Beauty-accompanying Manual



4When Murong Yingying stumbled to the door and rushed into the room, the scene she saw made her face redden.     3


It turned out that in the room, Yun Long and Zhou Mengjie were hugging each other, rolling on the bed of water and kissing passionately. Yun Long kept tugging at Zhou Mengjie's bathrobe with one hand while his other hand reached into her robe, and they even forgot to close the door!    


Murong Yingying couldn't care less now. She rushed over to the two of them and anxiously shouted, "You two stop right there, you two can just stop for now! Xiao Jie, Xiao Jie, she was captured! That guy in the evening brought a few men to catch her! "    


When Murong Yingying called out like this, both Yun Long and Zhou Mengjie were shocked. The two of them quickly separated, and although Yun Long's face was burning hot, he immediately asked Murong Yingying who had ran upstairs to catch his breath, "Oh, Sofia, you, don't be in such a hurry. Speak slowly, just now, you said that Xiao Jie …." What happened to her? "    


Murong Yingying grabbed Yun Long's shoulder and said urgently, "Xiao Jie was taken away by someone, she was kidnapped by that rich second generation young master that appeared in the evening, I saw him just now!"    


When Zhou Mengjie heard this, she was greatly shocked. She hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "Sister Yingying, don't be anxious. Are you saying that Xiao Jie was taken away by someone? Who is that person in the evening? "    


Murong Yingying said, "The man who wanted to give us the roses! When I was chasing after her, I saw Xiao Jie being held back by him from afar and Xiao Jie arguing with him. Then, one of the men he was leading suddenly knocked out Xiao Jie and tied her up in the car! "    


Zhou Mengjie's face immediately became pale as she immediately said, "Ah! Then let's call the police! Sister Yingying, did you remember the license plate number? Let the police check the license plate number of the car. They should be able to find them. "    


Murong Yingying's expression also changed. She shook her head and said, "Ah …" I was too anxious to take a closer look back then, so I wasn't able to do so.    


/p p "Ah..." What, what should we do now! "    


Zhou Mengjie's mind went blank.    


Murong Yingying frowned and said, "Ah, it's an emergency right now. I'm worried about the police. By the time the police find them, Xiao Jie might have already been bullied by those bad guys. You know, that's the most likely scenario!"    


/p p "Yeah!" How could he find them now? If anything were to happen to Xiao Jie … I... What should I do! "    


Zhou Mengjie's face turned even paler. Tears welled up uncontrollably from her eyes, and her body began to tremble!    


/p p "Mengjie, don't be hasty!" I'll find Xiao Jie! "    


At this moment, Yun Long stood up and said to Murong Yingying, "Sister Yingying, let's not delay this any longer. Bring me to the scene of the incident immediately!"    


/p p "Ah?" Yun Long, you... You have a way? "    


Murong Yingying was stunned.    


/p p "En!" "Yes, hurry up and bring me down to have a look. I hope there's still time to save them!"    


Yun Long nodded.    


When Murong Yingying heard Yun Long say that, she didn't ask anymore. She immediately turned around and ran downstairs. Yun Long also quickly changed his clothes and ran after her.    


A few minutes later, Murong Yingying and Yun Long arrived at the scene where Zhou Bingjie was taken away.    


Yun Long first went up to check the scene's traces, then squatted down and laid on the floor to smell. Because his sense of smell had evolved to be more developed than that of a police dog, but the difference was not too far!    


Moreover, Yun Long soon discovered that he could smell Zhou Bingjie's scent as well as the smell of a few men in the air. However, one of the odors was quite strong and had a bad foxy smell to it.    


"Sister Yingying, what kind of man took Xiao Jie away?" It should not be the second generation rich today! "    


Yun Long stood up and asked Murong Yingying.    


"Oh, it wasn't that guy who knocked Xiao Jie out. He just stuck Xiao Jie here. Then, another man with Dao Ba on his face suddenly jumped down and knocked Xiao Jie out, took her sportscar and ran over that way!"    


Murong Yingying gestured like she was waving her hands as she pointed to the intersection in front of them.    


/p p "F * * k!" "A man like Dao Ba!"    


Yun Long immediately understood that the man with the fox-like smell must be the man who knocked Zhou Bingjie out!    


"Sister Yingying, do you have any leads?"    


Yun Long continued to ask. Right now, he had to quickly pinpoint the exact location of where Zhou Bingjie was taken away to.    


/p p "Err..." It seems … as if I heard them say something about the southern suburbs... What kind of abandoned garage... "If that's the case …"    


Murong Yingying said as she tried to recall.    


"An abandoned garage in the southern suburbs!"    


Yun Long was shocked.    


He raised his eyes and looked in the direction that Murong Yingying had pointed just now. Ahead of him, was the road to the outskirts of the southern region of Naiming City.    


At that moment, Yun Long made a decision in his mind. He immediately said to Murong Yingying, "Sister Yingying, Xiao Jie was probably taken to the southern suburbs by them. I'll go there immediately!"    


