Beauty-accompanying Manual



1The more he thought about it, the more impatient he became. After all, he had an even greater advantage … Daughter Lingyueyue and "Xiao Long    


The young master was only a couple. Being able to build a relationship with the Xiao family in the southeast was much better than being a relative of the He family.    


Therefore, he also went up to Yun Long, affectionately patted his shoulder and sighed: "Young Master Xiao is indeed worthy of being a member of the later generation! It is our great honor to have the chance to cooperate and win against a young and promising young man like Young Master Xiao! "    


The He father and son nodded their heads in agreement as they looked at Yun Long with a "very sincere" gaze.    


The more he thought about it, the more impatient he became. After all, he had an even greater advantage … Daughter Lingyueyue and "Xiao Long    




Seeing this, Lingyueyue didn't know whether to laugh or cry. At the same time, she was secretly worried for Yun Long.    


She knew that her father was still fine, but this He father and son were absolutely ruthless characters in the entire Naiming City and surrounding regions. If Yun Long were to accidentally reveal himself, the result he would face would not be as simple as just exposing his identity. What awaited him was the terrifying revenge of the He father and son!    


Thinking of this, Lingyueyue quickly walked up and pulled Yun Long's arm, reminding him in a small voice, "Xiao Long, you said you were going shopping with me in the city center."    


/p p "Go shopping in the city center?" I... Did you say that? "    


Yun Long didn't know how to react for a moment.    


Lingyueyueran glared angrily at him. "You said that yesterday, but now you've actually forgotten everything. Do you really have someone else in your heart!?"    


/p p "Ah..." Yesterday? Oh... "It seems to have …"    


Yun Long quickly came back to his senses and followed what she said.    


/p p "What do you mean as if..." Look at your memory! I'm so pissed off, hmph! "I don't want to care about you anymore …"    


As Lingyueyue spoke, she shook off Yun Long's arm and pouted. Then she turned around and headed upstairs to her own room.    


/p p "Err..."    


Yun Long was stunned, he forgot that he didn't know what to do next.    


While Ling Donglou and the He father and son were looking at him strangely.    




Remind him: "Young Master Xiao … Women are just like that. If you go and coax them, they'll be fine. "    


/p p "coax her..." It's really possible? "    


Yun Long hurriedly asked. This guy was a big rookie in love.    


/p p "Of course you can!"    


The He father and son duo and the three people of Ling Donglou's group answered in unison.    


/p p "Oh, then I..." How can I coax her? "    


Yun Long asked embarrassedly.    


/p p "Err..." Young Master Xiao … "You've never flirted with a girl before?"    


What interrogation? Yun Long asked.    


/p p "Err..." Me, I've been busy with my studies, and I'm a little more low-key... "Yueyue is the first girl to date me, so I … I don't have much experience …"    


Yun Long explained with a hot face.    


However, most of what Yun Long said was the truth. Lingyueyue was indeed the first to 'date' him.    




/p p "Oh..." "No wonder …"    


The other three men revealed an expression of understanding at the same time. They looked at Yun Long with a weird expression.    


" "Young Master Xiao!    


This person was indeed very low-key. Furthermore, he was a 'honest and reliable' person.    


His precious daughter had followed him, and it was definitely much better than following those unreliable popinjays for the second generation.    


At this moment, the more Ling Donglou looked at Yun Long, the more he liked him. He wished he could tell him personally, "Go, go get my daughter!"    


However, as the words came out of his mouth, it changed to: "Xiao …" "Young master, women really need coaxing. Yueyue has a girl's temper, so go and coax her. You'll be fine if you go out with her."    


/p p "Err..." "Uncle Lou, do you really want me to go up and play with Yueyue?"    


Yun Long asked uncertainly.    


/p p "Yeah..." "Hurry up and go …"    


Ling Dongliu urged him.    


"That's right, Young Master Xiao, you should hurry up and go. You don't need to worry about us. There will be plenty of opportunities to cooperate in the future! "Well, this is a business card that I often use outside. If there's a chance, you can bring Miss Ling along to play!"    


He Baili smiled as he took out a name card and handed it over.    


Yun Long reached out to take it. He looked down and saw an exquisite VIP membership card. On the side, it said "Sea and Sky International Club".    


On one side was the words "President He Baiting".    




"Oh, got it. Thanks, Boss He. I-I'll be going up first …"    


Yun Long put the name card in his pocket, said hello to the three of them and hurried upstairs to Lingyueyue's room.    


/p p "Heh heh..." This Young Master Xiao is really an interesting person … Xun Er, if you have the chance in the future, you should go and visit Young Master Xiao more often! "    


He Bai Ting smiled as he watched Yun Long leave. At the same time, he was secretly looking forward to catching up with "Young Master Xiao".    


It would be much easier for this line to be washed clean by the dark forces and forces that he would be managing in the future.    


/p p "Mmm..." "I will!"    


He Xun also nodded, but he felt a little puzzled. He couldn't say what he felt, so he secretly made up his mind to find a chance to invite … Young Master Xiao …    


Come out and gather.    


He himself was a wealthy merchant who possessed a certain level of strength and influence, but in order to have a better development in Naiming City, he needed to have a strong power as his background. Originally, the He family's father and son had had no other choice, but "Young Master Xiao    


Lingyueyue's appearance had more potential than the He father and son duo, so he wished that Lingyueyue could help him "catch this big fish."    


