Beauty-accompanying Manual



3"Yes, yes, Brother Zha, let's go now." Buy a TT? "    


/p p "F * * k!" You idiots? Do I have to wear it when I meet such a good girl? Of course, as long as you have enough, you can shoot her as much as you want! "    


As he spoke, Brother Zha rubbed his hands together and walked towards Liang Xiaoxia, who was scared out of her wits. Greed flickered in his eyes like a vicious wolf. Seeing that Liang Xiaoxia was in an emergency, Yun Long gritted his teeth and was about to charge over!    


Hey, are you drunk, kid?" Aren't you afraid of being beaten to death by them? "They are not good people.    


At this moment, Beautiful Domineering Lady, who was standing beside Yun Long, saw that he was about to make a move, narrowed her eyes and reminded him immediately.    


At this moment, Brother Zha had already walked up and grabbed Liang Xiaoxia's right hand, ready to drag her out.    


/p p "Don't..." Brother! Please don't do this... "Sob, sob …"    


Liang Xiaoxia was so scared that she started to cry.    


Yun Long glanced at Beautiful Domineering Lady and ignored her. He rushed forward and blocked in front of Brother Zha, shouting at him.    


"Don't act recklessly! You must not act recklessly! "    


/p p "Err..." "What's the situation?"    


Brother Zha and his two lackeys were stunned by the sudden appearance of Yun Long.    


When they saw Yun Long's attire, they all started laughing out loud. The two lackeys were laughing so hard that they covered their stomachs and bent down.    


/p p "Hahaha..." This... This kid! Who the heck is this person? You actually dare to come out? "    


Brother Zha was laughing so hard that tears almost flowed out of his eyes. Kid, I think you're still a student, right? Do you know who I am? "    


/p p "I..." How do I know who you are? However, our society still talks about law. She doesn't want to go with you, you … Why should I be troubled? "    


Yun Long's voice was very loud, but it was his first time facing such a situation, so he acted tough but was weak inside. As he spoke, his body couldn't help but tremble.    


He also knew that speaking the law with these hoodlums was indeed a bit naive.    


Now they didn't talk about the law and didn't know what to say. When it came to fighting, Yun Long didn't have any confidence to deal with the three of them. Plus, looking at Brother Zha, he didn't just have these men.    


/p p "Puff..." "Hahaha …"    


As expected, the moment Yun Long finished his sentence, Brother Zha and the other two burst out laughing even more brazenly. They looked at Yun Long as if he was a complete idiot.    


Even the people hiding around the bar to watch the commotion and the employees of the bar all smiled.    


Is this kid stupid?    


The bartenders were eating the melon seeds while mocking him.    


/p "He actually talks law with Brother Zha?" Brother Zha came out to chop people up when he was 13 years old... Besides, Brother Zha hadn't broken the law yet! Even if Brother Zha was caught breaking the law, wouldn't it only take a minute for the boss to get Brother Zha out? "    


/p p "Err..." This silly boy … "Really …"    


Watching Yun Long's suicidal move, Beautiful Domineering Lady did not know if she should laugh at him along with the crowd, or admire Huang Xiaolong's courage.    


She had already taken out her phone and was going to call someone for help. However, when she saw Yun Long's expression, she thought for a moment and then stood on the spot. She lit up a cigarette and watched Yun Long's next move with interest.    


/p p "Get lost!"    


Brother Zha suddenly roared at Yun Long.    


/p p "Err..."    


Yun Long, who was caught off guard, immediately became flustered. He backed off a few steps and his heel hit the side of a table. He staggered and then fell onto the floor.    


/p p "Hahaha..."    


Seeing Yun Long in such a sorry state, the laughter in the bar became even louder.    


"Alright, I don't have the mood to dawdle here. Both of you, drag this idiot out and fix him properly. Remember, don't kill him, but don't be too gentle." Just leave him in the hospital for a month. "    


Brother Zha sneered.    


/p p "Heh heh..." "Brother Zha, don't worry. We are the most experienced fighters."    


The two lackeys exchanged looks and walked towards Yun Long.    


/p p "Crap..." They're here, what do we do now? "    


Yun Long looked at the two hoodlums who walked towards him with fiendish smiles, and his heart was pounding.    


He knew very well that if he could not deal with the current situation, not only would he not be able to handle it, even Liang Xiaoxia would not be able to escape from Brother Zha's clutches!    


/p p "What do I do?" What should he do? "Don't tell me we're done for this time …"    


Yun Long was so nervous that sweat broke out on his forehead.    


His voice rang out, "Respected Master, have you forgotten that you have a point of improvement? "Under these circumstances, you can completely activate your beginner's fighting technique …"    


/p p "Wu!" Beginner level fighting technique, is that useful? "    


Yun Long asked subconsciously.    


Yun Long was so nervous that sweat broke out on his forehead.    


"Evil Spark!"    


He said.    


/p "Alright, then immediately upgrade your entry level fighting technique!"    


Yun Long hurriedly said with his consciousness.    


/p p "OK..." Beginner level fighting techniques required 3 system upgrade points, which were divided into body transformation technique, back throwing technique, capture, wrestling, elbow, and knee... "If you wait for fifteen, which one would you like to choose?"    


"Evil Spark!"    


he asked suddenly.    


