Martial Ruler



1Everyone looked at the figure, they all had the same thought. Just as the second mercenary was about to leave the group, the distant mercenary suddenly stopped, everyone looked at him suspiciously, and in the end, the fleeing mercenary fell to the ground with a loud bang, never standing up again!    4


"If I run, I die. If I don't run, I die. I can't take it anymore, I'll kill myself!" One of the mercenaries howled in pain as he picked up a knife and slashed across his neck. Blood splattered as he fell to the ground.    




The mercenaries looked at the people around them who had either committed suicide or were scared out of their wits. However, there was only one outcome, and that was death!    


"I don't want to die! I really don't want to die! I beg you, don't kill me! I'll do whatever you want me to do! As long as you don't kill me!" A mercenary covered his head with his hands and painfully struggled as his knees bent and he kneeled down heavily on the ground, randomly kowtowing to every single part of the forest. With every kowtow, the sound was very clear, and after kowtowing for who knows how many times, the mercenary never raised his head again.    


He just kowtowed and died! Another person had died!    


With every death, the mercenaries had more fear in their hearts, and with every additional fear, one more person would die. With every death, the mercenaries had more fear in their hearts, and with every additional fear, one more person would die.    


This shout was like a motto, saving every mercenary from death. As a result, all the mercenaries gathered in one place and faced the path that they had come from, ready to charge out at the same time.    


"Since you can all die in a hurry, then go all the way to hell!" Qing Lei said coldly and appeared behind the mercenaries in a flash. He indifferently pulled out the Seven-layer Sword on his back and activated a dark blue energy source from his hands. The dark blue energy quickly gathered on the sword's body.    


The mercenaries began counting down.    










"One, charge!"    


"Floating Cloud Slash!" Facing the fleeing mercenaries, Qing Lei shouted out loud. His body that was in the air suddenly swayed, and the Seven-layer Sword in his hands slashed down from above. A huge dark blue illusory sword tip pointed straight at the mercenaries that were running in the front.    


The moment the sword slashed down, all the mercenaries stopped in their tracks and turned their heads to look behind them. However, all they could see was the back of the grey-robed person and the faint voice of the grey-robed person saying, "Explode!"    


"Puchi!" At the same time the mercenaries felt their bodies explode, a sweet taste came from their mouths as they spat out a mouthful of blood mixed with their internal organs.    


"Fall down!"    


"Boom!" Dozens of mercenaries fell with this sound, without exception!    


"There's finally peace in my ears!"    


Taking a deep breath, Qing Lei immediately felt the air become much fresher. He walked towards the waterfall with a look of relief on his face. He didn't know when, but the little guy was already standing on the former's shoulder, chirping non-stop.    


"Aiya, I know, I'll let you eat your fill tonight!" Qing Lei said with a smile as he lovingly rubbed the little guy's head.    


"Chirp, chirp, chirp." The little guy wriggled its tail happily and continuously jumped around Qing Lei's shoulders.    


It was so easy to get a moment of peace and quiet, Qing Lei naturally wouldn't miss a chance to cultivate. Thus, he took out a white scroll, closed in on Fighting Technique, and started to study it.    


After reading it again and again, Qing Lei realized a very serious problem. The initial requirement for training reverse Fire Quicksand was to have sand!    


Qing Lei started to look around anxiously, but as far as he could see, except for the dust on the ground, there were only those solid stone walls. Not to mention sand, even small pebbles were nowhere to be seen.    


Under the guidance of his strong desire to become stronger, Qing Lei's thought process sped up, and dozens of feasible plans appeared in his mind. After careful consideration, he finally chose the most practical and convenient one, and that was to create sand without sand!    




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