Beauty-accompanying Manual



3Yun Long became even more excited. While feeling this strange stimulus, he sprinted down the mountain at an abnormally fast speed, and almost all the rugged terrain along the way, as well as the rocks and snow blocking the way, mud pits, and so on, were all skipped by him. Even for the more steep cracks, he whistled and leaped over them!     2


In addition to hurrying, there was another very important reason for Yun Long to do this. It was because he wanted to test his reaction speed, vision response speed, and coordination ability in all aspects of his body … The results of the test made Yun Long very excited and satisfied. In just 20 minutes, he had already carried Lina, including her 30 kg backpack, and rushed to a small hill at the foot of the mountain without any delay.    


Yun Long put down Lina, who was on his back, and revealed a proud smile. His body had strengthened several times after passing Genetic Engineering!    


Such a result was simply a surprise gift to Yun Long.    


Such a result was simply a surprise gift to Yun Long.    


Yun Long also understood now, no wonder why the "Evil Spark" was so strong.    


He would advise Genetic Engineering to do level 2 immediately because he knew that after he had such a strong physical fitness, he would be able to do more things that he wanted to do!    


The moment Lina landed on the ground, her legs went soft and she almost fell to the ground. She still hadn't recovered from her dizziness.    


Fortunately, Yun Long wrapped his arm around her slender waist, so Lina didn't fall face first onto the ground.    


After resting for two minutes, Lina finally recovered from the dizziness. She felt Yun Long tightly wrapped around her waist. When she instinctively raised her head, she immediately saw him staring at her full chest, which was heaving due to his rapid breathing.    


/p p "Dragon..." You know what! Sometimes you... "You're really bad!"    


Lina couldn't help but cast him a glance before saying, "You must have done it on purpose!"    


/p p "Heh heh..." Lina, you should now believe that I never lie! "    


Yun Long's face turned hot and he immediately changed the topic.    


/p p "Oh!" How amazing … I didn't expect you to actually be able to do it, I even felt that a secret cultivator like you, the elite soldiers of our Mi Country's Delta Special Forces are even stronger! I really wonder how such a body like yours could be connected out! "    


Lina was amazed.    


/p p "Heh heh..." The elite soldiers of the Delta Special Forces! The world is famous... "I heard that they have some skill. If I have the chance, I would really like to see just how strong they are!"    


Yun Long's interest was piqued. Now that he had this powerful body, he liked "Challenge" more.    


It was done!    


/p p "Heh heh..." If you are so interested, you can come with us to the Mi Country! Harry and I are acquainted with the top brass of the military! If there's a chance, we can really arrange for you to interact with our Mi Country's special forces elites! "    


Lina suddenly said with a smile.    


/p p "Oh, yeah!" Heh heh … When I have time, I will definitely make a trip to the Mi Country! "    


Yun Long's eyes lit up.    


Being able to communicate and spar with experts from all over the world was also the most effective way to test one's skill level. Yun Long, like many hot-blooded boys, had been a military fanatic since junior high school.    


From the movies and the various media, he learned a lot about Mi Country, Russia, and even the military knowledge of countries like Israel. Especially the elite special forces of these countries, they had always been Yun Long's targets of reverence and adoration!    


In particular, the superwarrior Rambo in the film First Blood series had always been one of Yun Long's favorite movie characters. In junior high and high school, he had even posted a poster depicting Stallone in his dorm room. In general, like many boys, Yun Long yearned to be a man with great power!    


/p p Now, Yun Long's body had evolved to such a powerful level. He had completed his initial dream and became a man with great power. If he could have such an opportunity, he would be able to "get close".    


Understanding the world's strongest military force was something Yun Long naturally wished for.    


/p p "Alright!" When you have time, I hope that you can go to Mi Country! I think you will like our country! "    


When Lina mentioned her country, her face was filled with a sense of pride.    


/p She's like the people from Mi Country in the Earth Section, she's like the person who treated the "strongest country in the world".    


Yun Long couldn't help but sigh with emotion. If Hua Xia Country could stand at the pinnacle of the world, then he would definitely be even more arrogant than Lina.    


/p p "Dragon..." If there's a chance, I really hope... You can go and develop your Mi Country! "    


Lina said to Yun Long in a gentle tone.    


/p p "Oh?" "Why?"    


Yun Long asked her subconsciously.    


"Our Mi Country possesses the best system in the world, the strongest nation, and also the country that is able to contain talents from different races and different fields! Someone like you will definitely be one of the hottest people around! "Furthermore, if you were to develop your Mi Country, you would be able to see me more often …    


Lina seduced him with an even more gentle and coquettish voice.    


