Beauty-accompanying Manual



2"Heh heh..." I hope so! "     4


Murong Yingying noticed something was amiss, but she did not say it out loud.    


At this moment, in a dark corner, Yun Long and Zhou Bingjie were chatting quite happily. Moreover, as the two talked, the topic and scale of their conversation became even larger … "Brother-in-law, when did you fall in love with my sister?"    


Zhou Bingjie took the initiative to ask Yun Long.    


/p p "Err..." Your sister and I... In fact, counting the time we've known each other, it's not even been a week! "    


Yun Long said to her.    


/p p "Wow..." Then, don't you guys just love each other! "    


Zhou Bingjie's eyes flashed with a hint of surprise. Her face reddened slightly as she sighed emotionally, "I didn't think that my mature and steady sister would do such a crazy thing!"    


/p p "Heh heh..." "It's very difficult to use a normal eye to measure emotions …"    


Yun Long smiled and said, "Your sister and I have only known each other for a short time, but I really love her!"    


/p p "Mmm..." I can see that too... She likes you too! She said, "You helped her complete her dream of starting a business!"    


Zhou Bingjie nodded, and then said, "She also told me that you had given her almost all of your savings to develop your business! There were tens of millions of dollars in that amount! Is that true? "    


/p p "Heh heh..." I saved some living expenses for myself. I'm still a university student anyways, so there's no need to spend so much! I might as well take advantage of my youth and start a career! It just so happens that your sister has a talent for business, and she's also my girlfriend. Of course I believe in her, so when I invest, she's in charge of the operation! "    


Yun Long explained with a smile.    


"Brother-in-law, you treat my sister so well!" Sigh … I don't know if I'll ever find a man as good as you. "    


Envy flickered in Zhou Bingjie's beautiful eyes.    


"Hehe, Xiao Jie, you're so beautiful, you can definitely do it."    


Yun Long smiled and said to her.    


Brother-in-law, why are you so good to my sister?" "He has only known her for a few days, yet he dares to pass so much money to her!    


Zhou Bingjie was curious about this question.    


/p p "Err..." Your sister is my girlfriend, so it's normal for me to give the money to my girlfriend! "    


Yun Long blurted out the question without thinking.    


/p p "Oh!" "So it's like that …"    


Zhou Bingjie nodded, as if she understood something. She suddenly lowered her voice, blushed, and asked Yun Long, "Brother-in-law, can I ask you a very personal question?"    


/p p "A very personal question?"    


Yun Long was stunned. He felt that Zhou Bingjie's question might be related to the relationship between men and women. He immediately became excited and nodded. "Sure, you can ask!"    


/p p "You guys..." Is it only after you have had sex with a woman that you really believe her? "    


As expected, Zhou Bingjie asked such a "very profound" question.    


is not available.    


/p p "This is …"    


Yun Long thought about it and said, "That should be about it..." Actually, it might not be so! However, from my point of view, I do feel that after having a close relationship with a woman, I will like her more, trust her more, and be more willing to give my all for her! "    


/p p "Oh!" So it's like that … That... It's best if this woman has never had a boyfriend before or is a virgin. That's why you treat her so well, right? "    


Zhou Bingjie blushed again as she asked him.    


/p p "Err..." In theory, such a probability was indeed high. As a woman, your sister was willing to give her first time in her body to a man. That was equivalent to completely trusting me, or perhaps she truly liked me! "As a man, I naturally have special trust in her!"    


Yun Long explained.    


/p p "Oh..." Do you know? My big sister is a great beauty, there are many men who want to woo her, but she is very arrogant and doesn't like those men. To be honest, there are quite a few among those men who are better qualified than you! And you're the only one who succeeded in taking away my sister's first time! "    


Zhou Bingjie blushed and continued to ask, "Brother-in-law, you..." How did you do it? "    


/p p "Oh..." "Regarding this question, you can actually ask your sister. I also want to know why she took a fancy to me, hehe …"    


Yun Long said with a smile.    


/p p "Disgusting..." "Brother-in-law, you're intentionally keeping me in suspense …"    


Zhou Bingjie rolled her eyes at him, but she still didn't give up and continued to ask, "Brother-in-law, just tell me about it. Just let me learn it, okay?"    


/p p "Learn?" Xiao Jie, this process is extremely inappropriate for children! "    


Yun Long said to her with a smile.    


"Aiya, I'm already considered a university student. I'm already an adult, so I don't need to talk about things that aren't suitable for children. Brother-in-law, just tell me, I'm fine with it."    


Zhou Bingjie's face was flushed, but her voice was firm. It seemed like this little girl was particularly interested in this matter!    


/p p "Err..." Do you really want to know all this? "    


Yun Long looked at Zhou Bingjie's beautiful face and his eyes flashed with excitement.    


/p p "Mmm..." I especially want to! "    


Zhou Bingjie's eyes also flickered with anticipation and excitement.    


/p p "It's really not appropriate for children!" Besides, I will describe it in great detail! You really want to hear it? "    


Yun Long deliberately said in a naughty tone.    


