Beauty-accompanying Manual

C108 Liuyanmei

C108 Liuyanmei

2Then, he turned to the somewhat baffled Yun Long and said, "Yun Long, this is Liu Yanmei. She's the senior sister that I just spoke of ?"    


< p > "Oh..." Hello, Miss Liu, I am Yun Long! "    


Yun Long took the initiative to extend his hand, and politely said to Liu Yanmei.    


< p > "Heh heh..." My name is Liu Yanmei, I'm a willow tree's willow, a cloud of smoke, and I'm very charming ? I should be older than you, call me Sister Mei from now on! "    


Liu Yanmei laughed as she reached out her right hand to grasp Yun Long's hand.    


"Alright, then please take care of me, Sister Mei!"    


Yun Long held her hand and felt that it was very soft, very comfortable to touch, and also carried a warm and moist feeling. This feeling made Yun Long's heart race.    


< p > "Wow..." 'This woman's hands are really easy to touch ? ' Just like Han Lin, she was another top quality woman! Wow... "Just thinking about it makes me so excited ?"    


Fellow Yun Long's mind began to think evilly ? Yun Long already had quite a bit of "battle experience" at the moment.    


He could feel that the charm of a woman like Liu Yanmei came from the bottom of her heart. Just holding her hand was enough to make people's imagination run wild.    


Thus, he increased his strength by a few points when he held Zhou Mei Er's hand.    


< p > "Hee hee..." Handsome Yun Long, do you want me to take special care of you? "    


Liu Yanmei felt the strength in Yun Long's hands increase. She was startled at first, but then realized something, causing her face to flush a little red. However, she still allowed to hold his hands, and replied him with a beaming smile without batting an eyelid.    


"Oh, I, I didn't mean anything, I just hoped that you, Sister Mei... "Just take care of him in the future ?"    


Only now did Yun Long realize that it was Meng Lang. His old face heated up, and he wanted to withdraw his hand.    


< p > "Heh heh..." "Fine, seeing how intimate you are calling me Sister Mei, I think your relationship with Xiao Lin is really good?"    


Liu Yanmei smiled and asked Yun Long.    


< p > "Err..." Senior Sister, I, I, Yun Long ? "She's just a good friend that we've made not too long ago ?"    


Han Lin heard the other meaning behind Liu Yanmei's words and immediately explained with a red face.    


< p > "Oh?" We've only known each other for a short period of time and you've already become good friends? This really surprised me! Xiao Lin, this isn't like you at all! "You've always been hard on men!"    


Liu Yanmei asked curiously.    


"Aiya, Senior Sister, Yun Long, he's the person I told you about last time. He's the person who saved my father's life using a Chinese medicine!"    


Han Lin hurriedly explained.    


< p > "Oh!" Oh? Was it him? So young!? I really didn't expect this! "    


Liu Yanmei widened her beautiful eyes in shock.    


< p > "Heh heh..." I don't think so! Actually, I also wanted to specially find Yun Long to come participate in tonight's banquet so that he could get to know more friends from the medical realm. Also, Senior Sister, you have always had an intense curiosity and desire to explore Chinese medicine, so I believe that Yun Long will definitely have something in common with you ? "    


Han Lin laughed.    


< p > "Oh!" That's right, I have read quite a lot of books and theories about Chinese medicine in recent years. I've discovered that even though Chinese medicine is ancient and has been declining, it still has quite a few scientific theories as its foundation. In fact, many aspects of Chinese medicine, especially theories about the five elements of yin and yang, are rather difficult to understand ? As I have been studying in the United States for many years, I am not very proficient in Chinese. This is what makes me wonder... "However, I have a feeling that Chinese medicine is not as useless as many people think ?"    


When it came to medicine, the flirtatious expression on Liu Yanmei's face disappeared, and was replaced with a strict attitude.    


"Mn, I also agree with Senior Sister. Previously, I also had some prejudice towards Chinese medicine, but ever since I saw Yun Long's Chinese medical skills, I realized that my previous views were really too biased."    


Han Lin also nodded in agreement with Liu Yanmei's words.    


< p > "Heh heh..." "It seems like the two of you didn't know much about Chinese medicine before ?"    


Yun Long said with a smile.    


"Hmm, you can say that. In fact, up until now, I have always maintained a cautious attitude towards the therapeutic effects of acupuncture and acupuncture. After all, I have never seen any cases that were especially successful in this field!"    


Liu Yanmei said again.    


< p > "Heh heh..." If there is a chance, I will let you experience it. "    


Yun Long laughed.    


< p > "Hm?" Yun Long, you also know those acupuncture and acupuncture techniques? "    


Han Lin immediately asked curiously.    


Fellow Yun Long's mind began to churn with evil thoughts once more. Yun Long already had quite a bit of 'battle experience' at the moment.    


Yun Long smiled humbly.    


< p > "Oh!" Really! Then I really want to broaden my horizons... It's a pity that we don't have the chance now. "    


Liu Yanmei said.    


< p > "Err..." I'm not a doctor myself, so I don't have many opportunities to use these techniques. "    


Yun Long said.    


< p > "Heh heh..." Yun Long, don't worry. If you can open Senior Sister Liu's eyes, with her relationship with you, you will have a chance to treat anyone you want! "    


Han Lin said.    


< p > "Oh?" Really! "Then I really do have this thought, but unfortunately, I don't have the chance to use it right now ?"    