/p p "Ok, wow..." When I have time, I will definitely go to the Mi Country, but now is not the time! "    


Yun Long said to her with a smile.    


/p p "Dragon..." To be honest, I sincerely hope that you can go to Mi Country with me! Don't you want to? Don't you want to have your place in America, the world's greatest nation, and realize the value of your life! You should know that there are many talented Chinese who have emigrated to Mi Country! "    


Lina said to Yun Long, still unwilling to give up.    


/p p "Heh heh..." I admit, Mi Country is indeed a powerful nation, but I am a Chinese. In terms of our country's development, although there is some disparity between us and your Mi Country, I believe that as long as we have a certain amount of time and space, our Hua Xia Country will catch up! As for the idea of transferring Mi Country s, I will not consider it for the time being! "    


Yun Long told her with a straight face, then added, "I think if there's a chance, I'll still do some things for my country!"    


When Lina heard this, a trace of disappointment flashed across her face. However, she quickly smiled and said to Yun Long, "Long!" You let me see the quality of a patriot! Hehe … If you ever change your mind, I will welcome you to go to the Mi Country at any time! "    


/p p "Heh heh..." It's hard for me to change my mind! But I will definitely go to Mi Country! "    


Yun Long answered her.    


/p p "Alright then!" As your good friend, I will look forward to your Mi Country journey. "    


Lina said with a smile.    


/p p "There will be a day like that!"    


Yun Long smiled and changed the topic, "Alright, Lina, wait here. I will go back to the mountain now and pick up Harry."    


/p p "Mmm..." Hurry up and come back, let Harry enjoy the "flying feeling" as well.    




"Haha …"    


Lina giggled.    


Yun Long waved goodbye to Lina and ran back towards the mountain. His speed was so fast that in less than two minutes, he disappeared from Lina's sight.    


Lina looked in the direction Yun Long disappeared in and muttered to herself, "What a mysterious man!" "I wonder how many more secrets he has."    


Of course, Yun Long didn't know what Lina was thinking. He was running madly up the mountain, displaying his physical strength, jumping ability, reaction speed and so on to the fullest extent, especially his speed and strength.    


/p In less than half an hour, Yun Long saw Harry. He was standing in front of a huge crevice in the valley, carefully climbing up. He was very clear that if he was not careful and fell into that crevice, it would be a tragic end!    


Yun Long saw Harry carefully crawling with his body, and a 'huge advantage' appeared in his heart.    


A mischievous smile appeared on his face. Then, he kicked off the ground and his body shot out like an arrow towards Harry.    


While Harry was concentrating on climbing through the crevice, he suddenly felt a black shadow above his head pressing down with a strong wind.    


He instinctively looked up and saw a huge black shadow pressing towards him. Harry cried out in fear: "F * ck!" The monsters are here again! "    


It turned out that Yun Long's speed was too fast. Harry didn't see his arrival clearly for a moment, but subconsciously thought of him as the monster that attacked him before.    


The Himalayan snowman!    


In the midst of his screams, Harry's hands turned soft and his feet actually slipped. His body fell down into the crack … Yun Long, upon seeing this, quickly somersaulted in the air and accelerated in the direction where Wu Tie had fallen. Then, he grabbed the collar of his neck and twisted his body in midair.    


After several jumps, Yun Long returned to the other side of the crack with Harry, whose face had turned pale with fright.    


/p p "Heh heh..." "Harry, we meet again!"    


Yun Long greeted the frightened Harry with a smile.    


/p p "My god!" So it's you … Not human! "Damn, I was scared to death by you!"    




Harry finally understood that it was Yun Long's prank.    


/p p "Heh heh..." As an outstanding mountaineer, you should have good psychological qualities to face all kinds of sudden situations! "    


Yun Long teased.    


/p p "Brother!" For people like you who have a strong mental fortitude, no matter how much fun you have, you will still scare them to death! "    


Harry complained with a lingering fear.    


"Haha, your sister isn't even afraid. As your big brother, what's there to be afraid of?"    


Yun Long said with a smile.    


/p p "Err..." Lina … Already at the foot of the mountain? "    


Previously, Harry was still a few dozen meters behind the two of them. From time to time, he was blocked by rocks, so he didn't know about the 'experiment' between Yun Long and Lina.    




"Yeah, your sister is currently waiting for us at the foot of the mountain. I'm here to pick you up!"    


Yun Long said to him.    


"Take me down. Oh, then lead the way, I'll follow you!"    


Harry nodded and said.    


You don't have to follow me, it would be faster for me to bring you down!    


Then, he dashed in front of Harry, and with lightning speed, grabbed the collar on the back of his neck. With one hand, he grabbed his belt, and with a move of his body, he leaped into the air, directly jumping down the mountain!    


/p p     


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