Martial Ruler



2"Is your Fighting Infant at the fifth level? It's time to go. " Lifting his hand to wipe the sweat on his forehead, Faang Lei withdrew his training posture and sat up. When he saw that his injured tendons and bones had been repaired, he couldn't help but chuckle.    


After two days of peace and quiet, it was finally the big day of recruitment for Heru College. Today, all three thousand prospective students were going to head to the true recruitment location for Heru College, Heavenly Mansion City! The recruitment location was set at the City Lord's Palace in Heavenly Mansion City.    


When they came down from the stairs, the hall was already empty. As they walked out of the city, they ran into Shen Feng and Tong Xiangjie. The three of them walked out of Sky Wing City and arrived outside the city.    


From the pattern, it could be seen that after these prospective students learned that the first stage was the natural chasm, they all formed large and small combinations, and Xuanyuan Wuji's formation was the most powerful among them.    


The one in charge of leading the group to Heavenly Mansion City was Nie Yunzhou, but strangely, there was not a single elder-level expert in the group. It seemed like they were busy preparing for registration. It seemed that not only these people valued this registration, but Heru College too!    


The vast army of three thousand moved extremely slowly. They departed early in the morning and only arrived outside the Heavenly Mansion City at noon.    


The City Lord of Heavenly Mansion City had graduated from Heru College, so it goes without saying that his strength was formidable. A city occupied by such a powerful expert would definitely be a unique sight to behold! Just from the size alone, the Heavenly Mansion City was ten times the size of Sky Wing City, and it was without a doubt a large city, and was even ranked high in the entire Cloud Dream Continent!    


The moment Nie Yunzhou arrived outside the city, a large number of guards immediately went out to receive him. It was as if the emperor had returned from a tour. Faang Lei suddenly thought of something. Nie Yunzhou and Nie Lian Ting both had the surname of Nie, so the two of them were very likely to have some sort of relationship.    


After giving a few simple instructions to the guards, Nie Yunzhou then walked in front of the crowd and said, "Everyone, the enrollment location is in the City Lord's Mansion. Nie Yunzhou gave a few simple instructions to the guards and then walked in front of everyone and said," Everyone, the recruitment location is in the City Lord's Mansion.    


Other than Xuanyuan Wuji's already existing hundred man team, the rest of the team also formed their own hundred man team. After a round of drawing lots, Faang Lei's team had a tenth place on the list. With this, the thirty teams followed Nie Yunzhou and headed towards the City Lord's Mansion.    


There were no gongs, drums, drums in the sky, firecrackers, and the registration point only had the solemn faces of the elders, and not even a welcoming banner. If it wasn't for the large registration point written outside the walls of the City Lord's Mansion, it would be really hard to imagine that this would actually be the entrance ceremony for the Heru College students occupying the continent! This might perhaps be one of the secrets of Heru College that had existed in the continent for hundreds of thousands of years, being low-key!    


"How shabby!" From time to time, someone in the crowd gave such an evaluation. But most people did not believe that it was because they only had one goal in mind, and that was to become an official student of Heru College!    


The registration began!    


The person in charge of receiving Faang Lei was an elder over a hundred years old. His hair had long been completely white, and even his beard was snow-white, but instead of the loose skin of an old person, he looked like a crane with a large mole on the tip of his nose. Let's just call him the 'big mole' old man.    


The big mole elder had been squinting his eyes the entire time as if he was resting with his eyes closed. It was only when the registration started that he opened his eyes.    


Faang Lei and the other two were at the end of the team, so they could clearly see the situation of the other teams. Through the gap between them, Faang Lei surprisingly found the female bounty hunter, Waner's figure. This woman was getting prettier and prettier.    


After about a quarter of an hour, only then did a few people walk back to the front of the group. Each of them had a difficult expression on their face as they were comforted by Nie Yunzhou and led out of the city by the guards.    


Faang Lei was surprised, after observing that the strength of these people were all around the fourth level of Fighting Infant, and their age was almost the same as his, they were all very handsome, and logically speaking, such a preparatory student would not be rejected, so what went wrong.    




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