Beauty-accompanying Manual



4"It's like this. When you've reached that level, the beauty, figure, and all these external things will no longer be of particular importance. Instead, you'll have to pursue the comprehensive qualities within, as well as the difficulty of conquering it!"    


"Evil Spark!"    


He said.    


/p p "A woman like this..." There aren't many people on earth!? "    


Yun Long asked it again.    


/p p "Not many, but they exist!"    


"Evil Spark!"    


"For example, the princess of the royal family, the daughter of a large corporation, a superstar, a world-famous model, and so on. There are even women with special identities, or those with special physiques or abilities! These women all belong to the category of women that are extremely difficult to subdue! "    


/p p "Oh!" So it's like that … Whose women are you... It sounds like it really is hard to conquer! "    


Yun Long suddenly understood.    


"Gaga, master, using only your composite index to reach that level is possible!" To put it simply, there is no woman in the world that you cannot conquer! "    


"Evil Spark!"    


Ye Zichen smiled.    


"Oh, I wish I could have that day!"    


Yun Long said with a look of yearning.    




"Evil Spark!"    


He smiled and reminded Yun Long, "Master, you will soon reach the level of entering level 2, Genetic Engineering."    


/p p "Ah!" This Level Two Genetic Engineering … What are the conditions to be met? What changes and benefits will I get? "    


Yun Long hurriedly asked it.    


Gaga, after level two Genetic Engineering has completed his task, Master's changes will be very obvious, especially in the physical aspect. Strength, balance ability, physical reaction, speed, agility, jumping ability, brain vigor, learning ability, and even sexual functions will all be greatly improved!" "It's three to five times stronger than his current state!    


"Evil Spark!"    


He explained.    


/p p "Holy shit!" It was three to five times fiercer than now! My current condition is already very good! 3- to 5x, what does that mean!? "    


Yun Long exclaimed.    


In other words, when the time comes, Master's body will be able to surpass most of the humans on Earth and the Adepts on Earth.    


The same state!    


He was even stronger than them!    




"Evil Spark!"    


He said.    


/p p "Oh?"    








Was there really such a human in this world?    




Yun Long asked in surprise.    


/p p "Yes!"    


Of course there is. The history of human evolution, with millions of years, has reached the current population of over 6 billion. In these millions of years, there have been very little 'probabilities' in the history of evolution.    


This' probability '…    


Also known as "chance"    


When this "chance"    


In the history of biological evolution, humans with special abilities and abnormal body qualities would appear!    


There were very few of these humans, but they existed!    


Moreover, most of them were controlled by powerful or powerful organizations.    


In fact, the theory behind the existence of humans was similar to genetic modification. It's just that, master, you are using the genetic modification of the day after tomorrow, and those who are known as' adepts' are not the same.    


Most of them were genetic mutation or inherited from a family!    




"Evil Spark!"    


He explained.    


/p p "Oh!"    


My genetic modification is in progress the day after tomorrow, along with these innate 'superpowers'.    


What's the difference?    




Yun Long asked it.    


/p p "Of course there's a difference!"    


The Adepts    


Basically, they only had one or several superpowers. Due to the limitations and defects of their genes, they couldn't have too many superpowers!    


But master, you are completely different from them. Your body is the most systematic, most scientific, and most technological one of the genius scientists, Genetic Engineering. Not only can your body far surpass that of ordinary humans, but you can also accommodate more superpowers and skills!    




"Evil Spark!"    


Then, he added, "In other words, after you, Master, complete the three stages of Genetic Engineering, you will become a superhuman being, a true superhuman being!    


You are the "pioneer" of mankind.    




/p p "Oh!" So awesome! "    


Yun Long swallowed his saliva and said, "However, this goal seems to be very difficult!"    


/p p "Heh heh!" Of course … So Master, your top priority right now is to acquire as many of the System's upgrading points as possible and enter the process of Second Level Gene's transformation. That way, you can learn even more powerful skills! "    


"Evil Spark!"    


He said.    


"Oh, I know that, but I also need some time and opportunity to upgrade my system's skills!"    


Yun Long nodded and sighed.    


Hehe, Master, if you are able to subdue your sister-in-law, then the system will improve by leaps and bounds!    


"Evil Spark!"    


He suddenly reminded Yun Long.    


/p p "Oh?" Why? She … She's just an ordinary beauty, isn't she? "    


Yun Long asked hurriedly.    


"Hehe, her identity is indeed an ordinary beauty to other people, but to Master, she is an extraordinary beauty. From a human's point of view, she's your sister-in-law, so if you take her down, it would be considered an unending love, also known as a taboo love!"    


"Evil Spark!"    


He said.    


/p p "Yeah!" "That's right …"    


Yun Long nodded in agreement.    


"However, to Beauty-accompanying System, being able to subdue a beauty of this status is greatly beneficial to Master!"    


"Evil Spark!"    


He said again.    


/p p "Oh?" And why is that? "    


Yun Long asked hurriedly.    


/p p "Because the difficulty is high!"    


"Evil Spark!"    


He laughed strangely, "Because of the difficulty, if Master is able to complete this kind of conquest mission, then the system will get more points!"    


