Beauty-accompanying Manual

C221 Uncle will examine your body for you

C221 Uncle will examine your body for you

0"Damn, I never thought that Zhang Ximing would be so valuable!"    


One of them was a burly man with a 'hidden grudge'.    


he said.    


As sheheoke, Dao Ba impatiently opened the door and hastily walked in, Dao Ba immediately saw Zhou Bingjie. However, she didn't panic like Dao Ba had expected, or perhaps shehesn't wearing any clothes. Instead, shehes neatly sitting on the wooden bed inside the warehouse.    


A big sized man obviously hated Zhang Ximing a lot.    


"Brothers, don't be so agitated yet. Although Zhang Ximing's father has promised to give us money, in order to prevent him from playing tricks with us, we have to prepare! In short, the money is not in our hands yet, so we cannot relax! "    


Dao Ba reminded everyone coldly.    


"That's right, Brother Dao Ba is right. Once we have the money, we can leave safely. That would be the best plan!"    


A big fellow nodded in agreement.    


"Brother Dao Ba, do you think that Zhang Ximing's father will secretly call the police?"    


A burly man asked cautiously.    


< p > "Of course it's possible!" However, his son is in our hands. If he dares to call the police over, we'll fight him to the death! In any case, we're barefoot, so we don't need to worry about people wearing shoes! "    


Dao Ba said fiercely.    


< p > "Yes!" If that old fellow dares to find the police, we will kill Zhang Ximing!    


A burly man said hatefully.    


Well, we should get ready now.    


Dao Ba began to divide the work among his subordinates.    


"Ah Ming, Ah Jie, Ah Hui, Ah Shi, the four of you, go outside and wait at the garbage transfer station on the 450 national highway. While you're at it, look around to see if Zhang Ximing's father has brought any police officers with him!"    


Dao Ba said.    


< p > "Got it!"    


The four men received their orders and left the house in a hurry. They walked quickly towards the 450 National Highway garbage transfer station, which was about a kilometer away.    


"Ah Kun, you're better at driving. Go drive the Young Master Zhang's sports car over, and when we get the money, we'll immediately take a car and leave. Then, we'll find a place to take care of him!"    


Dao Ba said.    


"Understood, I'll go right away."    


The big man named Akun turned and left the house.    


Ah Mu, you stay outside the workshop!    


Dao Ba said to the burly man who stayed back.    


< p > "Oh, okay!"    


"The big fellow nodded and turned around, but then asked curiously:" Brother Dao Ba, you ? Are you alone here? "    


"I'll go to the warehouse opposite to take a look. I'll see what's going on with that little beauty!" Zhang Ximing, that monster, kept her busy the whole night. I have to be concerned about her body! "    


Dao Ba stood to one side and one of them revealed a dissolute smile.    


< p > "Oh!" Understood! Understood! Brother Dao Ba, after you finish checking her body, if you still have time, remember to let me check her body too! "    


The big man laughed as he understood.    


< p > "Heh heh..." "No problem!"    


Dao Ba laughed strangely, then impatiently left the house and quickly walked towards the warehouse.    


Once they arrived at the entrance of the warehouse, Dao Ba did not immediately push open the door to enter. Instead, he first stroked his still itchy chrysanthemum, then cleared his throat and called out from the entrance: "Little beauty, are you asleep? Uncle, I'm going to come in and take a look at your body! "    


Zhou Bingjie's heart skipped a beat the moment she heard his voice. She couldn't help but get close to the Cloud Dragon and tightly grip his arm, as if that was the only way she could feel safe.    


"Xiao Jie, don't be afraid, I'm here!"    


Yun Long held onto her small hands and comforted her in a small voice. Then, he suppressed his voice and said, "Xiao Jie, just randomly call for him and bring that guy over. I'll take care of him!"    


< p > "Oh!"    


Although Zhou Bingjie was afraid, she was still a lot more at ease after seeing Yun Long's confident look. Thus, she nodded and opened her mouth to call out: "Ah! "Don't ah ?"    


At the entrance of the restaurant, Dao Ba heard Zhou Bingjie's exclamation.    


Immediately, his eyes lit up. He rubbed his hands in excitement and said in a loud voice, "Oh! My poor little beauty, stop screaming. Uncle will go in immediately and help you inspect your body! "    


As they entered the warehouse, Dao Ba immediately saw Zhou Bingjie. However, she wasn't as panicky as Dao Ba had expected, rather, she was neatly dressed and sitting on the wooden bed inside. Her expression was normal, and she didn't look like she had been 'bullied'.    


The way he passed.    


< p > "Eh?" Little beauty, why are you ? It seems like there's nothing going on? "    


Seeing that, Dao Ba could not help but ask her out of curiosity.    



> "I didn't have anything to do in the first place!"    


Zhou Bingjie rolled her eyes at him, and her face carried a strange smile ? You... Are you alright!? "    


Dao Ba felt that it was extremely strange, and at the same time, wondered if he had been reborn.    


"Hur hur, of course I'm fine!"    


Zhou Bingjie laughed, then suddenly said to him: "However, something is about to happen to you!"    


< p > "Err..." What did you say? "Why can't I understand ?"    


Dao Ba was startled when he heard it, and faintly felt that something was wrong.    


< p > "Hee hee..." You'll understand it right away! "    


Zhou Bingjie mischievously stuck out her tongue, her gaze landing on Dao Ba's back.    