The more he thought about it, the more impatient he became. After all, he had an even greater advantage … Daughter Lingyueyue and "Xiao Long    


Yun Long didn't know anything about the three people downstairs, because he had already walked to the door of Lingyueyue's room upstairs.    


Yun Long saw that the door to the room was ajar. He suddenly realized that there was a pair of eyes peeking out from the crack in the door. It was Lingyueyue's.    


Just as he was wondering, he saw Lingyueyue open the door, pull Yun Long in and quickly lock the door.    


/p p "You bastard..." It's really me, I almost got exposed! "    


Lingyueyue said angrily to Yun Long the moment she closed the door.    


/p p "Err..." "So close …"    


Only then did Yun Long realize that if he continued to drag this train along with him, it would be very easy for him to expose himself.    


/p p "Now we just barely made it through the first trial..." "However, based on the situation, we still have to continue acting …"    


Lingyueyue said.    


/p p "Ah..." You still want to act? "    


Yun Long's scalp tingled. He felt like he was playing with fire.    


/p p "Of course!" At the very least, we can talk about it after my father and the He father left the Naiming City! "    


Lingyueyue said.    


/p p "Err..." When will they leave? "    


Yun Long asked hurriedly.    


"At least three days, or at most a week. Anyway, before they leave, you have to play the role of a couple with me!"    


Lingyueyue said bluntly.    


/p p "Ah..." So long? "    


Yun Long was surprised when he heard that. He needed time to recover from being "Evil Spark".    


The enhanced genes were making things difficult for him.    


/p p "What?" I'm your girlfriend, but you're not willing?! "    


When Lingyueyue saw the look of pain on his face, she immediately became displeased.    


/p p "Err..." Willing... "I'm willing …"    


Yun Long could only nod his head. After all, he did need to continue acting in this show. Although the difficulty was rather high … Seeing your bitter face, it's obvious that you're very unhappy! "    


Lingyueyue huffed and puffed. Suddenly, she asked him, "Tell me, what kind of girl do you like?"    


/p p "Ah..." Me, me … "I …"    


Yun Long didn't expect her to ask him this question and didn't know how to answer.    


/p p "Speak!" I just wanted to... It was more realistic! "Just tell me what you want, and I'll do my best to cooperate with you …"    


Lingyueyue blushed as she spoke.    


As Lingyueyue spoke, she moved closer to Yun Long. She breathed out an orchid-like fragrance that was unique to virgins, which entered Yun Long's nose.    


Yun Long's heart was beating wildly and his mouth was dry. He subconsciously said, "I …" I like girls who are gentle and understanding... And she was particularly willing to... Let me hug... Let me kiss you... "Such a …"    


/p p "Um..." You really dare to think about it! "    


Lingyueyue's pretty face flushed red when she heard that. She then whispered to him, "You men …" Is this what they all think? "    


/p p "Err..." "Of course!"    


Yun Long nodded honestly.    


/p p "Alright then..." I... "I'll try my best to cooperate with you for a bit …"    


Surprisingly, Lingyueyue also nodded with a reddened face.    


/p p "You..." How do you plan on cooperating? "    


Yun Long couldn't help but ask her curiously.    


Lingyueyue gritted her pearly white teeth as if she made up her mind. Then, she leaped into his embrace and wrapped her arms around Yun Long's neck. She stayed on his body like a koala … This... What the hell is going on!? "    


Yun Long was stunned. For a moment, he didn't know what Lingyueyue wanted to do.     1


/p p "Fool!" I... I'm learning how to cooperate with you! "    


Lingyueyue said coquettishly.    


/p p "Ah..." Then, my next step is … What should I do? "    


Yun Long asked dumbly.    


/p p "Idiot!" Of course it's you … So what if you like it! "    


Lingyueyue rolled her eyes at him and grumbled.    


/p p "Oh..." "Then, then I won't be polite!"    


Yun Long felt like he had received an imperial edict, so he braced himself and hugged Lingyueyue's waist.    


/p p "You..." What are you doing? "    


Lingyueyue was shocked and hurriedly asked.    


The drill!    


Yun Long answered and then carried her by her waist. Immediately, he was filled with warmth and soft jades. Especially her soft waist; there was a surprisingly slippery feeling coming from it, which made Yun Long excited for no reason.    


Her delicate body involuntarily tensed up. After all, she had never been hugged like this by a man before, and this position was especially ambiguous … Seeing Lingyueyue's bashful expression, Yun Long became even more daring. He couldn't help but carry Lingyueyue to the pink bed in the room.    


/p p "Um..." You, what are you trying to do? "    


Lingyueyue felt something was wrong, at the same time, her heart was jumping around wildly, she was faintly anticipating what would happen with Yun Long … After being asked by Lingyueyue, Yun Long also felt that something was wrong, so he stopped and stared at her, momentarily at a loss as to what to do.    


Coincidentally, Lingyueyue had also raised her head to look at him. Their gazes met in midair, then they both felt their hearts palpitate faster. They actually asked each other at the same time, "What should we do next?"    


The two of them were stunned as soon as the words left their mouth. Their hearts surged at the same time. Neither of them had experienced the taste of love before, but they were already lost in an ambiguous atmosphere. This was typical of playing with fire … Moreover, this process was likely to only get hotter and hotter. Based on the current situation … Yun Long and Lingyueyue were at this stage of their playfulness …    


That incomparably excited voice said, "Hug her, kiss her, and touch her! Hurry up and make your move! "As long as I finish all of these, I'll be able to acquire more points …"    


/p p     


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