Martial Ruler



0When he raised his eyes, he saw eight beams of light shooting out from under Qing Lei's black robe. The two mercenaries behind him immediately turned pale, and in an instant, their pale skin slowly fell off, accompanied by a strong burnt smell. Black smoke was emitted from the bodies of the two mercenaries, and their faces were charred like charcoal.    


The remaining six mercenaries were the same as the other two, their bodies emitting black smoke one after the other. Their entire bodies were charred black and they fell in front of Tia Mo.    


Tia Mo could not help but swallow a mouthful of saliva. He stared blankly at the eight mercenaries who had horrible death appearances. He could not believe his eyes as he looked at the black-robed youth in front of him.    


No, impossible, a brat that hadn't even condensed his Fighting Soul yet? Could he be hiding his strength and pretending to be a pig to eat the tiger?    


Pausing for a moment, Tia Mo took a deep breath and said: "Brat, good move but I, Tia Mo, am a reasonable person. You killed eight of my men, so it makes sense for you to keep your life. However, if you end it yourself, I might be able to save your corpse! "    


Qing Lei smiled indifferently. His feet moved, and his figure flew towards Tia Mo. The Qi of Jun Heaven in his hands quickly condensed into a single hand, forming a blade with one hand.    


Ms Hua saw that Qing Lei did not seem to have any intention of stopping, so she hurriedly reminded him: "Don't be rash, Tia Mo is at the eighth level of Fighting Vigour, you can't beat him!"    


Tia Mo leaped to the side and easily dodged Qing Lei's attack. Powerful Dou Qi quickly covered his entire body and both of his hands were raised into claws as he flew towards Qing Lei's chest.    


His claws turned into countless claw shadows in the air. They were fast like lightning and instantly arrived in front of Qing Lei.    


Seeing that Qing Lei was about to be taken down by him, Tia Mo couldn't help but smugly glance at Qing Lei and coldly said, "Brat, so what if you're hiding your strength. The weak are always the weak, always the plaything of the strong!"    


"Is that so? But if I have to play with you, I'm not interested in it at all! " The Qi of Jun Heaven in Qing Lei's body quickly moved downwards, stopping at his feet. The Qi of Jun Heaven on his left hand suddenly disappeared, and a dark blue Qi of Jun Heaven appeared on his right palm, then quickly congealed.    


Qing Lei suddenly accelerated, dodging Tia Mo's fatal strike without any fancy tricks. His body was completely separated from Tia Mo's, and his right hand always maintained the horizontal slicing posture.    


"What?! Impossible!" Tia Mo was shocked to find that Qing Lei's body had strangely disappeared all of a sudden!    


Tia Mo turned his head and looked behind him in a burst of fear. He was shocked to find that the current Qing Lei was standing with his back facing him and the dark blue energy in his hands was also gone.    


"Brat, you really have some skills!" Tia Mo suddenly changed his topic and said angrily: "Innocent brat! With just this bit of ability, what can you do to me! "    


Ms Hua could only barely see a bunch of dark blue energy hit Tia Mo's legs, but now it seems like his attack didn't do any damage to Tia Mo. She could only sigh in her heart: "This level of attack can't hurt Tia Mo, the outcome of the battle is already decided!"    


Tia Mo laughed and tried to turn around, but no matter how hard he tried, his legs wouldn't obey him. He tried a few times but to no avail, and Tia Mo panicked, afraid that Qing Lei would take the opportunity to kill him.    




"Ah!" Bastard, I'll kill you! "I …    


Qing Lei turned around and locked onto Tia Mo's neck, and said with an innocent smile: "Fourth Boss, I have a lot of good intentions. Think about it, now that you have legs, you need to run around for your life. Now that your legs are broken, you don't need to run around.    


Looking at that harmless smile, Tia Mo couldn't even say a word to resist, because he didn't know if this brat in front of him would be interested and be kind enough to send him to heaven, making him happy forever!    


"Eh? The ring on your finger is very pretty! Aren't you the most reasonable one? Just give it to me as a thank you! " Qing Lei noticed that Tia Mo had intentionally or unintentionally moved his hand that was wearing the ring behind him. He guessed that this ring must be very valuable and quickly asked for it.    


In the beginning, Tia Mo was still a little unwilling, but when he saw the dark blue energy in Qing Lei's hands, he immediately took it off and brought it to Qing Lei, adding: "This ring is a Storage Ring, and it contains all my lifetime savings. Can you save some for me?"    


Tia Mo's voice became softer and softer, without any confidence at all. Qing Lei brought along the Storage Ring, and the powerful Soul Power quickly rushed in. The weak imprint was instantly swallowed by his Soul Power.    


After making another seal, Qing Lei turned around and left. As he was about to leave, he did not forget to tell Ms Hua, "Ms Hua! The money for the food is on those dead mercenaries, will you take it? "    


"Yes!" Ms Hua was still in shock and didn't come back to her senses. When she finally understood what had happened, Qing Lei had already disappeared without a trace.    


Ms Hua completely ignored the unconscious Tia Mo as she ran upstairs. After making sure that no one was following her, she opened the door and walked in.    


In a small room, a cold and elegant woman was sitting on the bed as she looked at the man lying on the bed in a daze.    


Upon hearing that someone had entered, the cold looking woman hurriedly stood up. She wiped away the tears at the corner of her eyes and anxiously asked, "Senior Sister, how is it?"    


As soon as Ms Hua entered the room, she went straight to the clothes rack, and turned around. A silver belt with a curving badge immediately wrapped around her waist, she turned around and said to the cold beauty, "Waner, I'm curious as to how you managed to survive from the hands of such a cold-blooded brat, could it be that he has his eyes on you?"    


Waner shyly lowered her head when she heard what he said. When she thought back to that day when her forehead had been still, and the trace of hesitation that appeared in his eyes uncontrollably, a flush appeared on her cold and elegant face.    


Although Qing Lei was the enemy that killed her Junior Brother, she could not bring herself to hate him. In fact, she even had a trace of a favorable impression towards him. Thinking about this, her heart started to conflict and she didn't know what to do.    


"That brat is simply a devil. With our strength, it's impossible to take him down. It seems that we can only invite martial uncles over. After all, he is worth fifty thousand gold coins!" Little junior sister, I want to remind you of one thing, and that is that you must understand that we bounty hunters are not suited for the relationship between a man and a woman, because we are born to be slaves to money! "    


Upon hearing Ms Hua's warning, Waner could not help but lose all color in her eyes. She stood there blankly, deep in thought.    




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