Beauty-accompanying Manual



2Zhou Mengjie saw Yun Long's excited expression and guessed a few thoughts. She immediately blushed and said, "Young Master, you don't need to stay in the dorm anymore. You can just live in the garden area. It's also convenient for Meng Er to accompany you."    


/p p "Heh heh..." I think so too. "    


Yun Long nodded repeatedly. Zhou Mengjie was too considerate. It was worth it for him to continue "discussing" her with her.    


With Yun Long in tow, Zhou Mengjie walked along the University Road toward the garden district that was not far away from the Southern University.    


/p p Garden District is located in the west gate of the Southern University, adjacent to University Road, convenient transportation, and a very good environment.    


As soon as the two entered the garden, a security guard at the entrance came up to them with a small box in his hand. He passed it to Zhou Mengjie and respectfully said, "Miss Zhou, this is the key and magnetic card that Director Liu told you to give to your house!"    


/p p "Oh, thank you!"    


Zhou Mengjie politely thanked him and took the box. When she opened it, there were a bunch of keys and a magnetic card inside. She immediately understood that Liu Mingshan had already arranged everything for them.    


Therefore, Zhou Mengjie brought Yun Long directly into the small villa in the middle of the building.    


The set of buildings that Liu Mingshan gave was in the garden area. This set of buildings was more than 400 square meters, and it was very spacious. There were two floors and two balconies.    


What surprised Yun Long the most was that not only was the apartment luxurious, it was also equipped with some famous brand furniture. No wonder Zhou Mengjie said that it wouldn't be a problem to check in directly!    


Just as Yun Long was taking a look around the building, Zhou Mengjie's phone rang. She looked at the caller ID and saw that it was from Liu Mingshan. Curious, she pressed the answer button.    


However, Liu Mingshan's first sentence was actually to ask if she was with Yun Long. When Zhou Mengjie explained that she and Yun Long were touring the building, Liu Mingshan said, "You guys are fine, I've already sent someone to send you a mysterious gift!"    


Saying that, without waiting for Zhou Mengjie's question, Liu Mingshan let out a few weird laughs and hung up the phone.    


Just when Zhou Mengjie couldn't figure out what Liu Mingshan was trying to do, the door suddenly rang. A group of workers wearing the uniform of a moving company were standing at the door with a bunch of things. These things were all packaged, so it was hard to tell what they were.    


/p p "You guys..." What is he trying to do? "    


Zhou Mengjie couldn't help but ask them.    


/p "Oh, you are Miss Zhou Mengjiezhou, right?"    


one of the staff asked her.    


"Yes, I am!"    


Zhou Mengjie nodded.    


/p "It's like this. Boss Liu ordered us to send these items over. Please sign and accept them."    


The staff member handed her a list of items.    


Zhou Mengjie took the items and checked their list carefully. A rosy red cloud rapidly gathered on her pretty face. Other than normal furniture, the latest furniture and appliances were all made up of some kind of water bed worth 500 thousand RMB.    


With Yun Long in tow, Zhou Mengjie walked along the University Road toward the garden district that was not far away from the Southern University.    






Zhou Mengjie realized that the cunning old fox, Liu Mingshan, had kept the vulgar thoughts of a man. Her heart was beating like a little deer, because she had never seen such 'furniture' before.    


He quickly signed his name on the item list.    


When she had signed for them, the porters put them all in their rooms and left.    


Since the package was not opened, Yun Long didn't know what these things were. However, he noticed that Zhou Mengjie, who was holding the list of items, had a blushing face and looked extremely shy. He asked her curiously, "Uh, Meng Er, what's wrong?"    


Zhou Mengjie didn't answer his question directly, but said with a red face, "These pieces of furniture …" It was given to us by Director Liu... However, it's all very strange. Many of them even have power plugs. I, I don't even know how to use them. "    


/p p "Oh?" Strange furniture? "    


Yun Long was curious, so he first opened the largest package — surprisingly, it was a large, round pink bed!    


Yun Long felt that this bed looked familiar, so he laid on it and said, "Hmm, this bed is really comfortable, very soft. The design of those convex areas is really good, it really looks like a massage bed, but the color of this bed is very beautiful! Do you like Meng Er? "    


Zhou Mengjie was not as innocent as Yun Long. Although she had never used these sex toys before, she knew what they were used for.    


Zhou Mengjie recalled the wonders of introducing the interesting furniture on the internet and had curiously browsed through it. Now that Yun Long was using these embarrassing things with her, she blushed.    


For a moment, she didn't know how to answer Yun Long's question. She knew these things were all the interesting furniture that Liu Mingshan had given her. Right now, this apartment was already a romantic suite!    


Yun Long didn't notice her change. After lying on the pink bed for a while, he continued to study the strange 'furniture' with curiosity.    


