I Am A Billionaire

C24 Disgraceful

C24 Disgraceful

3It must be fake! It's all fake!" Duan Ming suddenly jumped up and his eyes almost split open.    


Lin Xiao looked at him without batting an eyelid. He only felt sad and amused at the same time.    


It was just karma. He was responsible for what he had done.    


"Brother Duan, what should we do?" When the little brother saw Duan Ming like this, he panicked and asked anxiously.    


Duan Ming looked at him with red eyes. He suddenly slapped the younger brother on the ground.    


Lin Xiao frowned and subconsciously wanted to take a step forward. He thought it was their business, so it was better not to get involved.    


"Impossible! Are you a traitor?! "Did Lin Xiao bribe you to trick me? How is that possible? Do you know that my uncle is the dean? "Lin Xiao is nothing!" Duan Ming continued to rage. The people around him took a step back in fear.    


Duan Ming's body froze when he heard the phone vibrate. He took out his phone and looked at it with trembling hands. His eyes rolled and he almost fainted.    


It was the school's punishment notice. He couldn't even fool himself now.    


He was really defeated by Lin Xiao.    


Seeing his reaction, his sister-in-law more or less knew what had happened. They looked at each other and stepped back at the same time, afraid that they would be implicated.    


Soon, Duan Ming became a wasteland in the encirclement. No one dared to stand in all directions.    


Zheng Tianminn was stunned. She opened her mouth and looked at Lin Xiao in surprise.    


Was it done by Lin Xiao?    


Zheng Tianminn could not believe it and did not dare to ask directly.    


How was that possible?    


When she took over Lin Xiao's family background, she had already understood it. Back then, she was still sighing over his tragic encounter. How could she turn her face around and become able to contend with Duan Ming?    


Seeing Lin Xiao's firm back, Zheng Tianminn's heart beat rapidly.    


Duan Ming came back to his senses. Looking at the scene in front of him, his expression became ferocious.    


"Bastard! They are all bastards! "I will kill you all, Lin Xiao! You must have used some despicable means! Did you let the old man who kept you as a mistress do it? " Duan Ming said and rushed towards Lin Xiao with his fist raised.    


The surrounding onlookers could not help but exclaim when they saw Duan Ming's posture.    


Lin Xiao looked at him with disdain. When he got close to him, he kicked him directly at his vitals. Duan Ming fell to the ground with his four legs facing the sky.    


This time, not only was Duan Ming stunned, everyone was dumbfounded.    


Was this that Lin Xiao?!    


Lin Xiao snorted. "I'm giving you face if I don't teach you a lesson, but if you charge at me, I won't be able to do anything."    


Lin Xiao was good-looking. After he finished speaking, the girls blushed.    


Duan Ming was like a drowning dog. He felt embarrassed when he laid on the ground.    


The boys who usually wanted to carry his shoes were now watching from the side, gloating. None of them went up to help him.    


He slammed the ground and stood up. "I don't believe it. I'm going to find the dean! I'll remember all of you! Just you wait!"    


After saying that, Duan Ming did not have the time to turn around and rolled away.    


When the little brothers heard his words, they felt a little uneasy. They were afraid that Duan Ming would come back to take revenge on them.    


Only Lin Xiao remained indifferent. "It's really embarrassing to know to look for your parents when you do something wrong."    


Zheng Tianminn nodded in agreement, but she was still a little worried. "But he might not do anything else."    


"What are you afraid of? Nothing big will happen." Lin Xiao said indifferently.    


The confidence he gave off shocked the group of people once again.    


What did this mean?    


It meant that Lin Xiao was not afraid of the director's relationship at all!    


Could it be that Lin Xiao had more powerful backing?!    


Thinking of this, everyone took a deep breath.    


Especially those who had bullied Lin Xiao before. Now that they looked at Lin Xiao again, they felt that he had an unfathomable feeling.    


They couldn't help but shiver. They wanted to apologize to Lin Xiao sometime.    


Seeing that the matter was almost settled, Lin Xiao heaved a sigh of relief.    


Just as he wanted to turn back and talk to Zheng Tianminn, he received a call from Liu Yan.    


"Lin Xiao! Didn't you say you would give me time to consider?! "Don't you want the evidence?" Liu Yan's voice was heartbreaking. It seemed like he had just cried.    


Lin Xiao sneered. "Teacher Liu, it's too late. If you hesitate when I look for you, you won't have a chance. We will meet again if fate allows it. "    


After saying that, she hung up the phone.    


"Congratulations Teacher Zheng. You have returned to your post." Lin Xiao's expression changed so quickly that Zheng Tianminn did not even have time to react.    


Compared to his and Liu Yan's attitude, Zheng Tianminn could not help but laugh. "I did not expect you to hide so many things."    


Lin Xiao blinked and said with a smile, "I still have a lot of things to hide. Does teacher want to know?"    


"Nonsense." Zheng Tianminn pushed him and said coquettishly.    


"Last time when I invited Teacher to dinner, half of my interest was ruined. Today, I invited Teacher to go again. I wonder if it is possible?" Lin Xiao asked.    


Zheng Tianminn was also happy and nodded without hesitation.    


Lin Xiao left with Zheng Tianminn shoulder to shoulder, leaving the group of people who had yet to react.    


Su Huairou stood in the middle of the crowd and looked at the two figures who left in a daze.    


The moment she saw the announcement, she wanted to come and congratulate Lin Xiao. She abandoned Dung Yingying and the group of people from the basketball team and came without thinking.    


She did not expect that what welcomed her after coming was Lin Xiao and Zheng Tianminn's' intimate 'interaction. What Su Huairou wanted to say seemed to be stuck in her throat and could not say a word.    


Only when the two of them left did she slowly come back to her senses.    


Looking at the sweat in her hands for some unknown reason, Su Huairou took out a piece of toilet paper and wiped it. She absentmindedly muttered to herself, "He is busy. Wait till he comes back to celebrate..."    


Lin Xiao did not know what happened behind him. He led Zheng Tianminn to Hongye Restaurant.    


Looking at the golden plaque of Hongye Restaurant, Zheng Tianminn frowned and carefully whispered into Lin Xiao's ear, "It must be very expensive here."    


Lin Xiao turned back to look at her. "It's okay. Let's go in."    


Lin Xiao ran into the waiter he had met earlier. The waiter was visibly excited when he saw Lin Xiao. He lifted his foot and wanted to come over. In the end, Lin Xiao stopped him with a glance.    


After bringing Zheng Tianminn into the room, Lin Xiao looked at the menu in a familiar manner.    


Zheng Tianminn, on the other hand, looked at the decorations around her uneasily.    


She was a teacher with a dead salary. She might go to the high-class restaurant once in a while, but Hongye Restaurant was famous for its nobility. At least in the past few years of teaching in the school, Zheng Tianminn had never come in.    


"Teacher Zheng, what do you want to eat? Just order whatever you want." Lin Xiao looked up and saw that she was in a hurry. He reminded her warmly.    


Zheng Tianminn looked at the price on the menu and hesitated again.    


So expensive!    


In order to not let Lin Xiao spend money, she chose only a few.    


Lin Xiao was rather generous. He randomly ordered a few, making Zheng Tianminn feel pain in her heart.    


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