/p p "F * * k!" So that's how it was! That is difficult enough! "    


Yun Long said dejectedly.    


/p p "Heh heh!" As long as you are willing to work hard, anything is possible! "    


"Evil Spark!"    


Laughing weirdly twice: "So, I suggest for you to complete this high difficulty mission as much as possible! Then, you will feel that everything is worth it! Hehe, I'm done here. Master, you should think about it carefully.    




In a flash in the air, he turned into a golden light and quickly disappeared in front of Yun Long.    


/p p And Yun Long's consciousness was also in "Ark world"    


Returning in the middle, he lied down in the bathtub, his mind thinking about "Evil Spark".    


Meanwhile, in the room outside, Zhou Bingjie had also changed her clothes. Lying on the bed, her heart pounding violently, she recalled the moment she was together with Zhou Bingjie with a flushed face.    


Zhou Bingjie felt her heart beating faster and her face flushing red just as Yun Long and Zhou Bingjie were imagining things in their minds. The door was opened again by Zhou Bingjie.     4


Immediately after, Zhou Mengjie's voice came from outside, "Ah, Xiao Jie! Elder sister is back. Where are you? "    


Zhou Mengjie's arrival jolted Zhou Bingjie out of her reverie and also startled Yun Long, who was soaking in the bathtub!    


/p "Elder sister, I, I'm here!"    


Zhou Bingjie responded as she got up from the bed. She fixed her clothes, arranged her emotions, then opened the door and walked out.    


As soon as she stepped out of the room, she saw Zhou Mengjie in a black business suit standing in the living room with a bag of clothes and a bag of grapes in each hand.    


"Oh, Xiao Jie, this is your favorite grape. Here, take it to wash yourself and you can eat it."    


Zhou Mengjie said as she handed the bag of grapes to Zhou Bingjie.    


/p p "Oh, okay!"    


Zhou Bingjie stretched out her hand to take the grape. Suddenly, she remembered something and blushed. "Sister, brother-in-law …" He, he's in there. "    


/p p "Oh?" Your brother-in-law is here too?! "    


Zhou Mengjie was taken aback and somewhat surprised.    


/p p "Yeah!" He, he just came over too! "    


Zhou Bingjie hurriedly said.    


/p p "Oh!" Then Xiao Jie, you should have met him! "    


Zhou Mengjie asked.    


/p p "Yeah!" I can see it! "    


Zhou Bingjie nodded.    


/p p "Heh heh..." "Xiao Jie, what do you think about your brother-in-law?"    


Zhou Mengjie suddenly asked with a smile.    


He's very good, very good!    


Zhou Bingjie said hurriedly. She thought about her "encounter" with Yun Long.    


Her face was blushing, and she looked even more embarrassed.    


/p p "Heh heh..." Your brother-in-law really is a good person! "    


Zhou Mengjie smiled happily and said, "Big sister's luck is pretty good. I've met your brother-in-law, and only now do I have the chance to develop my career!"    


/p p "Oh!" Is that so? "    


Zhou Bingjie nodded absentmindedly. Then, she suddenly asked Zhou Mengjie, "Elder sister …" You love brother-in-law a lot! How long have you known your brother-in-law? "    


/p p "Err..." Heehee … "Xiao Jie, do you want to know the truth?"    


Zhou Mengjie asked her sister with a smile.    


/p p "This..." Of course I do! "    


Zhou Bingjie immediately nodded.    


"Actually, your brother-in-law and I have only known each other for about three days!"    


Zhou Mengjie said with a smile.    


/p p "Ah!?" What? Only three days!? You... You two are together? "    


Zhou Bingjie's beautiful eyes widened in surprise.    


It turned out that Zhou Bingjie had always thought that her sister and Yun Long had already known each other and were dating each other without her knowing. She didn't expect the truth to be like this … Xiao Jie, love is so strange, the moment two people's feelings come, they can be together! One did not have to go through a long period of understanding! "Anyway, love is something that is hard to explain …"    


Zhou Mengjie said with a smile.    


/p p "Oh!" That big sister … You... You and Brother-in-law, are you already … "Did that happen?"    


Zhou Bingjie asked in a low voice, her face blushing.    


/p p "Aiya, you little girl..." It's all about asking such questions! "    


Zhou Mengjie's face reddened before she giggled charmingly and said, "Your brother-in-law is an impatient man. If I didn't give it to him, he definitely wouldn't be willing, so … "Anyway, the relationship has already happened …"    


/p p "Oh..." He really did... It's an impatient man! "    


Zhou Bingjie nodded. Disappointment flashed across her eyes, but it quickly disappeared.    


"Since your brother-in-law is inside, I'll go in and call him out. We'll eat grapes together, and there's an important banquet tonight. I've already planned to bring you to attend. If your brother-in-law is also here, then it'd be better if we go together!"    


Zhou Mengjie said as she walked into the bathroom.    


Zhou Bingjie originally wanted to remind her, but she didn't know how to do so. Thus, she could only watch as Zhou Mengjie walked over.    


Zhou Mengjie walked to the door of the bathroom. She wanted to knock on the door, but found that the bathroom door was not closed. She frowned as a trace of doubt flashed across her face. After hesitating for a moment, she pushed the door open and walked in!    


/p p     


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