Martial Ruler



1"It's about to explode!" Howls immediately broke out on the spectating platform. Almost all of the spectators instinctively leaned their bodies back as far as they could.    2


The two massive black energy clouds and the two rapidly rotating tornadoes rapidly made contact. The two energies both retreated a distance, and the final two energies completely collided. "Clang!"    


"Hiss hiss!" The dazzling sparks flew in all directions from the spots where the two energies collided, as though they were about to hit the spectating platform. But fortunately, there were three Fighting King Rankers standing there, so all of the sparks that flew towards the spectating platform were stopped by the three elders without exception. The spectators also calmed down.    


The friction continued for a long time. Finally, everyone discovered that the two energies had actually completely merged into one another. However, there was no explosion!    


"Protect your ears!" Faang Lei hurriedly reminded them as everyone simultaneously called out Energy of Fighting Qi beside their ears, protecting their eardrums.    


Seemingly at the same time, the three elders looked at each other and nodded at the same time. The three of them activated their powerful Energy of Fighting Qi s and combined their efforts to form a Energy Inhibition s that were formed from powerful Energy of Fighting Qi s.    


Instantly, it exploded without any warning, and the powerful impact instantly spread outwards. black-clothed man and Cheng Han both flew uncontrollably behind them under the impact of the powerful impact, and Cheng Han landed unerringly at the edge of the stage. As for black-clothed man, because he was too close to the edge of the stage, he flew out of the range of the stage with a single strike, hitting the Energy Inhibition, and fell to the ground with a loud bang!    


Although the outcome of the battle was already decided, the energy explosions on the stage still continued. The surging Energy Ripple were like an active dragon, dragging its long tail as it crazily rammed in all directions. Most of the Energy Ripple struck the Energy Inhibition, gently shaking the Energy Inhibition until it disappeared into nothingness.    


The more powerful of the Energy Ripple s had shot towards the direction of the unprotected contestants and the three judges! Almost all of the competitors were startled, and quickly climbed up to their seats. There was even a surge of energy that flew towards Faang Lei and the others as if it had eyes!    


In the nick of time, two more Fighting King experts flew out from the spectator stand, and quickly landed on the participants' stage. With their arms spread wide, a strong wave of Energy of Fighting Qi surged forward, blocking most of the Energy Ripple s. However, the Energy Ripple that was shooting at Faang Lei arrived in front of him in an instant because it was too fast!    


When the three judges saw this, they immediately stood up and raised their hands at the same time. The Energy Ripple that was shooting towards them instantly turned into nothingness, and just as they were about to fly to rescue Faang Lei and the others, it was already too late!    


"Crap!" How do the nine great forces do things? They are just a few of the younger generation, how can they withstand such powerful Energy Ripple! " Lei glared at the elder in front of him and snapped at him. The elder lowered his head in embarrassment.    


"Hmph, the Heru College is considered finished this time!"    


"This is really great, it would be best if that Faang Lei died in the explosion. That way, we would have the chance to break out of the encirclement with Group of Loser!" Seeing Faang Lei suffering, various malicious voices started to sound in the competitors' stands.    


Zhuge Yunting also glanced in Faang Lei's direction. Because Faang Lei had saved her before, he couldn't help but feel a pang in his heart.    




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