Martial Ruler



2At this moment, Qing Lei finally saw the woman in white's face. The vulgar words' a crescent moon and a petrified flower 'did not match the noble temperament that she had. Just when Qing Lei was trying his best to find a word that could describe a woman's appearance, the latter had already finished drinking her water and smiled towards Qing Lei.    


The smile made Qing Lei a little stunned, and he started to feel awkward. When the woman in white saw that Qing Lei seemed to be embarrassed, her beautiful smile spread out once again and her melodious voice rang in Qing Lei's ears.    


"Thank you!"    


"A smile that can topple cities, a smile that can topple kingdoms, a smile that can topple kingdoms!"    


Turning his head, the embarrassment on Qing Lei's face disappeared. He replied with a smile, "You're welcome!"    


At the same time, Qing Lei recalled the woman in white clothes being heavily pressed in front of his chest by Twin Wild Goose Celestial Tiger, and immediately, he unconsciously cast his gaze in that direction. The woman in white's clothes had already been shattered into pieces, and the blood on her snow-white clothes blossomed, not only did this not lower the woman's appearance, it even added a special flavor to it.    


Shifting his gaze away from the blood, he could vaguely see the pink bra and fair and smooth skin under the torn and tattered clothes. Because his chest had been torn apart by the sharp claws, the fierce force had even left a long and narrow wound in the middle of his bra. Because the front had been torn apart by the sharp claws, the fierce force had even opened a long and narrow hole in the middle of his bra.    


"Gou —" Qing Lei couldn't help but swallow his saliva as an inexplicable impulse rose up in his heart. The woman in white seemed to have noticed Qing Lei's actions as well. She looked at her chest, which was shining with spring light, and a hint of redness suddenly appeared on her face. She shyly reached out her hands to cover her bra.    


However, Qing Lei always felt that the pink bra was a little small, and that the pair of snow-white breasts that were squeezed inside was really too small. Qing Lei always felt that the pink bra was a little small, and the pair of white breasts that were squeezed inside was really too small.    


After saying that, Qing Lei realized that he spoke incorrectly. He quickly put the woman on the stone bed and jumped to the side. With an apologetic tone, he said: "Um, sorry, I …"    


However, she could not muster up any strength. It was likely that the Twin Seals had already begun working, and the Dou Qi in her body had already been sealed. Helpless, the woman could only shyly turn her head away, the redness on her face becoming even stronger.    


However, after thinking about it carefully, over these years, there were a few people who should say their wrongs in front of him, not to mention using such obscure matters as an excuse. In an instant, the woman in white appreciated Qing Lei a little, at least he dared to say that.    


The two of them were silent for a long time. The atmosphere in the cave became awkward for a moment, and the white-clothed woman finally opened her mouth first.    


"Um, what's your name?"    


Qing Lei didn't know where the courage came from, so he teased, "Before asking someone's name, shouldn't you say your name first!"    


"Rann Xi!" The woman in white spoke softly, as if she was trying to prick her wound just by speaking loudly.    


"Azure Forest!" Qing Lei answered.    


Rann Xi said hesitantly, "Qing Lin, can you wash my wounds and apply medicine on me? I …"    


She wanted to continue, but was interrupted by Qing Lei's sudden voice.    


"Sure, sure, sure. It's just that I don't have any medicine to heal my injuries!" Qing Lei didn't lie. He didn't feel that he had enough the wound that Chong Yun gave him last time. Right now, not only did he not have any medicine, he didn't even have any medicine because a glutton was following beside him.    


From the trembling of her body and arms, Qing Lei could tell that Rann Xi's injuries were definitely not light and that the wound must be very painful. When he looked again, he saw a small white jade bottle rolling out of her outstretched hand.    


"Eh." After thinking for a while, Qing Lei responded, but he was still worried, so he said, "I can help you apply the medicine, but you know where you're injured. If I accidentally see something I shouldn't have seen, you can't wait until after everything is settled, then I won't be able to handle it."    


Rann Xi forced a smile and said helplessly, "Don't worry. As long as you follow the rules, I promise I won't use my martial arts on you."    


After getting Rann Xi's guarantee, Qing Lei felt relieved. He walked up to her and waved his hand. The little guy immediately ran over happily.    


"Then I'll begin!"    


When Rann Xi heard the sound, she turned around with difficulty and lay on her back, waiting for Qing Lei to apply the medicine for her.    


Rubbing his hands and wiping away the sweat on his palms, Qing Lei slowly reached out his hand and gently pulled open the tattered clothes on Ruoxi's chest, revealing the snow congealing muscles hidden under the clothes. Unfortunately, there were five deep wounds on her fair skin.    


After the torn and tattered clothes were gone, her pink bra was completely exposed in front of Qing Lei. Rann Xi instinctively stretched out her hand to cover her chest, but unfortunately, she couldn't block the narrow crack.    


Qing Lei stretched out his trembling hands and tore off a corner of his clean shirt. He dipped it in water and gently cleaned the wound, but no matter how light he moved, Rann Xi still moaned in pain.    


The wound was too close to the bra. This groan made Qing Lei's heart flutter, and he accidentally pressed his hands on the bra. A wave of extreme softness flowed from Qing Lei's hands to his heart, and even his breathing started to quicken.    


Ruoxi also discovered that her ample breasts had been attacked, and her whole body shuddered uncontrollably. Her feet instinctively tensed up, and her entire body immediately stiffened up. Her small face was even redder, but a resolute voice filled with anger came out: "You, what are you trying to do? If you dare do that, when I recover, I'll kill you immediately and commit suicide! "    


"Ah!" Qing Lei was shocked when he heard Rann Xi say that she wanted to kill him. The anger in his heart was swept away as he apologized profusely, "I'm sorry. Um, I didn't do it on purpose!    


Even though she said that, the softness on the tip of her finger made Qing Lei's heart surge, but Rann Xi's actions just now was too big, and I think that there are definitely not many people who would dare to target her, as she is a noble Fighting King rank expert, so she is still ignorant of the matters of men and women, which actually stimulated Qing Leiqiang's desire to conquer the world!    




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