Beauty-accompanying Manual



4"Oh!" So it's like that, hehe … "You're welcome!"    


Yun Long finally understood.    


At this moment, Fang Yin had unintentionally taken off her black-rimmed glasses, revealing her originally exquisite face.    


When Yun Long opened his eyes, he saw that her pupils had dilated, and suddenly felt a stunning dizziness … It was because Yun Long noticed that Fang Yin's face was very beautiful, a classic oval face. Furthermore, she was plain looking, with no makeup on, and her long hair was draped over her shoulders.    


Moreover, because they were very close to each other, Fang Yin's body was emitting a faintly discernible fragrance. It was the unique scent of a virgin, which was very pleasing to the nose.    


The worst thing about Yun Long was his "habit" gaze.    


He slid down and stopped on Fang Yin's chest. His mind was quickly working on the 'empirical judgment'.    


The result was that Fang Yin's breasts were very big!    


And pretty!    


/p p "Wow!" This Fang Yin was too extreme. She was usually so conservative! I didn't expect it to be so good! "So fierce …"    


Yun Long couldn't help but howl inside.    


/p p "Yun Long..." You... Why are you looking at me like that? "    


Fang Yin felt Yun Long's strange gaze and was startled. She immediately asked him.    


/p p "Err..." Fang Yin, I didn't expect … You, you're so beautiful! "    


Yun Long suddenly said.    


/p p "Ah!" Yun Long, you... What do you mean by that? "    


Fang Yin was taken aback. Her rosy cheeks blushed with a radiant blush. She looked incredibly charming.    


/p p "Err..." Fang Yin, you look really beautiful without your glasses on! "    


Yun Long praised sincerely.    


/p p "Err..." This... You, you think so? Or are you just trying to make me happy? "    


Fang Yin's flustered mood had somewhat recovered.    


"I, I'm serious. If you change your image, you'll definitely be on our Southern University's School Beauty List!"    


Yun Long said again.    


/p p "Aiya..." Yun Long, please stop joking with me, I... I'm just an ordinary girl, and you … "If you say it like this, I … I'll feel very embarrassed …"    


Fang Yin's fair face was covered in a blush of shyness.    


/p p "No, what I said was the truth …"    


Yun Long hurriedly explained.    


Just at this moment, a figure walked over. Yun Long looked up and saw it was the beautiful doctor. He couldn't help but say, "Err …" Why is she here? "    


/p p "Who is it?"    


Fang Yin hurriedly put on her glasses and looked over, saying, "Oh, it's Sister Han. She is Prof. Han's daughter."    


Oh, I didn't expect Prof. Han to have such a beautiful daughter …    


Yun Long said.    


/p p "Heh heh..." "Yes, Prof. Han's daughter went overseas to study very early. This time, she just graduated from a famous medical university in the United States, so she's just temporarily helping out at the Southern University. Later on, she will transfer to the provincial medical university to be a doctor."    


Fang Yin said.    


Oh, so it's like that. Being a doctor at the Provincial Medical University is also a good job …    


Yun Long nodded and said.    


/p p "Good …" After all, he's a top student at a world-famous medical university. "    


Fang Yin laughed.    


While the two of them were talking, Han Lin had already walked in front of them. Fang Yin hurriedly stood up and shyly greeted her, "Big Sister Han, you're here."    




Han Lin nodded, then stretched out her hand, politely saying to Yun Long: "This student, my dad was lucky to have you help me this time, thank you so much! My name is Han Lin, Professor Han Feng is my father. "    


"You're welcome. My name is Yun Long, I'm also Prof. Han's student."    


Yun Long stretched out his hand to shake Han Lin's. He found that her hand was very soft and elastic, especially its smooth and delicate texture, with a little moisture in the palm.    


/p p "Wow..." Yet another top grade imperial sister! "    


This vulgar thought actually flashed across Yun Long's mind.    


/p p "Oh..." "Yun Long, I'm really sorry for troubling you about my dad. If it wasn't for you, my colleagues and I would have thought that he had a heart attack."    


Han Lin said.    


/p p "Heh heh..." "The miasma is a rare symptom, and when it is started, it is similar to a heart disease. The onset of disease is also very fast, so it is normal for people who are not familiar with Chinese medicine to not see it. Right, how is Prof. Han now?"    


Yun Long asked her.    


Oh, my dad is temporarily stable now. By the way, he..." "The one among him …    


"Could there be some side effects?"    


Han Lin asked Yun Long.    


/p p "Oh..." The remnants of the poison in his body have yet to completely disappear, so there might be some aftereffects. How about this, I'll prescribe a pill for him. "    


Yun Long immediately remembered a drug which was suitable for Professor Han Feng to use.    


Han Lin's eyes lit up. "You can prescribe medicine?"    


Actually, Han Lin was quite surprised that Yun Long was able to pull Han Feng back from hell. She did not expect Yun Long to be able to prescribe medicine!    


"Hehe, I have a piece of ancestral medicine that specializes in dealing with the miasma and miasma. I'll give it to you now, go and capture it according to the method above."    


Yun Long said.    


/p p "Oh, good!" "Thank you so much …"    


Han Lin said gratefully.    


