Martial Ruler



1Fengyuan Wuli agreed to her father's request with tears in her eyes. But she had another request, and that was to have a competition, with each side sending a member of the younger generation, as long as Tuoba Clan can win, she would agree to marry Tuoba Chengdu. Otherwise, she would rather die! However, if the Phoenix Garden Clan emerged victorious, their Tuoba Clan would have to return all their territories.    1


The relationship between Wu Ling of the Phoenix Garden and her sister was very good. She was naturally unwilling to see her sister jump into the fire pit, so she hurriedly brought her people out of the city in search of Faang Lei.    


"This silly woman!" However, his footsteps were much faster than before, because according to the agreement, tomorrow was the day of the competition between the Tuoba Clan and the Phoenix Garden Clan. And from Wu Ling's words, Faang Lei knew that Fengyuan Wuli was no match for Tuoba Chengdu at all, and there were almost no clansmen in the Phoenix Garden Clan who could defeat Fengyuan Wuli.    


Faang Lei wasn't worried that Fengyuan Wuli would marry Tuoba Chengdu after losing. What he was worried about was that once Fengyuan Wuli lost, she would definitely seek death wholeheartedly!    


It would take at least two to three days to travel from Fragrant Sky city to Phoenix Garden City. Faang Lei would have been able to reach there within a day, but since Faang Lei was taking care of the people behind him, he unconsciously slowed down.    


Faang Rou saw Faang Lei unintentionally slowing down his speed. Similarly, she also knew that losing her composure was urgent. She came to Faang Lei and said caringly, "Mr Lei, go ahead. Rou is here!"    


Faang Lei turned around and looked at Rou who had a gentle expression. He felt extremely relieved and immediately released the restraint. Then, he sped up and disappeared into the crowd.    


Looking at Faang Lei, who had disappeared in front of her, the Phoenix Garden Dancing Spirit suddenly thought of something and hurriedly said, "Sister Faang Rou, I forgot to tell Big Brother that the eight cities ahead have all been sealed!"    


"What?" Seal the city? " Faang Rou seemed to have thought of something as she asked worriedly.    


"Yes!" Feng Yuan Wu Ling nodded her head heavily, and explained: "Tuoba Clan knows that only big sister is the only person in our clan's young generation, and big sister is not Tuoba Chengdu's opponent. So in order to prevent our clan from looking for external help, Tuoba Clan has colluded with a few other small factions to form an iron wall encirclement around Phoenix Garden City, and only big sister is allowed to enter!"    


Faang Rou nodded her head to indicate that she understood. She then said to the crowd, "This trip of Mr Lei definitely needs to be cleared, but every city has quite a powerful person to guard it. It's not easy to pass it, so we must increase our speed and lend Mr Lei a hand!" After she finished speaking, Faang Rou was a little regretful. Among these people, other than Zi Jing who did not know her abilities, the rest were all at the Fighting Cultivator level. It was completely useless, "If Jiang Yanming and the rest were here, things would be much easier!"    


"Damn!" Seal the city?! " Faang Lei only took two hours to arrive at the first city. Before Vast Universe City's city gates, just as he wanted to enter the city, he was stopped by the city guards. They said that the city was sealed and only entry was allowed!    


"Scram! The city has already been sealed for the day, hurry up tomorrow!" The leader of the guards walked forward and waved his hand, indicating Faang Lei to walk further away.    


Faang Lei's body suddenly became blurry. His hand moved as fast as lightning and instantly grabbed the leader's wrist. He pulled with force and the leader immediately cried out "Aiyo!" before squatting down and begging: "Little brother, please show mercy!" However, the Dou Qi in his body was surging erratically, the hands that were hidden behind his back were already secretly holding onto Energy of Fighting Qi s that were not weak.    


As he spoke, a guard immediately rushed over. Faang Lei looked closely and noticed that these guards weren't ordinary guards, the weakest of them was at least at the fourth level of Fighting Cultivator, and the strongest was probably at the Fighting Master realm. He immediately thought that this could possibly be caused by the hidden influence of the Tuoba Clan, so he didn't waste his time, and fiercely pulled back his hand.    


Defeating an expert of the fifth level of the Fighting Cultivator with a single strike caused everyone to be shocked. They all gathered together and faced Faang Lei without attacking.    


Looking at the sky, it was already close to noon. There were only less than ten hours left until tomorrow morning, and just passing through eight cities would take seven to eight hours. If every city had to go through, Faang Lei only had four hours to go through four, and he had to pass eight trials! For the first time, Faang Lei felt that time was of the essence. He no longer had time to think, so he waved his hand and the Seven-layer Sword appeared in his hand.    


The surging warrior power gathered on the Seven-layer Sword, Faang Lei fiercely waved his wrist and was about to launch an attack, but at this time, two people suddenly walked out from the crowd of guards to the front, and calmly said to the crowd: "Even if you die, you have to defend this daddy, use all of your ability this daddy has!"    


Just by looking at how they spoke, he could tell that they did not care about their lives. Normally, Faang Lei could use the Power of Pupil to instantly kill them, but there were still seven cities at the back, and he did not know what kind of opponents they would have next. If he exhausted too much of his battle qi, he would only be able to slow down, and even if he made it on time, he would not be able to reverse the situation!    


He had to end this as soon as possible, and also save on battle qi. Contradictions would instantly arise! However, Faang Lei did not have the time to think about it. He lightly stomped on the ground, and suddenly leaped up, slashing down fiercely towards the guard, and bellowed: "Floating Cloud Slash!"    


"Wind Shield!"    


"Fire Shield!"    


"Water Shield!"    


"Wild Sand Roar!"    


"Qi Break Heavenly Dipper!"    


Powerful defensive and offensive Fighting Technique s were released one after another, blocking in front of their bodies. For a moment, they seemed to be able to block Faang Lei's attack, but very quickly, under the force of the Floating Cloud Slash's violent attacks, they all separated, but the hidden strength of the Floating Cloud Slash was also being dispelled one by one. In the end, there was only a dark energy left, barely enough to injure a few weaker guards, while the remaining seven people only suffered heavy injuries due to the surge of Qi and blood, and were not heavily injured.    


Facing the attacks of two Fighting Master s and five Fighting Cultivator s, Faang Lei did not feel that it was strenuous at all, but their attacks were very weak, stopping only in the blink of an eye, and they attacked at almost the same time while defending. For a moment, they had actually held back Faang Lei who excessively cherished his battle spirit.    


Faang Lei's eyes suddenly turned cold. The blazing Fire Quicksand started to slowly move towards the Seven-layer Sword. Faang Lei was planning to break through!    


However, just as he was about to raise his hand, a voice suddenly came from behind him. "Faang Lin, you brat, you want to play again to your heart's content. You're really not worthy of doing this!" Faang Lei turned his head and saw eight people walking towards him. They were Shen Feng and Jiang Yanming!    


The tuberculosis ghost walking in the front coughed twice and said, "Cough, sigh, my illness is getting worse and worse. I have lived for so long with this tuberculosis ghost, there are not many people that I admire from the bottom of my heart. You, Faang Lei, can be counted as one. You guys go next! Hurry up! Cough cough! "    


As soon as Faang Lei finished his words, he immediately charged into the midst of the guards and started fighting with them. Faang Lei and the others looked at each other and immediately sped into the city!    




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