Martial Ruler



3With a grin, Faang Lei realized that the young girl in front of him had a special way of thinking. After he slowly sorted it out, he looked at the young girl with a smile and announced with certainty: "Okay, I declare that you've won. You've defeated me, Faang Lin. Can you go back now?"    


"No way!" The young girl stubbornly shook her head and firmly interrupted Faang Lei's words. She continued: "If father knew that you let me do it on purpose, he would definitely not agree to it. So I want to defeat you fair and square. Draw your sword!"    


Aiyo, it seems like this girl's temper is quite stubborn. Furthermore, as she spoke, there was even a bit of boldness. It really made Faang Lei's eyes light up.    


Patting the girl on the shoulder, Faang Lei went around her and walked forward with big steps. He said, "Alright, stop messing around. Let's go back!"    


"Plop!" This sound suddenly rang deep in Faang Lei's soul, and his memory once again returned to the day of Zhuge Renjie's marriage annulment. At that time, although his strength was very weak, he still knew the deep feelings of father and son contained in that action! But now, this young girl was actually kneeling to him. Presumably, the relationship between her and her elder sister was very good. Facing her father's coercion, the young and weak her felt very helpless!    


"I, the Phoenix Garden's Wu Ling, have never begged anyone. Even if it's my father, I've never begged anyone. Today, I only hope that I can compete with my big brother and hope that he can fulfill my wish!" As the Phoenix Garden Dancing Spirit spoke, her tears also began to flow down her face.    


After hearing the name "Phoenix Garden Dance", Faang Lei suddenly thought of something. It was rare to see the surname "Phoenix Garden", so Faang Lei unconsciously thought of Fengyuan Wuli, so he stopped his steps, withdrew his thoughts, and quietly said: "Get up, you can't beat me, so instead of getting beaten by me, you should return in the end. Why don't you bring me along, maybe your sister might have a chance of survival!"    


"Swoosh!" Wu Ling wiped away the tears at the corner of her eyes and immediately stood up, nodding her head vigorously.    


Along the way, the Phoenix Garden Dancing Spirit told them many things about her and her sister. This also made Faang Lei more convinced that the elder sister of the Phoenix Garden Dance Spirit was Fengyuan Wuli. Furthermore, the man called Tuoba Chengdu was an absolutely evil person.    


Tuoba Clan were originally a small force within the Zhongzhou, but after these few years, they began to depend on Floating Cloud Pavilion, and as a result, became increasingly larger, unceasingly invading the territories of other forces. All the forces with backgrounds could still provide good offices, but for some powerhouses without backgrounds, for example, Zi Yu Restaurant, their area of influence had been gradually shrinking under the impact of Tuoba Clan.    


In the beginning, Zi Yu Lou held onto Fengyuan Du with a tough attitude, and tried to fight to the death with Fengyuan Du a few times, but to no avail. Not only did they not remove the threat to Zi Yu House, they instead angered the Tuoba Clan, and brought the power of the Phoenix Garden Clan into a desperate situation!    


Wu Tie originally thought that he would leave the stage of Zhongzhou. However, right at the moment of life and death for Purple Jade Pavilion, Tuoba Clan suddenly made a request for a marriage. It turned out that Tuoba Clan Patriarch Tuoba and Jinnan's only son, Tuoba Chengdu, had long admired Fengyuan Du's eldest daughter, Fengyuan Wuli, and wholeheartedly wanted to marry Fengyuan Wuli! In order to protect the family's power, Fengyuan Du agreed immediately. However, he didn't expect Fengyuan Wuli to cause a huge ruckus after she returned home.    


Faang Lei understood Fengyuan Wuli better. He knew that with Fengyuan Wuli's personality, she would never agree to this kind of blind marriage no matter what. Thus, the moment she returned to the Purple Jade House, she immediately brought her family members to counterattack the Tuoba Clan.    


Initially, with Fengyuan Wuli's participation in the battle, Purple Jade Restaurant's winning streak quickly recovered its lost ground. But not long after, Tuoba Clan suddenly gathered a group of strong forces and started a counteroffensive, occupying all of the Purple Jade Pavilion's territory in one go, leaving behind only Phoenix Garden City to keep Purple Jade Pavilion alive.    


Without a doubt, Tuoba Chengdu's intention was obvious. He wanted to force Fengyuan Wuli to submit, but when Fengyuan Wuli said it, even if she died, she definitely wouldn't marry Tuoba Chengdu. This was something Faang Lei had already guessed long ago, but he wasn't able to guess what would happen at the beginning. This was because not long after, Tuoba Clan began to crazily capture the members of the Phoenix Garden Clan, causing the hearts of the members of the clan to be in a state of panic.    




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