< p > "What do you mean?"    


Dao Ba was shocked, and turned around subconsciously.    


Just as he turned around, Dao Ba saw a tall, handsome and imposing young man standing behind him. The man was looking at with a smile, but his eyes were filled with ill intentions. "Who are you?"    


Dao Ba was shocked greatly in his heart. This young man had appeared behind him without any signs of life, but he actually hadn't detected it in the slightest!    


< Hehe, don't you like to check other people's bodies! Then let me examine your body as well! "    


said the young man, with a strange smile on his face.    


< p > "Who the hell are you?" I don't need you to check your body! "    


Dao Ba coldly said as he moved his body and retreated. He had already sensed that an enormous danger was approaching.    


Heh heh, you can't do that even if you don't want to!    


The young man laughed sinisterly, he moved forward and pounced straight at Dao Ba, his speed astonishing!    


< p > "Ah!" "You ?"    


Dao Ba was startled, he immediately stretched out his hands to resist, but the young man's speed was far beyond his imagination.    


Before Dao Ba could even raise his hands, the young man was the first to make a move. He raised his right fist and smashed it towards Dao Ba's face. "Hu!"    


It swept up a fierce and violent wind in the air!    


< p > "Peng!"    


With a dull thud, Dao Ba didn't even have the time to defend effectively when he saw a large bowl of fist fly towards him. Then, he heard the bone cracking sounds on his face, accompanied by a huge pain and dizziness, it surged towards his head.    


In that moment, Dao Ba only felt his vision go black as all the power in his body seemed to have been sucked out. His body went limp, and he fell to the ground, not knowing anything. Done! "This old boy looks pretty fierce, but I didn't expect him to be so weak!    


That young man was Yun Long. After he finished his sneak attack on Dao Ba, he clapped his hands and smiled lightly.    


Zhou Bingjie watched the entire process with her mouth agape. After being stunned for a good while, she finally muttered, "Yun Long, you ? "You're so awesome!"    


< p > "Hehe!" I said I was going to take care of these people, no problem at all! Now do you know! "    


Yun Long laughed proudly.    


Zhou Bingjie nodded, and then asked Yun Long: "Uuu ? What are you going to do with this man? We... Should I call the police? "    


< p > "Don't call the police yet, I'm still using this person!"    


Yun Long walked up, reached out and hooked the unconscious Dao Ba up, then picked him up.    


< p > "Oh?" Yun Long... What do you want him to do? "    


Zhou Bingjie asked curiously.    


< p > "Heh heh..." This guy and his people had originally planned to kidnap Zhang Ximing and extort a large amount of money from his father. So let me finish the other half! "    


Yun Long laughed sinisterly with a mysterious expression.    


< p > "Halfway through the plan?" What exactly does that mean? "    


Zhou Bingjie opened her beautiful eyes wide as she realized that this matter was getting more and more complicated.    


"If I'm not wrong, Zhang Ximing's father has already brought a large amount of ransom and is rushing over here!"    


Yun Long laughed, and continued to speak: "That sum of ransom, was Zhang Ximing's life payment in the first place! As long as I return that brat Zhang Ximing to his father, that money will be ours! "    


< p > "Err..." Yun Long, you mean... You want to take that money? "    


Zhou Bingjie finally started to understand.     4


< p > "That's right!"    


Yun Long nodded his head, and laughed coldly: "Consider this money as Zhang Ximing's compensation for your mental loss!"    


< p > "Err..." The spiritual loss fee! "    


Zhou Bingjie was startled, and then said worriedly, "Yun Long, you ? Is there any risk in doing this? "    


Originally there was a certain risk, but now with this guy and his people as our scapegoats, the risk is very small!" "Ga Ga ?    


Yun Long carried the unconscious Dao Ba and shook him.    


< p > "Ah!" You mean... You want these people to bear the crime of kidnapping Zhang Ximing, then you can fish in troubled waters!? "    


Zhou Bingjie finally understood Yun Long's plan.    


< p > "Right!" Xiao Jie, you are so smart! "    


Yun Long laughed, then said: "These guys originally had such a plan, so making them as the scapegoat, is the most appropriate thing to do!"    


< p > "Oh!" Yun Long, you ? It's really bad! "    


Zhou Bingjie rolled her eyes at him, then said worriedly, "But what you did ? Aren't you afraid of exposing some clues? "    


There must be some clues!" "However, as long as these people don't match up with Zhang Ximing in a verbal statement, this matter will naturally be let off the hook!    


Yun Long laughed, then said: "Xiao Jie, don't worry, I will definitely do it!"    


< p > "Err..." That... Well, you must be careful! "Don't make it too big!"    


Seeing that Yun Long had already made up his mind, he did not continue to say anything, but chose to warn him, and allowed himself to "show his full potential".    


Got it.    


"Hur hur, got it. I know what I'm doing!"    


Yun Long nodded, then said to Zhou Bingjie: "Xiao Jie, wait for me here. Once I finish dealing with this, come back and bring you out of here!"    


< p > "Oh!" Got it ? Yun Long, you ? "How long are you going to be gone?"    


Zhou Bingjie asked nervously.    


< p > "It shouldn't be too long, it shouldn't take more than 2 hours!" Xiao Jie, don't worry! I'll go out first. "    


Yun Long said as he carried the unconscious Dao Ba out of the warehouse gate.    


< p >    


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