Yun Long immediately said.    


"No rush, we already know each other today. You'll definitely have a chance in the future!"    


Liu Yanmei laughed.    


< p > "Heh heh..." I hope this opportunity comes quickly! I also want to broaden my horizons. "    


Han Lin laughed at the side.    


< p > "I think the same, haha ?" "Come, let's toast!"    


Liu Yanmei laughed as she raised her wine cup.    


< p > "Oh, okay..."    


Han Lin also elegantly raised her wine cup.    


However, when Yun Long imitated their movements and raised his wine cup, something unexpected happened. His movements were not proper, and as a result, some of the red wine in the cup spilled out onto the floor.    


< p > "Err..." Hehe ? Yun Long, have you ever tried a Red Bar before? "    


Liu Yanmei laughed and asked him.    


In reality, Liu Yanmei had guessed it right. Although Yun Long had lived for a long time, it was still his first time in such a luxurious place, and he also didn't know much about red wine, so he didn't know about wine drinking etiquette and methods. He picked up the glass of wine, and in the end, he made a fool of himself, "Sorry, I'm still a university student, so I'm not familiar with these things. I haven't even learned it yet... "I've let you guys down, haha ?"    


Yun Long blushed and admitted it straightforwardly.    


< p > "Hee hee..." "It's okay, I like your frankness..."    


Liu Yanmei laughed and took the initiative to tell Yun Long about the etiquette towards the red wine and the things he should pay attention to. Liu Yanmei then raised the crystal glass in her hand and shook it gracefully, smiling as she said: "First, wake up this cup of wine."    


Yun Long curiously asked her, "Oh, why do you call it awakening? Sister Mei, do you even need to do this to drink red wine? "    


Liu Yanmei smiled tenderly: "Yes, red wine should be tasted but not drunk. Only by doing this will I be able to fully appreciate the true charm of red wine. In fact, many people within the Hua Xia Country do not drink red wine. A good bottle of wine had usually been sealed for many years, and when it was opened, there would be a strange smell coming from it.    


"To wake up is to pour the red wine into the wine wake bottle, to let the smell of the red wine dissipate. After the red wine has fully oxidized, pour the wine into the wine cup, shake it evenly, and the rich fragrance will leak out."    


After pausing for a moment, Liu Yanmei continued, "Tonight, the wine we serve is the real French grape wine. Look, this wine is evenly distributed and slightly brown in color.    


Yun Long couldn't help but say, "Ugh, looks like this bottle of red wine really uses quite a bit of effort."    


Han Lin, who was at the side, chuckled: "Of course, red wine has a very particular set of etiquette, even I don't know about it. It's fortunate that my Senior Sister Liu is an expert in this field, so these things were also taught to me by her."    


< p > "Oh!" Then I must learn from Sister Mei. "    


Yun Long said, and imitated Liu Yanmei's actions, as he lifted his wine cup and shook it.    


He didn't expect that Yun Long had no experience and couldn't grasp that technique. Adding to the fact that there were two great beauties staring at him from the side, he was clearly a little nervous and shook twice, causing a few drops to spill out.    


< p > "Puff..." Yun Long, you aren't shaking it like this. Relax, don't be nervous ? "    


Han Lin couldn't help but laugh.    


Yun Long's old face reddened, and his movements stiffened and swayed a few times. He still did not master any skills, so Han Lin just walked up to him and stuck close to him. "Look, it should be shaking like this ?"    


With Liu Yanmei and Han Lin, the two great beauties, chatting with him and they did not have any airs, so Yun Long was in a rather happy mood, humbly learning the etiquette regarding red wine.    


A wonderful smell wafted out from Han Lin's body and entered into Yun Long's nose, causing him to be extremely excited. However, Han Lin did not notice that she was still passionately imparting to Yun Long the skills she knew about the red wine.    


Fellow Yun Long's mind began to churn with evil thoughts once more. Yun Long already had quite a bit of 'battle experience' at the moment.    


He smiled and didn't say anything as he walked to the side to talk to the other customers.    


< p > "Yoho..." Lin'er, what are you doing? "    


< p > Just as Yun Long was saying that he was "unconfident"    


When he was learning the art of shaking the red wine from Han Lin, a male voice suddenly came from behind him.    


After hearing the voice, Han Lin's expression changed. She stopped her actions, turned around and followed suit.    


The original person who had appeared was shockingly the male school doctor that he had seen before, Li Fei!    


However, Li Fei was dressed in a proper Fan Zhe suit, shiny Herm's shoes, and a completely different set of bright Young Noble clothes. Even his hair was combed very smoothly, and with his originally handsome face, he looked like a young and promising young man!    


Yun Long, on the other hand, was casually dressed up. Even his entire body of clothes and pants, added up, was not even worth two hundred dollars!    


Compared to Li Fei, that level was as good as heaven and earth. It was completely like a drop in the ocean...    



Han Lin greeted Li Fei with an indifferent expression.    


Li Fei nodded. Once he saw Yun Long's appearance clearly, he was stunned for a moment, then furrowed his brows and asked Han Lin: "Why is he here?"    


< p > "I brought him here..."    


Han Lin said directly.    


< p > "Err..." "Lin'er, he doesn't seem to be suitable for this kind of occasion, does he?"    


Li Fei said as he looked at Yun Long with enmity in his eyes.    


< p >    


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