When he got into the bathroom, he saw a huge, strange bathtub with labels beside it. It was the famous Italian KOS Dual Massage Illusion Colour Bath with a waterproof power supply!    


/p p "Wow!" Massage the colored bathtub! This thing... It should be very explosive! "    


Yun Long thought that he could try out this bathtub tonight and maybe even drag Zhou Mengjie to bathe with him. Thinking of this, he immediately had an urge to give it a try. He knew that Zhou Mengjie would definitely not reject him.    


Evil thoughts kept appearing in front of Yun Long. The more he thought about it, the more evil thoughts popped out of his mind!    


Thus, Yun Long's body couldn't help but react. He instinctively stuck his head out of the bathroom and purposely shouted towards Zhou Mengjie, "Meng Er, quickly come in and take a look. This bathtub is so strange, even I don't know how to use it."    


/p p Zhou Mengjie busily "Oh!    


"Yes." She walked into the bathroom. As soon as she saw the huge bathtub, she immediately understood what it was for. Her face was flushed as she stood there like a blossoming flower.    


At this time, Yun Long smiled and hugged her waist, a pair of evil hands moved across her body, and whispered in her ear, "Meng Er, let's try this bathtub, okay? It looks very interesting. "    


Zhou Mengjie was a beginner. She was filled with gratitude and love for Yun Long and naturally would not reject his request. However, she nervously said, "Young Master Yun … It's broad daylight! "No, it's not too convenient, is it?"    


However, Yun Long's mind was burning with that evil thought. He laughed evilly and said, "So what if it's broad daylight, no one here sees it, and Meng Er's figure is so great, I wanted to enjoy it a long time ago."    


/p As Yun Long said this, he held Zhou Mengjie up by her waist.    


/p Zhou Mengjie's symbolic "Oh!"    


With a shout, she obediently allowed him to do as he pleased.    


Yun Long couldn't wait to take off her clothes, so he put her into the bathtub, switched on the power, and pressed the switch.    


Suddenly, the bathtub began to function automatically. First, it was filled with appropriate water, and then, many bubbles sprayed out from the bottom of the bathtub. These bubbles carried a fresh fragrance, and they were multi-colored and had seven colored lights.    


Yun Long also quickly took off his clothes and angrily stepped into the bathtub.    


Zhou Mengjie shyly closed her eyes, but her body slowly opened up. Immediately, a passionate and delicate humming came from the bathroom. The great battle was about to begin!    


The two of them fought their way through the bathroom and into the room. They fought in the hall, then unpacked all the interesting furniture and rolled onto the bed again.    


Yun Long found the control switch of the big bed. It turned out to be a pink interesting big water bed with a remote control. After Yun Long turned on the big water bed, he fell down with Zhou Mengjie.    


She lazily laid on Yun Long's chest and drew circles on it with her finger as she said, "Oh! Oh my god! Young master, you're so bad, you've tortured me over and over again! Why do you seem to be... If you understand these, how do you use them? "    


Yun Long embraced her as he thought back to the 'battle'.    


His mood was straightforward as he embraced Zhou Mengjie and asked, "Hehe, I'm smart. I researched it myself. Meng Er, do you like it?"    


Zhou Mengjie slapped him on the chest coquettishly and said shyly, "You're so bad. You even managed to get into my place! It's still hot and spicy right now! "    


Yun Long opened his eyes when he heard this. Looking at the beautiful body in front of him, he felt a tinge of guilt in his heart, he was too greedy for pleasure, he had forgotten that Zhou Mengjie was his woman after all. Yun Long didn't want to treat her badly, so Yun Long said to her, "Meng Er, lie down, I'll try another move with you, it's a little special!"    


/p p "Ah!" Young Master... You... "You want to come again?!"    


Zhou Mengjie asked in a worried tone.    


/p p "Heh heh..." Don't be afraid Meng Er, I don't want to do that again! I want to help you massage your acupuncture points and help you recover! "    


Yun Long explained with a smile.    


/p p "Acupoint massage?" Recover? Young Master, you still know this move? "    


Zhou Mengjie asked curiously.    


/p p "Heh heh..." Not only did he understand, he was also quite proficient in it! "Come, lie down. I'll let you enjoy yourself for a bit, and you'll know."    


Yun Long laughed.    


/p p "Oh!" "Alright!"    


Zhou Mengjie nodded happily and lay down on the bed of water.    


Yun Long went up and warmed up his palms. Then, he began to use his "Ancient Chinese Acupoint Massage Technique".    




In less than two minutes, Zhou Mengjie began to feel comfortable all over her body. As Yun Long wanted to show off his skills, she couldn't help but start to chant.    


Her screams were originally suppressed, but with Yun Long's increasing strength and tricks, she finally could not hold it in anymore. She shouted louder and louder, and in the end, Yun Long consciously 'used his ultimate move'.    


After that, Zhou Mengjie even began to tremble as if she had been electrocuted …     


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