun Long's departing back as she secretly prayed for him. Yun Long carried Dao Ba and walked into the house opposite, and upon entering, she saw that Zhang Xiiming was tied up, lying on the floor. His entire body was covered with shoe marks.    


< p > "Heh heh..." Young Master Zhang, are you alright? "    


Yun Long intentionally asked.    


< p > "Woof!" Woof! Woof ? "Sob, sob ?"    


Hearing the voice of the cloud dragon, Zhang Ximing raised his head and barked at him, looking extremely wronged ? "Hehe, Young Master Zhang, you must have been beaten!" "You poor child!    


Yun Long laughed.    


Right at this moment, the sound of a car's engine came from outside the house, followed by the voice of a big sized man: "Brother Dao Ba! "The car is ready. Can we go and get the money now?"    


Yun Long was startled for a moment, then immediately understood. He let out a strange laugh, went close to the door, extended his right hand out, and beckoned.    


The big sized man sat in the car, not hearing a reply, just as he was wondering, he suddenly saw a hand waving to him, and he thought Dao Ba was calling him, thus he jumped out of the car and walked straight towards the house.    


He hadn't expected that just as he got close to the door, a "hu" sound rang out.    


A figure rushed out from inside, and before he could even react, Yun Long, who was standing right in front of him, had already quickly made a move.    


In that instant, the burly man was struck by Yun Long's hidden force into the nerves of his brain, causing him to become sluggish, and very quickly, Yun Long controlled his consciousness, and began to perform 'Deep Hypnosis'.    


A few minutes later, Yun Long succeeded in taking control of the burly man and ordered him to call himself "A-Kun".    


The big sized man carried Young Master Zhang and the unconscious Dao Ba to the car outside.    


Then, Yun Long got in the car and ordered him to drive the car out of the workshop. Outside the door, he saw the burly man who stayed behind and looked around.    


Yun Long laughed coldly, he immediately jumped down from the carriage and pounced towards him, and continued to do the same. Not long later, he called the name "Ah Mu".    


The guy was deeply hypnotized, controlled him, and they got into the car together.    


After completing these steps, Yun Long gave the order to Ah Kun, who was driving the car, to immediately drive the car to a rubbish transfer station located at the 450 national highway in the southern suburbs.    


Because over there, there were still the four fellows under Dao Ba's command waiting to be taken care of!    


Furthermore, Zhang Ximing's father would also place the ransom of 6 million there ?    


Yun Long had also observed that the four burly men under Dao Ba's command were in the same group, guarding the two sides of the road that led to the trash transfer station. They had hidden their bodies, obviously waiting for the "big fish" in the dark.    




Yun Long sneered, and ordered Ah Kun to stop the car, and then ordered Ah Mu to carry the unconscious Dao Ba out of the car, and let Ah Kun carry the half dead Zhang Ximing, while he followed behind them to the garbage station.    


< p > In less than five minutes, they arrived in front of the trash transfer station, while Yun Long, who was following behind, quickly hid his body. He was hiding in the dark, anxiously waiting for the 'big fish'.    


The four burly men couldn't help but feel puzzled when they saw Ah Mu and the others appear out of nowhere.    


However, when they saw that the unconscious Dao Ba, their boss, was actually being carried on Ah Mu's body, they could no longer hold back and quickly scuttled out of the shadows. They came close to Ah Mu's side, wanting to ask him about it.    


When the four burly men were gathered together, curiously surrounding the dumbstruck Ah Mu, a figure suddenly burst out from behind them. Without giving them time to react, he brazenly attacked!    


< p > "Peng!" Bang! Bang! "Bam!"    


After four muffled booms, the four burly men's bodies all shook as their eyes became lifeless. Yun Long sneered and appeared in front of them.    


For a moment, all four of them were collectively controlled by Yun Long.    


After that, Yun Long immediately ordered them to hide all around the trash transfer station to await his next instruction!    


After completing this crucial step, the cloud dragon heard the roar of a car's engine coming from the distant 450th National Highway.    


At that moment, Yun Long immediately gathered all his attention and looked over. He only saw that in the morning light, there was a luxurious Mercedes-Benz 550 car, which had appeared on the 450 national road, and was driving towards the trash transfer station!    


In the driver's seat, was a skinny old man wearing a white suit. Yun Long realized that the old man looked similar to Zhang Ximing between the brows.    


At this moment, the old man was driving the car while looking at the navigation system in the car. At the same time, he was looking outside the car with an anxious expression on his face.    


There were two bulging sacks filled with snakeskin skin beside the old man. Yun Long was excited to see this. He knew that if he wasn't mistaken, this old man should be Zhang Ximing's father, Zhang Dongjin!    