/p p "Oh..." Listen! Why didn't you listen! I'm an adult, anyway! This Procedure... If it's detailed, then so be it. I'll just treat it as studying. Even high school students have physiological and health lessons in this area! "What's there to be afraid of!"    


Zhou Bingjie said with a blush.    


/p p "Alright, you said so yourself!"    


Yun Long smiled evilly and nodded. Then he looked around with a guilty look. Noticing that no one was paying attention to him, he made up a "romantic process" to get to know Zhou Mengjie.    


After that, he started to tell Zhou Bingjie about the "bed incident" between him and Zhou Mengjie.    




/p p "That day..." It's the first time your sister has ever been, so she's very nervous, and when I try to get into her body, she's trembling all over, and I can feel it... So I kissed her very gently and caressed her … "    


Yun Long used a low voice to describe the moment of ecstasy between him and Zhou Mengjie.    


Yun Long used a low voice to describe the moment of ecstasy between him and Zhou Mengjie.    


As well as the reactions of both men and women, especially when it came to Zhou Mengjie's reactions, Yun Long added extra fuel to the fire by describing the beauty of this action. He even described Zhou Mengjie's reaction and expression when she reached her climax in detail!    


Zhou Bingjie initially listened carefully with her beautiful eyes, but the more she listened, the hotter she felt. She even heard Yun Long describe the "in in in in out out out".    


As she did so, she felt a warm sensation between her legs, as if a moist liquid had been secreted. That feeling was strange, but it was very exciting!    


When Yun Long finished describing the process, Zhou Bingjie's trembling body gradually calmed down. She let out a long sigh, and her face was covered by a layer of alluring crimson. In her mind, she even felt the illusion that the detailed process described by Yun Long was something she could 'empathize with'.    




Very tight!    


Zhou Bingjie discovered that this feeling was as if Yun Long was carrying out this process on her … This made her feel a kind of incomparable excitement and guilt similar to a clandestine love affair!     


The combination of these complicated emotions had an inexplicable chemical effect. Therefore, when Zhou Bingjie looked at Yun Long, there was an additional ambiguous feeling in her eyes … When Yun Long saw Zhou Bingjie's reaction, he could not help but feel 'successful' in his heart.    


In fact, he even felt that as long as he had the right opportunity, it was entirely possible for him to have some "romance" with Zhou Bingjie.    


Brother-in-law, why are you so good to my sister?" "He has only known her for a few days, yet he dares to pass so much money to her!    


/p p "Brother-in-law …" You... Good or bad! to go so far as to say such things in such detail... "She blushed …    


Zhou Bingjie quietly said as she rolled her eyes at Yun Long after her mood had calmed down a little.    


/p p "Heh heh..." You sure are engrossed in this! "    


Yun Long smiled. He gathered up his courage and asked her with a naughty expression, "Xiao Jie, you're not just blushing are you?"    


/p p "Aiya..." Brother-in-law, you … "You're too bad!"    


Zhou Bingjie couldn't help but feel embarrassed by Yun Long's words. She couldn't stand it any longer and actually stood up to run away.    


However, when Zhou Bingjie stood up, she immediately felt the indescribably slippery and wet feeling under her body. It was extremely uncomfortable, and it also had a faint smell. She was afraid that if she walked out like this, she would be easily discovered.    


"Xiao Jie, I, I was just joking with you, you …" Are you alright? "    


Yun Long hurriedly asked with concern when he saw her sit down.    


/p p "I..." I'm fine! Brother-in-law, stop saying these things, okay? "    


Zhou Bingjie's face turned red.    


/p p "Oh!" Understood! Understood! Then I won't talk about this anymore... I already said before that children aren't suitable! "    


Yun Long smiled evilly and nodded.    


Zhou Bingjie glared at him fiercely, her face burning once again. What happened between us today... You... "Don't you dare tell my sister!    


Zhou Bingjie blushed as she whispered to Yun Long.    


She mustered her courage to say these words to Yun Long. After all, what happened in the bathroom today was something she couldn't forget, something she would never forget.    


When Zhou Bingjie recalled Yun Long's fiery and tough body, she immediately placed it behind her and was about to 'break the door open and enter'.    


when it comes down to just "learning.    


Oh, yes!" I will never tell your sister about this, it's a secret!     


Yun Long immediately nodded.    


/p p "Mmm..." This is a secret between the two of us! "    


Zhou Bingjie agreed with this point and emphasized, "Whoever spouts nonsense will become a puppy!"    


/p p "Puppy dog!?"    


Yun Long was stunned, then he smiled: "Right, whoever says it will be the little dog!"    


/p p "Mmm..." Then let's pull the hook! "Let's make a promise together!"    


Zhou Bingjie held out her soft hand to Yun Long as she spoke.    


/p p "Alright!" "Just pull the hook!"    


Yun Long smiled. As expected, Zhou Bingjie had the temperament of a young girl.    


/p p     


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