Beauty-accompanying Manual

C231 Paroxysmal asthma

C231 Paroxysmal asthma

0Liu Yanmei was startled, and immediately asked him: "Uncle Ceng, what medicine did you just eat?"    


< p > "Antitussive syrup, and then..." He even drank a cup of cold water! "Cough, cough ?"    


The middle-aged man replied, coughing.    


Then it shouldn't have reacted so violently!    


Liu Yanmei was startled.    


< p > "I don't know how to..." Suddenly ? Cough, I'm going to die... "Cough, cough ?"    


The middle-aged man coughed to the point where he squatted down and sat on the floor.    


< p > "Err..." Secretary Zeng, are you alright? "    


Li Xiankai never thought that the middle aged man would suddenly have asthma at this time.    


"Uncle Ceng, I suggest that you come with me to the hospital immediately and have a proper check-up!"    


When Liu Yanmei saw the middle-aged man's purple complexion, she, as a doctor, naturally knew that his asthma attack was severe.    


< p > "Ah!" Now in the hospital... "Then I ?"    


Li Xiankai panicked. The feast that he meticulously prepared was about to be ruined.    


Director Li, Uncle Ceng's condition is more serious, so we must send him to the hospital immediately!    


Liu Yanmei explained.    


< p > "Oh, that..." "Alright then!"    


Li Xiankai said helplessly.    


Just then, Yun Long, who had been silent all this time, spoke out: "It's too late to send him to the hospital now, because his asthma was stimulated and suddenly broke out. If he does not take measures to give emergency treatment within ten minutes, he will be shocked! "The disease will get worse ?"    


< p > "Ah!" Yun Long, is what you said true? "    


Liu Yanmei was startled, and immediately asked Yun Long.    


"En, this uncle's body is relatively weak, and he didn't have a good rest in the first place. He just rode the car here and experienced some car sickness, plus he originally had asthma, and he probably drank snake gall cough syrup. That cold effect caused his illness to become serious!"    


Yun Long explained.    


< p > "Oh!" What you said makes sense! "    


Liu Yanmei is also a doctor, upon hearing Yun Long's explanation, she naturally understood, and anxiously said: "This place doesn't have any emergency treatment equipment, we should send him to the hospital, only then would we be able to take the first aid measures!"    


< p > "Don't worry, let me take a look first!"    


Yun Long saw that the middle-aged man's complexion was strange, and his heart was moved. He moved forward and squatted, extended his hand and placed it on the middle-aged man's pulse, and took his pulse.    


Yun Long's expression changed again. He immediately reached out his other hand and pressed against the middle-aged man's chest.    


< p > "Ah!" Pain! It hurt so much! "Cough, cough, cough ?"    


Being suppressed by Yun Long like this, the middle-aged man immediately cried out in pain and started to cough violently.    


< p > "Ah!" Uncle Ceng, how do you feel? "    


Liu Yanmei was shocked upon seeing this, and then, he complained to Yun Long: "Yun Long, Uncle Ceng always had a stuffy chest, why are you suppressing him so hard?!"    


Yun Long said, "I am helping him inspect his body! His condition is quite special, and it's not just asthma! "    


< p > "Oh?" You mean... Uncle Ceng has other complications? "    


Liu Yanmei was shocked.    


< p > "Yes, that's right!"    


Yun Long nodded and said.    


< p > "What's the reason?" There are so many advanced equipment in the hospital, can't you check them all these years? "    


Liu Yanmei asked curiously.    


At this time, the middle-aged man finally managed to catch his breath and said, "These few years, I've been to the hospital to check my heart and lungs. I've done all sorts of X-rays, and the doctor told me that my body isn't too good. If you want to treat asthma, then you have to treat the lungs, but it doesn't change. I think it's probably because my body isn't too good in the first place ? "    


The middle-aged man sighed and said.    



> "Indeed, you need to remove the clot in your lungs to be able to cure this type of asthma. It's difficult to do it with just medicine and acupuncture, but your health isn't good, Uncle Ceng. Even if you do surgery, you'll easily relapse later on!"    


Liu Yanmei nodded and said.    


< p > "That's not the main reason!"    


Yun Long suddenly said, and then said: "There should be another reason ?"    


< p > "Oh?" "What's the reason?"    


This made Liu Yanmei curious.    


Yun Long did not directly answer her question, but instead asked the middle-aged man: "Uncle, a few years ago, did you eat black fish and then accidentally get stuck in the throat with it? and then forcefully swallowed it? "    


< p > "Hm?" Yes, you ? How do you know so clearly? "    


The middle-aged man asked Yun Long curiously.    


"Oh, I deduced it from your situation!"    


Yun Long said.    


"En, the situation is as such. That time when I went to work in the countryside, I ate at a fellow villager's house, and after killing a few black fish, I was invited to eat and drink. The black fish's taste was so delicious that I couldn't help but eat a few more bites. "I accidentally got stuck in my throat with a fish bone. At that time, the situation was quite serious and I almost went to the hospital. I drank half a bottle of vinegar and forcefully swallowed it before swallowing it."    


The middle-aged man explained, then asked Yun Long: "Little brother, is this related to my old asthma?"    


