Beauty-accompanying Manual

C32 What a strange sofa

C32 What a strange sofa

3Not long later, manager Zhang walked over and handed over the diamond card to Lingyueyue. He then smiled at the two of them and said: "Alright, two esteemed guests, we have finished making arrangements. Let me bring you up to the 18th floor's presidential suite."    


"No need, we'll just have to go up ourselves."    


Lingyueyue said.    


< p > "Understood!" If you two need anything, feel free to tell me. "    


Manager Zhang quickly nodded and said.    



> "Thank you, Manager Zhang. We'll be going up first then."    


Lingyueyue laughed politely, then dragged the dazed Yun Long and entered the elevator together.    


Watching the two enter the elevator, manager Zhang shook his head in envy and helplessness. He said, "I really didn't expect that Boss Ling's precious daughter would bring a man here! This brat is so lucky! "    


He rode the elevator all the way to the Silver Bay Hotel.    


On the eighteenth floor, Lingyueyue and Yun Long walked out. At the corner of the stairs, there was a heavy silver metal door in front of the two of them.    


This metal door was actually a security and authentication system. Its terminal was similar to a cabinet computer in shape. When the two reached the door, a telescopic slot popped out.    


At the same time, a gentle female electronic voice reminded him, "Esteemed customer, please place your VIP card in the slot for level verification!"    


Lingyueyue placed the diamond VIP card she was holding into the card slot, and swallowed the expansion card. The screen flickered, and in less than ten seconds, the computer screen flickered again, and the diamond VIP card was spat out from the card slot.    


The gentle electronic female voice once again rang. "Verification completed. Sovereign rank. Diamond rank VIP!" Esteemed guest, welcome to your arrival. You will be able to obtain this hotel's most unique presidential suite for free. The suite provides you with the most perfect and perfect service, welcome to your room! "    


Ling Yueyue raised her eyebrows. She could be considered a person who had seen the world, and couldn't help but exclaim: "Wow, this Silver Bay Hotel is really luxurious. Just this intelligent security system alone should be worth millions of dollars!"    


The doors opened with a clang, revealing a unique corridor.    


It really is interesting. Let's go in and have a stroll and see if there's anything interesting!    


Lingyueyue became excited, so she took the initiative to pull Yun Long's hand and walked in together with him.    


After the two of them entered the metal door, the metal door slowly closed, cutting off their surroundings. In front of them was a round archway that looked like the original Mediterranean. It was bright, simple, and elegant.    


At the end of the hall, there was actually an indoor garden filled with exotic flowers and plants. Next to the swimming pool was a mini indoor pool, and several chairs for the guests to rest in were neatly arranged at the edge of the swimming pool. And the most special thing was a room with a sandalwood door, which looked very luxurious, but also had a low-key aristocratic atmosphere.    


< p > "This place looks really good!" Any one of these items was worth quite a bit! This presidential suite is really expensive! "    


Lingyueyue looked around at her surroundings and could not help but secretly praise.    


After all, these things were too extravagant for him, and made him feel that they were not real. "My stomach is hungry, I don't know if there's anything good to eat in that room, let's go, let's go into that room with me!"    


Lingyueyue looked around, but did not find any food, so she pulled Yun Long and walked towards the sandalwood room.    


While pushing open the door to the room, Lingyueyue took the initiative to enter, but she was very surprised because there were a lot of "furniture" in the room.    


"What the hell is all this?" These pieces of furniture look so weird! "    


Lingyueyue was curious.    


What's going on?" Yun Long was startled, immediately followed the sound and entered the room. Upon seeing the room, he was surprised to see that the furniture in the room was extremely rich. There was a dark red, exaggeratedly soft microcomputer controlled water bed in the hall, and beside the water bed was a specially shaped sofa.    


Besides, there was a wine cabinet at the side of the room that contained a variety of red wine.    


When Lingyueyue saw the "costumes"    


His first reaction was actually a cartoon costume. This made Yun Long speechless, and made him want to laugh but not dare to laugh. He really recognized a lot of these things.    


Lingyueyue was obviously a little naive in this area, she realized that she basically didn't know what these "oddities" were.    




I'm not sure either. It should be for fun!    


Yun Long hurriedly replied with a guilty conscience. Actually, this fellow had already seen these things a hundred times on the computer. Although he had never used them before, he had seen the actors use them before. It seems quite interesting! "    


Lingyueyue's heart was filled with interest.    


She searched around and found a control panel on her right. There was a row of buttons, and she pressed one of them without hesitation.    


< p > "Beep"    


A sound rang out, the large sofa started to shake, and released a burst of light music, Lingyueyue heard from her ears, that she was lying on the sofa, enjoying the special massage, her entire body felt warm, a very strange feeling.    


"This sofa is really interesting. It feels really comfortable sitting on it. Not only does it have a massage function, it also has music to listen to. Not bad!" Yun Long, you should come over and try it too! "    


"Interesting, I'll give it a try too."    


Yun Long had also never seen this set of advanced equipment, and curiously, he also sat down beside Lingyueyue.    


Lingyueyue said, "Sit down, I'm starting."    


As he spoke, he pressed one of the buttons.    


Yun Long laughed: "Hehe, I didn't think that this sofa would be so interesting, it's high-tech."    


Lingyueyue nodded her head: "Oh, this sofa seems to have quite a lot of functions, I'll try out another one. If it's not bad, I'll buy one myself."    


As she spoke, she pressed another button.    


Then, the whole sofa unexpectedly split in half from the middle and the two sank face to face.    


Lingyueyue was startled for a moment, then patted her heart and laughed, "It scared me. This sofa is really strange."    


She did not finish speaking when the large sofa moved again. The two of them immediately supported themselves on the armrests, but unexpectedly, the two ends of the sofa suddenly closed, pushing Yun Long and Lingyueyue together face to face, forming a strange ambiguous posture.    


He rode the elevator all the way to the Silver Bay Hotel.    


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