/p p "You're welcome"    


As Yun Long said this, he took a pen and paper from Fang Yin and wrote out a set of prescription for Han Lin.    


/p p "Each pill will be taken from the realms of realgar, true pearls, N stone, peony peel, croton, hyacinth, and veratrum, with two centipedes, two leeches, three taels of gold in the chicken, and two taels of grass." /p /p Three bowls of water for a bowl, drinking after the meal, for a total of three days. "    


Yun Long passed the written prescription to Han Lin.    


/p p "Oh, this medicine..." Do you have a name? "    


Han Lin asked curiously.    


Yun Long said, "This pill is called the 'Eight Venom Scarlet Pills', and is also called the 'Ghost Slaying Pill'."    


"The Ghost Slaughter Staff … Wait, the main treatment is five corpses' syndrome, nausea, pain, ghost miasma, and ghost disease. Some of the diseases are similar to those with heart disease, but they are completely different …"    


"So that's the case. It seems that your knowledge of Chinese medicine is quite deep …"    


Han Lin said to Yun Long in surprise. At the same time, her beautiful eyes were sparkling.    


/p p "Heh heh..." "I'm fine …"    


Yun Long smiled modestly. Ever since he successfully gave Prof. Han first aid, Yun Long had a great deal of confidence in his knowledge of TCM.    


"Yun Long, you're pretty modest!"    


The more Han Lin looked at Yun Long, the more she liked him.    


/p p "This..." I, I've always been low-key. "    


Yun Long pretended to say.    


"Yeah, yeah!" You sure are low-key. Even I didn't know that you had such incredible medical skills! "    


Fang Yin, who was standing beside him, actually thought that it was true.    


/p p "Err..." Han... "Miss Han, you should hurry back to grab the medicine and let Prof. Han drink it. The earlier you drink this medicine, the better the effect will be."    


Yun Long quickly changed the subject. "Oh, that..." Thank you, Yun Long. "    


Han Lin said gratefully once again.    


There's no need to be so polite. Hurry up and go.    


Yun Long hurriedly said to her.    


/p p OK...    


Han Lin hurriedly nodded, but just as she was about to leave, she suddenly thought of something and turned to Yun Long. Yun Long, I, if I have something to talk to you about, how can I contact you? Where's your cell phone number? "    


"My, my phone is broken, I haven't bought a new one yet …"    


Yun Long hurriedly said.    


/p p "Ah?" That... "Then what should we do?"    


Han Lin was stunned.    


"Oh, Yun Long is just like me, a sophomore year in the History department. Sister Han, if you want to find him, you can go directly to the History department's dormitory."    


Fang Yin glanced at Yun Long and said enthusiastically.    


"Oh, that's good. If I want to find Yun Long at that time, I'll just go to the History department's dormitory. I'll be leaving first, 88 …"    


Han Lin smiled and turned to leave.    


After Han Lin left, Fang Yin also said to Yun Long with a smile, "Yun Long, I'm going back to my dorm too."    


/p p "Oh, okay..."    


Yun Long hurriedly said.    


/p p "You..." You can send me back. "    


Fang Yin said, blushing.    


/p p "Send you back..." This... "Fine!"    


Yun Long felt strange because the dormitory that Fang Yin lived in was only a short distance away from here … Yun Long didn't understand why she wanted him to send it back, but since she asked for it, he could do it himself.    


Thus, Yun Long accompanied Fang Yin towards her dorm. Strangely, Fang Yin took nearly 20 minutes to reach her dorm during this short distance.     4


When they arrived at the foot of the dormitory, Fang Yin suddenly said to Yun Long in a low voice with a blushing face, "Yun Long …" Today... "Thank you so much …"    


/p p "Err..." Thank me? Why are you thanking me? "    


Yun Long was puzzled.    


Fang Yin's white face blushed again as she said softly, "Anyway …" I just want to thank you and hope that in the future … "We can interact more …"    


/p p "Oh, okay!"    


Yun Long agreed without hesitation.    


/p p "How nice you are …"    


Fang Yin whispered as she suddenly kissed Yun Long on the cheek!    


/p p "Ah?" This... [What the hell is going on? She … "Interested in me?!"    


Yun Long was shocked. Before he could come back to his senses, Fang Yin had already ran up the dormitory building, leaving a bird-like Yun Long staring blankly downstairs.    


After a long time, Yun Long finally returned to the dormitory. Strangely, after returning, the three animals in dorm 343 tacitly didn't harass him, didn't ask him about anything he did, and where he went to hang around, instead spending time with him more calmly than usual. When they met, they even intentionally avoided him … This made Yun Long feel very strange, because it wasn't scientific!    


It was true that these three animals were more gossipy than women, but Yun Long couldn't figure out the reason why. After all, all three animals seemed to have avoided any of his questions on purpose … /p This confused Yun Long, as he vaguely guessed that the three animals of his race must have been hiding something from him … /p Due to the three animals deliberately avoiding him, Yun Long spent the next three days in a daze!    


In the past three days, at the Southern University, no one had approached Yun Long, including Tang Guo and even Liang Yingxue. These people seemed to have a tacit understanding with each other, so they didn't look for Yun Long.    


/p p     


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