And the two snakeskin sacks pouches on both sides of Zhang Dongjin, should be the ransom of 6 million RMB in cash!    


< p > "F * ck me!" This old fellow really came to give us money himself! "    


Yun Long muttered, and then carefully looked at Zhang Dongjin's appearance, although he had a nervous expression, he did not seem panicked, as though he was very calm!    


"Eh? Could it be that this old man wants to play some tricks?!"    


Yun Long thought, and decided to stay put.    


At the same time, Yun Long also hid himself, continuing to observe Zhang Dongjin's movements from the shadows ? Zhang Dong entered the car and searched all the way. Not long later, he finally found the trash transfer station.    


Zhang Dongjin nervously looked around. Since he did not see anyone around, he could only open the car door and walk down from the top. At the same time, he struggled to pull the two snakeskin sacks filled with money out of the car and directly dragged them to a trash can at the trash stop.    


After sizing up his surroundings again, Zhang Dongjin still did not see a single person. Feeling disappointed and terrified, he could only get back on the car and head towards the national road.    


However, Yun Long noticed that when Zhang Dongheng backed out of the car, his head suddenly tilted and his mouth seemed to be saying something ? "Remember, you must see my son before you can move. Also, don't let those people hurt my son!    


After saying this, Zhang Dongheng raised his head and drove the car into a hidden passage on the 450 national highway. He stopped the car and anxiously waited ? At this moment, Yun Long suddenly saw ten black shadows appear on the two sides of the 450 national highway. They were actually dozens of well-built men in black clothes!    


These men moved swiftly and agilely towards the trash transfer station on the two sides of National Highway 450, using the cover of grass and trees. Their movements were completely silent, and it was obvious that they were not weak at all!    


< p > "Heh heh..." This old fellow was really crafty. He was truly unwilling to pay up! If you still want to be a mantis stalking a cicada, then I'll play with you as a oriole! "    


When Yun Long saw this, a strange smile appeared on his face. He quickly took the lead and snuck to the back of the trash transfer station. He ordered Ah Mu, who was hiding there, to carry Zhang Xi Ming, who was half dead.    


After that, he suddenly ordered Ah Kun to the side to lift the unconscious Dao Ba up and follow. In the end, he ordered the other four burly men to all rush towards the direction of the trash transfer station.    


Yun Long's order to the four men was to intercept the dozen or so black-clothed men. It would be best if they fought with them!    


Very quickly, Ah Mu carried Zhang Ximing and appeared outside the trash transfer station. He did not put Zhang Ximing down, but instead continued to carry him and wandered around.    


Behind them, Ah Kun carried the unconscious Dao Ba and appeared right after, but when Ah Kun arrived outside the trash station, he threw Dao Ba, who was on his shoulder, onto the ground.    


< p > "Bang!"    


Dao Ba was thrown onto the floor. His body trembled as he slowly woke up in a dazed state ? The moment Dao Ba opened his eyes, he rubbed his aching forehead. He saw Ah Mu standing in front of him, as well as Zhang Ximing, who was leaning on his shoulder.    


< p > "Err..." Ah Mu, I ? Why am I here? Why did you bring out Zhang Ximing's money? "What is this place?"    


Dao Ba curiously asked Ah Mu, he had not fully awakened yet.    


Instead, he carried Zhang Ximing and continued to wander around, which made Dao Ba feel even more strange. Thus, he crawled up, and when he turned his head, he saw A'Kun behind him. He immediately asked him: "Ah Kun, what's wrong with that guy A'Mu? What exactly happened? "    


He did not expect Ah Kun to ignore him and just stand there blankly, staring straight at Dao Ba ? Akun, what the fuck is going on with you? I'm asking you a question! Say something! "    


Dao Ba shouted in depression.    


But Ah Kun still acted the same, staring at Dao Ba in a daze, as if he was some kind of strange object!    


"A-Kun, are you f * * king stupid!?" "God damn it! He actually didn't say anything ?"    


Dao Ba felt even more strange, he simply shook Ha Kun's shoulders and said, "Ah Kun, you f * cking talk to me!"    


Who would have thought that Ah Kun would laugh so widely? Then, he waved his hands, releasing a huge force that caused Dao Ba to stagger and almost fall to the ground.    


< p > "Your sister!" "Ah Kun, you little rascal, you want to rebel!"    


Dao Ba shouted in anger, and then pulled Ah Mu who was standing beside him and said, "Ah Mu, help me capture that renegade Ah Kun!"    


< p >    


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