Beauty-accompanying Manual

C140 Mysterious sanatorium

C140 Mysterious sanatorium

3After Mu Yingxue heard this, she also nodded his head and did not speak anymore. Instead, she lowered his head and started to ponder, as if she was thinking about something.    


Seeing her like this, Yunlong was too embarrassed to ask, so he looked outside and saw that the car was speeding and getting farther and farther away. Half an hour later, they were completely out of town, heading to the northern suburbs, and a few minutes later, they turned into a fork in the road.    


After driving along the fork in the road for about ten minutes, a green mountain appeared in front of him. There was an incomparably quiet asphalt road that led straight into the valley, but Yun Long had never thought that there would actually be such a place on Naiming City ?    


Originally, Yun Long wanted to talk with Mu Yingxue, but he didn't think that she would fall asleep while leaning against the sofa. Furthermore, unknowingly, her head was leaned against Yun Long's shoulder.    


Only now did Yun Long know that she must have been really busy recently, that was why she was so tired. Therefore, he didn't wake up, and after about an hour, the car finally stopped in front of a strange sanatorium located in the northern suburbs.    


Yun Long didn't even know where he was. There wasn't even a sign at the entrance of this strange nursing home, but there were two rows of soldiers standing guard.    


Other than the sentries, there were also two military dogs standing by the door. They had blood-red tongues and if it wasn't for someone pulling them, they would have jumped into the carriage with a pounce.    


At this moment, an officer stepped forward, saluted, and stood solemnly in front of the Audi.    


In the Audi limousine in front of them, one of them showed his ID. After a strict examination of the officer's ID, the two cars were released and slowly drove into this rather mysterious sanatorium ? It was rare to see soldiers in uniform in the inner courtyard, but they could be seen everywhere. There were a lot of sturdy security personnel wearing black suits with earphones around their neck, guarding the surroundings.    


Through the window, Yun Long understood the basic situation through his keen senses and limited military knowledge. The security in this sanatorium was extremely tight, to the point that it was frightening!    


This was because, no matter which direction they barged in, they would not be able to break out of the mansion. Yun Long even knew that they had already arranged for the ranged snipers to shoot from the direction they came from, if there was even the slightest abnormality, they would be able to kill them all in one fell swoop!    


This scene caused Yun Long to feel extremely nervous. He suddenly understood why Mu Yingxue said that the patient's identity was unique, to think that the patient was able to live in this sanatorium, he was definitely not an ordinary person!    


At this time, the car stopped in front of a small white building, causing Mu Yingxue to wake up from her sleep.    


He discovered that he was leaning on Yun Long's shoulder and couldn't help but exclaim softly. His beautiful face was flushed red as he whispered to him, "Sorry!"    


< p > "It doesn't matter..."    


Yun Long smiled at her.    


< p > "Oh!" He had already arrived! This place... This is my first time here! "    


Mu Yingxue said.    


In the Audi limousine in front of them, a black suit with a buzz cut walked out. A tanned, square-faced man around the age of twenty-seven quickly walked over and opened the door. He said expressionlessly: "Mr Yun, Miss Mu, both of you, please get off!"    


< p > "Thank you!"    


Yun Long and Mu Yingxue nodded at the same time, and got off the carriage at the same time.    


< p > "Please follow me."    


The square-faced man in the black suit said as he led the way into the building.    


The small white building was facing north, surrounded by several huge bayan trees. The decorations inside were simple, but it gave off a dignified and inviolable aura.    


When they reached the second floor, the square-faced man in the black suit suddenly stopped in front of a room near the stairs and knocked lightly on the door.    


< p > "Enter."    


A man's voice came from inside the room.    


Therefore, the square-faced man in a black suit reached out to push open the door, then stepped aside to welcome Yun Long and Mu Yingxue in.    


Once he entered, Yun Long discovered that he was in a conference hall, with a huge oval table in the middle.    


Around the table sat a dozen men and women, all of at least quite young, dressed in white doctor's clothes.    


From the looks of it, they seemed to be one-sided medical professors or experts of some sort. They were sizing up Yun Long and Mu Yingxue who had just entered the room with astonished eyes.    


Due to the appearance of these two people, they seemed a little too young among this group of people.    


The appearance of Yun Long and Mu Yingxue first aroused the astonishment of the medical experts in the meeting room. Their gazes were focused on the two of them.    


It was no exaggeration to say that her appearance had completely attracted the gazes of all the men in the hall. This was the effect of a beauty, a real beauty, being able to successfully attract a normal man just by standing there, it had nothing to do with their age, it was a virtue that had always existed under the heavens!    


< p > "Cough..." Cough ? Everyone, quiet down! "    


At this time, a chunky, bespectacled middle-aged man, whose hair was carefully combed, stood up and said as he sat at the head of the meeting table.    


As his words left his mouth, the bustling crowd quieted down. It could be seen that this middle-aged fatty was actually the person in charge among the crowd.    