< p > "Of course it does!" And this reason, is the main reason why you get asthma and can't recover from it even after a long period of time! "    


Yun Long said.    


"Uh, are you saying that my old asthma was caused by the fish bone I swallowed a few years ago?"    


The middle-aged man was very surprised.    


Yeah, if there's nothing wrong with my test, that's how it should be!    


Yun Long actually nodded his head.    


< p > "How many years can this fish bone stay in my body?" And then you got me with asthma? Little brother, what you said was too outrageous!? "    


The middle-aged man widened his eyes with a look of disbelief on his face.    


< p > "Although this may seem a bit exaggerated, but according to the information I've gathered, it's indeed the case!"    


Yun Long nodded his head, then reminded him: "When you were sick just now, that fish bone had moved along with your cough to your heart, if you did not take immediate measures to melt that fish bone, big problems would have happened!"    


< p > "Ah!" That serious? Excuse me, little brother, which hospital are you from? Is she the same as my niece, Little Liu? "    


The middle aged man was shocked and asked Yun Long.    


"I'm not an official doctor!"    


Yun Long shook his head and said.    


< p > "Ah?" That... "You're not a doctor, how can you pull these things out?"    


The middle-aged man's expression changed.    


At this time, Liu Yanmei quickly stepped forward and said, "Uncle Ceng, he's the Yun Long who helped Secretary Zhao cure the pain in his back!"    


< p > "Hm?" He ? He was able to cure Secretary Zhao's Chinese medical treatment?! "    


The middle-aged man was extremely surprised, "Why is he so young? I thought it was an old Chinese doctor! "    


"Hehe, he's still in university. He's not that old after all!"    


Liu Yanmei laughed, glanced at Yun Long, and said: "Uncle Ceng, you are one of Secretary Zhao's people, even Secretary Zhao was cured by Yun Long, why not let him treat you too!"    


Little Liu, is he really that good?    


The middle-aged man was tempted. However, his cautious nature made him ask another question.    


"Hehe, I am a doctor myself, but I believe in Yun Long. He should have a way to cure your old asthma!"    


Liu Yanmei said with a smile.    


Hearing that even Liu Yanmei had made such a promise, the middle-aged man's heart was moved ? Do you really have a way? "    


The middle-aged man immediately asked Yun Long.    


< p > "Err..." "There are some ?"    


As Yun Long spoke, he even glanced at Liu Yanmei.    


"Yun Long, do you know who he is?"    


Liu Yanmei suddenly asked Yun Long.    


< p > "Of course not ?"    


Yun Long immediately said.    


"He is my uncle, Zeng Mingquan from the City Council Secretariat, the secretary of Secretary Zhao Qizheng!"    


Liu Yanmei introduced, then glanced at Li Xiankai who was at the side, and said: "The guest Chief Li has invited is him!"    



< p > "Oh!" So it's Secretary Zhao's secretary! "    


Yun Long finally started to understand. So the person Li Xiankai invited to the feast was actually the secretary of the city council. Then, there must be something that needed his help with!    


"Yun Long, since you've discovered the true crux of the problem, then help Uncle Zeng treat it!"    


Liu Yanmei said again.    


< p > "Yes!" Right! Right! Student Yun, you are the holy hand of traditional Chinese medicine. If you are willing to step forward, you will definitely help Secretary-General Zeng recover! "    


Li Xiankai also said eagerly.    


"Little brother, they all said that you're okay, so I'll trouble you to treat them for me!" Yun Long said with a smile. I believe in you! "    


As Zeng Mingquan spoke, he said to Yun Long in a pleading tone, "I have been suffering from this illness for several years. If little brother is able to treat me, I will definitely repay you well!"    


He even used a lot of conventional treatments to relieve cough, acupuncture, massage, cupping, ointment, injection, and even traditional Chinese medicine ? Anyway, he took a lot of them, even went to the hospital a few times, and the hospital was at a loss as well. This kind of fatal asthma cough never managed to get rid of its effects, and instead, it became more and more prone to making a report in advance to recuperate and recuperate!    


Although he still looked normal on the surface, he couldn't do any more intense movements; even a slight sneeze would leave his chest stuffy for a long time, and cause him to cough half to death...

< p > > "Oh!" Fine! But I need to prepare something special! "    


Yun Long nodded and agreed.    


He could be said to be a person that countless of people wanted to curry favor with. Yun Long was not a child, so he naturally knew this, and now that Zeng Mingquan had even asked for it, Yun Long would definitely treat him.    


Furthermore, Yun Long had another goal, which was to make Gao Jingming and the others, who had been hiding at the side and hoping to see some excitement, "widen our horizons".    


"Oh, Yun Long, what do you want to prepare? I'll think of something immediately. "    


Liu Yanmei immediately asked.    


Actually, as a doctor, Liu Yanmei had an intense curiosity when she met with this kind of situation. What she wanted to experience the most was still Yun Long's miraculous Chinese medical skills, so she was the most eager and active.    


< p > "Oh, first I need a set of acupuncture tools! "If it's ordinary, then it's fine ?"    


Yun Long said to her.    


< p >    


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