Martial Ruler



1"Swish …" A black shadow hurriedly flew past. Its speed was so fast that one couldn't see its appearance clearly, as though it was an illusion.    


"Crack." The crisp sound of a broken throat could be heard behind the last of the mercenaries. Without even a chance to make a sound, the mercenary was already on the verge of death.    


The mercenaries all turned to look behind them, only to discover that there was another mercenary missing, all of them pale in fright, unable to figure out what had happened, but after thinking carefully, even if there was a devil beast around, the knife should have at least been left behind, but the disappearing mercenary disappeared mysteriously with his blade, there were no signs of struggle at all on the ground.    


The mercenaries who were walking at the back started to get nervous, they started to push forward in a chaotic manner. A few bold mercenaries did not believe what was happening, they gathered up their courage and walked at the back, the group walked ahead for no more than three to five trees, and when everyone turned around, those bold mercenaries had mysteriously disappeared from the world.    


At first, everyone thought that those people were scared, so they took advantage of everyone's inattentiveness to turn around and run back. However, along the way, other than the footprints that they made when they came back, there were no footprints that led back.    


"Could it be ghosts? I heard that a lot of mercenaries died in the devil beast forest, and after their deaths, they all became wraiths. They died in front of the devil beast's hands, and after their deaths, they fed on devil beast everyday.    


A timid mercenary spoke to the mercenaries next to him in a serious tone, causing them to stare at him with wide eyes as they gulped down their saliva. They had already been scared to the point where their faces turned pale.    


All of the mercenaries lived their lives like rolling knives in the middle of the three groups of people, every day they would lift their heads up and enter the devil beast forest, they had seen all kinds of terrifying massacres, but these mercenaries had always believed in the words of ghosts and gods, otherwise they would not have kowtowed in front of the statue of the creator of Labor Union of Mercenary and prayed in front of it.    


"Who dares to put on a show here? What a coward! Come out and fight me to the death if you have the guts!" A tall and sturdy mercenary holding a snow-white saber pointed towards the forest, speaking words of bravado.    


"Ah!" It was a short but real existence. This burly man had just finished speaking when everyone's gaze left his body and immediately disappeared!    


"There's a ghost!" The mercenaries were thrown into chaos as they screamed at the top of their lungs.    


"Everyone, calm down, it's daytime, how could there be a ghost coming out? Someone must be putting on a show. Everyone, don't panic, the mercenaries at the back have to move backwards. As long as they hear anything suspicious, immediately report to me!" The third group of mercenaries immediately questioned everyone's idea of becoming ghosts and gods and came up with a practical way to protect themselves.    


In this way, the three groups of people faced the path that they had come from. Even if one of them was attacked, they would be able to see if it was a human or a ghost.    


With a flash, Qing Lei grabbed the leader's neck with one hand, and with a fierce push, the person's neck immediately tilted. Just like before, Qing Lei took that person's body and threw it into the woods a little further away, then he quickly turned back.    


The three groups of people were now safe, but with the death of the mercenary who had questioned the theory of ghosts and gods, the number of people in the second group began to decrease at a rate that could be seen with the naked eye.    


Fear, gloom, chilliness and fear lingered in the hearts of the mercenaries like maggots.    


The humidity in the air wasn't that great, but at this moment, all of the mercenaries felt that the air had become oppressive, and even breathing became difficult. A white terror had been unconsciously formed in this space, and the fear of death caused the mercenaries to feel an unprecedented pressure.    


Every nerve was stretched taut, and every moment someone was disappearing from their side, and every moment they could hear their own frantic heartbeat. They could even feel the Demon Claw of the Death God slowly reaching out to them!    


"Ah!" I can't take it anymore, I don't want to do it anymore, I want to go back! " Not everyone could withstand the pressure of being highly focused. A mercenary that couldn't take it immediately rushed out of the crowd and ran towards the road they had come from.    




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