Martial Ruler



2"Eh?" Faang Lei looked at Tong Xiangjie doubtfully and said, "Another piece of news?"    


"This time, it's not just news. At noon today, Nie Yunzhou brought a group of people to Courier Station's gate to place up a notice. The details of the first stage have already been told in detail." The more Tong Xiangjie said, the more excited he got.    


He was afraid that Faang Lei wouldn't believe him, so he quickly opened the window of the corridor and pointed below, "Mr Faang Lin, look for yourself if you don't believe me!"    


Just as Tong Xiangjie had said, around the walls outside the Courier Station area, there were thousands of people standing on three to three layers. Because of the noise made by these people, even the sixty-eighth floor could hear them.    


Why did the Heru College reveal the secret of the first stage of the examination? Could it be that there was some kind of secret behind it? Faang Lei mulled over it for a long time, but still couldn't come to a conclusion.    


During the meal time, the hall should have been packed with people, but the situation today was different. Although there were people at every table, most of them were scattered, and the total number of people in the hall added up to no more than a hundred.    


"Young Master Tong!" At the corner of the hall, a person suddenly stood up. Faang Lei recognized him as Tong Xiangjie's follower. At this moment, he was sitting alone at a table, while the other followers were nowhere to be seen.    


At this moment, the students at the other tables were all looking at the two of them with unfriendly gazes, seemingly complaining about something. Finally, someone couldn't resist anymore. The one who spoke was Crooked Chen.    


"Tong Xiangjie, you really have a lot of face. Now, everyone has an emergency meeting to discuss how to pass the first stage. You're still in the mood to be late!" Without leaving a trace of trace, Qu Chen glanced at Faang Lei and reproached him emotionally.    


Normally, Tong Xiangjie would have retorted, but the situation today was very different. Not only Qu Chen, the other students also followed and shouted: "Hey, hurry up, the meeting is about to start!"    


Faang Lei roughly understood that the meeting that was about to be held in the hall should be a 'high-level meeting'. That is to say, the people who were attending the meeting were either people with extraordinary statuses or strong experts that had gained everyone's recognition, and the purpose of the meeting was to discuss how to face the first stage of the assessment!    


Following behind Tong Xiangjie, Faang Lei also walked to the area occupied by Tong Xiangjie's lackeys and sat down. That lackey tactfully walked out of the hall. Apparently, with his status, he wasn't worthy to stay here.    


At first, there were some people who were doubtful of Faang Lei's arrival, because Faang Lei was neither a descendant of any large clan nor a powerhouse. But soon, someone recognized Faang Lei as the young man who killed Yu Tianheng that day. Everyone in the hall had an important position, and as long as one of them agreed, no one else dared to object.    


It had been almost a quarter of an hour since Faang Lei sat down. The so-called emergency meeting had yet to begin. Although some people could not wait any longer, no one complained. There was not even the sound of smacking lips. The hall was completely silent.    


Faang Lei, who was resting with his eyes closed, finally understood that these people must be waiting for some important person. This person's identity was very respected.    


When he went downstairs, Faang Lei had already taken a glance at Dugu City, Shen Feng, Ximen Canxue and Zuo Lun. All of these people were already in position, so who could this mysterious person who had yet to appear be? Could he be a hidden super expert?    


Faang Lei became interested in this mysterious person due to his curiosity.    


After about half a quarter of an hour, someone finally couldn't wait any longer.    


"Hey, you guys wait here first. I'm hungry. I'm going to eat a meal first." Everyone looked in the direction of the voice, only to see a fat guy sighing with both hands covering his bulging stomach. His voice was very soft, like a child who had done something wrong. He looked very cute.    


After he finished speaking, the fatty didn't care about whether the others allowed it or not. He walked towards the door without saying anything else, and soon disappeared from everyone's line of sight. In the blink of an eye, however, the fatty returned from the original path and sat down at the table, his face filled with resentment.    




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