"May I ask Miss, are you a doctor as well?"    


The middle aged man adjusted his glasses and asked Mu Yingxue directly.    


He had even automatically forgotten about Yun Long, who was standing next to Mu Yingxue, because he felt that this young man did not matter ?    


Mu Yingxue pointed to Yun Long beside him.    


< p > "Is he a doctor?" The doctor in charge of the hospital? Or a professor at the medical university? Isn't he too young? "    


The fat middle-aged man looked at Yun Long in shock and said.    


< p > "Heh heh..." "No, he's a doctor of Chinese medicine."    


Mu Yingxue laughed and continued to speak: "His medical skills are passed down through generations, she's very powerful!"    


< p > "TCM?" No way! "Since when did so-called Chinese medicine become capable of participating in such a serious medical topic?"    


The middle-aged fatty frowned, disdain in his eyes.    


< p > "What do you mean?"    


Mu Yingxue frowned, her expression turning cold. She could naturally hear the contempt and arrogance in the fat middle-aged man's tone.    


"Oh, I don't have any other intentions. I just hope that you, Miss, won't be fooled by the so-called TCM. Even if that thing exists, it will still require a long period of exploration and research. I think that this kid is young, yet he dares to claim to be proficient in TCM. This isn't scientific!"    


Seeing that Mu Yingxue was displeased, the middle-aged fatty immediately started to pour dirty water on him.    


"Hehe, I only know a little about Chinese medicine. Moreover, I came here today to help treat people for Miss Xue'er's sake, not to argue with you!"    


Yun Long said to the middle-aged fatty with a sneer.    


< p > "You're so scientific, how come you still can't find the cause?" Besides, he was brought here by me to treat Uncle Long's illness! I just want to do my best to save Uncle Long! "    


Mu Yingxue said coldly.    


< p > "Err..." Miss, you ? Who exactly are you? "    


The fat middle-aged man felt awkward and tried to change the topic.    


The truth was like this, their medical expert team gathered all the famous experts and professors from all the major hospitals in the country and stayed there. They had been busy for three months, and up until now, they still could not find the cause of their patients.    


< p > "Who I am has nothing to do with you!"    


The moment Mu Yingxue's temper flared up, he did not give the middle-aged fatty any face at all. After he finished speaking, he pulled Yun Long's hand and said: "Yun Long, let's go, ignore them!"    


As she spoke, Mu Yingxue pulled Yun Long away and left the meeting room without even turning back, leaving behind the middle-aged fatty and a group of people who were staring at each other, causing the situation to become extremely awkward. At this time, the square-faced man in a black suit walked into the meeting room, and the middle-aged fatty hurriedly asked: "Little Deng, that girl earlier ? Just who is it? "    


"Oh, she's the Mu Family's eldest miss, Mu Yingxue!"    


The square-faced man in the black suit gave a simple reply and left the meeting room.    


< p > "Ah?" What... The Mu Clan's Eldest Young Miss! This... "This is really ?"    


The fat middle-aged man cried out in alarm. As one of the three great families in China, the Mu Clan had incomparable influence, and Mu Yingxue was the young miss, the middle-aged man felt that he had suffered a tragedy after offending her.    


After walking out of the meeting room, Mu Yingxue's face carried an apologetic and uneasy expression as she said to Yun Long: "Yun Long, I'm really sorry. I, I didn't know something like this would happen ? I'm so sorry! "    


"Hehe, that's alright. I don't care about it. On the contrary, I don't even know them, nor do I rely on them for a living!" You don't have to feel so guilty. "    


Yun Long comforted her while smiling.    


"Yeah, I feel a lot better now that you think about it like that."    


Mu Yingxue nodded her head, she realized that Yun Long had the 'broadmindedness' that men should have.    


With his gentle demeanor, Fang Fang could not help but view him in a higher light.    


At this time, the square-faced man in a black suit also walked out of the conference room and followed the two of them. He then took the initiative to speak to Yun Long: "Little brother, you ? Are you alright? "    


< p > "I'm fine!"    


Yun Long shook his head, indicating that he didn't mind.    


I heard your conversation outside.    


The square-faced man in a black suit said, then said to Mu Yingxue: "Miss Mu, you are right! I will take him to see Commander Long right now! "    


< p > "Mhmm, okay!" "Then I'll have to trouble you."    


Mu Yingxue nodded politely.    


< p > "Err..." In order to avoid any unexpected situations, Commander Long is currently in the ICU. It's not convenient for people other than doctors and nurses to go in and visit him, so it's better for you to go to the resting room and wait for news, Miss Mu. "    


The square-faced man in the black suit said to her.    


< p > "Oh!" Uncle Long's condition was already so serious ? "Fine!"    


Mu Yingxue was surprised, then said to Yun Long: "Yun Long, sorry for troubling you!"    


< p > "En!" I'll do my best. "    


Yun Long nodded and followed the square-faced man in the black suit out.    


< p >    


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