/p p "Ah!" You... You want to go alone? "    


Murong Yingying turned pale with fright, because she didn't know that Yun Long had such terrifying skills.    


/p p "Yes!" I must hurry on my way! "    


Yun Long nodded and said.    


/p p "But those people..." It seemed very fierce! You, you go alone, it will be very dangerous! We... Let's call the police immediately! "    


Murong Yingying said.    


It's the middle of the night. I'm afraid that if the police come to the scene and investigate, it'll drag on for too long. I'm afraid something might happen to Xiao Jie!" "So I'm going now!    


As Yun Long said this, he turned around.    


/p At this moment, Zhou Mengjie, who was chasing behind him, rushed over. She also heard Yun Long's words and saw him turn around. She was shocked and immediately shouted, "Yun Long, you... Don't go yet!    






Unexpectedly, Yun Long didn't turn around and only left her with one sentence: "Sister Yingying, I'll have to trouble you to take care of Meng Jie. Don't call the police!" "Wait for me to come back!"    


After he finished speaking, Yun Long's figure moved. He followed the remnant aura in the air, followed the University Road, and ran out of the road.    


Once they rushed out of the road, Yun Long didn't plan to intercept taxis at all, because at this time of day, there were very few passing by taxis. Even if there was a car, the driver wouldn't be willing to take an unfamiliar strong man like Yun Long out of the suburbs in the middle of the night!    


Luckily, it's already the middle of the night and there's almost no one on the street. Otherwise, with Yun Long's shocking running speed, people would definitely take him for a monster. After all, his speed is way too monstrous!    


Originally, Murong Yingying and Zhou Mengjie were worried that Yun Long would lose his mind and go do something stupid, but at this moment, the two girls were dumbstruck. That was because they saw Yun Long turn into a 'Superman' right in front of their eyes.    


It's the middle of the night. I'm afraid that if the police come to the scene and investigate, it'll drag on for too long. I'm afraid something might happen to Xiao Jie!" "So I'm going now!    


/p p "Oh!" Oh my god! Sister Yingying, are my eyes playing tricks on me? Yun Long, he... How can he run so fast? "    


Zhou Mengjie cried out with her eyes wide open.    


"I, I don't know either!" This guy … It seems to be even faster than a car! "    


Murong Yingying muttered in shock.    


However, Yun Long didn't notice that his actions had caused the two girls to be greatly shocked and stunned. His mind was only filled with thoughts of quickly rushing to the southern suburbs and finding Zhou Bingjie to save her.    


After the Second Level Gene evolution and transformation project, Yun Long's physical strength, strength, endurance and speed had already surpassed the limit of ordinary humans by several times. Thus, when he ran at full speed, the speed was also terrifyingly fast!    


The Olympic champion of the human world, running at a distance of 10,000 meters, took about 27 minutes to calculate that it would be over 40 kilometers per hour, while the champion of the animal world would be an antelope. It would be extremely fast and could reach up to 100 kilometers per hour.    


Yun Long's speed and endurance had completely surpassed that of an ordinary human, and he had also greatly surpassed the world champion of long-distance running. His running speed was even comparable to that of a cheetah!    


Moreover, the strength of his muscles, the potential of his bones, and the continuous burst of power allowed Yun Long to maintain a terrifying running speed. His speed was comparable to the speed of Zhang Ximing's sportscar!    


The distance between the southern suburbs of the Naiming City and the University Road wasn't too far, it was only around twenty kilometers. Thus, under Yun Long's full speed, they had already rushed all the way to the national road in less than half an hour.    


However, since the southern suburbs wasn't an important development zone for Naiming City, the surroundings of the national road appeared to be extremely desolate and desolate. Along the road, there were quite a few simple buildings and abandoned factories.    


Yun Long slowed down, took a few deep breaths, changed his breathing, adjusted his body and started walking along the national road, looking for the place where Zhou Bingjie might be kidnapped.    


At this time, a strong night wind blew, and a light rain soon began to fall in the air. Yun Long was secretly anxious, because with the ravaging of the stormy weather, the remaining scent clues in the air were blown away by the wind, becoming fainter and fainter!    


Yun Long knew that he had to grab the last chance as soon as possible to determine the approximate location of Zhou Bingjie's kidnapping. That way, he could at least narrow the search and locate her more easily.    


Just like that, Yun Long continued along the national highway for another ten minutes before he found the whereabouts of Zhou Bingjie. As time passed, the smell in the air had been completely washed away by the wind and rain!    


Yun Long, who was drenched, became depressed and anxious. He kept rubbing his hands, but his eyes also kept scanning the surroundings … "You can't be impatient, Xiao Jie should be nearby. That might be a rather hidden place."    


Yun Long comforted himself.    


Yun Long continued to search forward for a few minutes before he suddenly saw a piece of barren land on the side of the national road. From afar, he could vaguely see some old buildings scattered around.    


/p p     


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