/p p "F * * k!" So many, how do I know which to choose!? "    


Yun Long couldn't help but scream.    


However, before he could make his choice, the two hoodlums had already rushed to his front, pincer him from left to right, and also pinched his arms. Yun Long was suppressed by them in a single exchange, and he felt his arms bend, almost letting out tears from the pain. It hurt so much! "F * ck …"    


"You bastard, hurry up and match a fighting technique for me!"    


Yun Long wanted to curse loudly.    


/p p "Oh!" "Alright!" "Esteemed master, I shall help you choose the most suitable fighting technique for your current situation …"    


"Evil Spark!"    




/p p "Whoosh..."    


A strange sound rang in his ear. Yun Long only felt his body shudder as his spine went numb. Countless white lights danced in front of his eyes, and a large amount of image information and data, like snowflakes, merged into his head and body... /p p p Wave after wave flashed, and lights flashed as they directly shone and pierced into Yun Long's brain like laser beams!    


Yun Long's body suddenly trembled a few times, and his brain went into a state that lasted more than ten seconds. When Yun Long regained his consciousness, the violent flashing lights in front of his eyes had already disappeared.    


At this moment, Yun Long felt that his body had undergone some strange changes. He felt that his strength, reaction speed, and muscle strength had increased by a lot!    


At the same time, Yun Long found that in his mind, a memory that did not belong to him was forcefully inserted. It was like an innate instinct, branded deeply in his mind, genes, and blood. He felt that he had hundreds of thousands of fights experience!    


When he regained his consciousness, he suddenly realized that his body was being dragged outside the bar by two hoodlums … Yun Long instinctively stretched out his right foot and hooked onto the foot of a table in the passage of the bar.    


The two hoodlums holding Yun Long back immediately felt a force spinning up, causing them to simultaneously relax their hands.    


/p p "Thump thump!    


Yun Long fell to the floor, but he quickly got up, dusted off his butt, and stared at the two hoodlums who were confused.    


/p p "Yo, yo..." I didn't expect you to resist! "Hahaha …"    


/p p "Heh heh..." This brat knew how to be afraid now! You actually want to run away from us two brothers, you're really naive! "    


The two hoodlums came back to their senses. They looked at Yun Long and started laughing strangely. They felt that Yun Long had accidentally let them out just now.    


"I never thought of running away!"    


Yun Long suddenly said to them coldly.    


/p p "Oh?" So what do you want? Do you want us brothers to give you a massage? "Hahaha …"    


A gangster laughed disapprovingly.    


I want to fight with you, I want to beat you!    


Yun Long said coldly.    


/p p "Hahaha..." Did I f * * king hear it wrong? You brat want to beat us up?! "Hahaha …"    


The two hoodlums, including the audience, burst into laughter. It was as if they had seen a hilarious joke!    


It had to be known that these two hoodlums were followed by Brother Zha, and Brother Zha was originally aggressive and had come out to cut people down at the age of thirteen, all the way until today.    


He became the famous head of hooligans along the construction road.    


Most of the hoodlums under Brother Zha's command were good fighters. Those who fought from a young age all learned how to fight, and they also had a sense of fearlessness towards death. For professional hoodlums like them, any one of them would be enough to deal with 2 or 3 normal adult men.    


Some of the people who had learned how to fight with their fists for a few days could only run away when faced with this kind of gangster.    


From the beginning till the end, he looked just like an honest university student. He looked harmless, but this kind of guy actually wanted to "go through a hundred battles" with two of them.    


This was a battle between professional hoodlums!    


Yun Long was so nervous that sweat broke out on his forehead.    


Just when everyone felt that Yun Long's head was burnt out, Yun Long actually pointed at Brother Zha, who was watching the joke on the side, and said casually: "Including you! I want to beat him up too! "    


/p p "Hahaha..." You want to beat me up? You brat, you're too damn interesting! "I'm so scared …"    


Brother Zha gave a weird smile as he forced out a scared expression. However, his face was full of grimace, making him look more like a rutting gorilla.    


Yun Long looked at Liang Xiaoxia who was being dragged by Brother Zha's arm with a pale face and shivering body. "Otherwise, I will make you regret it!    


/p p "Yeah!" "Ga Ga …" I definitely won't let her go, and I'll immediately make you regret it! "    


Brother Zha let out a weird laugh and waved his hand at his men, shouting, "Ah Gou, Ah Cheng, don't be polite with this brat. Hurry up and get rid of him. I'm still in a hurry to start a fight with this girl!"    


/p p "Heh heh..." "Got it, Brother Zha!"    


The two hoodlums immediately approached Yun Long. In their eyes, Yun Long was an idiot who didn't know when to stop. They had a "duty" for him.    


Let him "wake up".    




Yun Long stood on the spot and didn't move. He looked at the two hoodlums that were charging at him coldly.    


One of the hoodlums, a hoodlum, became angry when he saw Yun Long like this. He was the first to shout and raised his right leg. He lashed out with a strong whip straight at Yun Long's head!    



/p p "Ah!" Be careful! "    


Beautiful Domineering Lady exclaimed.    


Everyone present could see that A-Gou's kick was very powerful. If Yun Long was not disabled, he would have fainted from the kick!    


/p p "Wow …"    


Liang Xiaoxia, who was being pinched by Brother Zha, was so scared that she started to cry …    


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