Asura War Supreme



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At this moment, outside of Black Cloud City, in the forest, Lin Jingyu's carriage was parked on the spot and the few of them were resting.    


"Brother, are you so sure that the Du Family will definitely give you these 60 million star stones?" "Are you not afraid that the old fellow would just pretend to agree and directly send you off without a reply?" Lin Jinghan looked at Lin Jingyu suspiciously, her eyes filled with doubt.    


Lin Jingyu's mouth raised into a smile as he looked towards his sister, "Of course, your brother has such a high charisma. Then why would the Du Family lie to me when they want to curry favor with me?"    


Lin Jinghan still had a look of disbelief on her face as she said, "Tch, narcissism! Bro, your thick skin really makes me, as a sister, feel incomparably ashamed. Anyway, I just don't believe that there is such a foolish person in the world. If the Du Family really does that, then I'll turn upside down and eat the dirt?"    


Lin Jingyu did not refute, but only smiled and said, "Just watch and see, not only will the Du Family give me sixty million star stones, but they will also give it to the Patriarch of the Du Family personally!?"    


"Bro, just be pretentious!" Lin Jinghan stuck out her tongue as she clearly felt that Lin Jingyu was about to be slapped in the face.    


Lin Jingyu no longer said anything. At this moment, a line of people suddenly appeared in front of them. Lin Jingyu smiled. This line of people was obviously from the Du Family.    


Not long later, the Du Family's Patriarch led a group of high level elders and appeared in front of Lin Jingyu and the other three. Lin Jinghan instantly blinked her eyes, her mouth was wide open, and within her eyes, an unfathomable look of disbelief could be clearly seen.    


As she thought back to what she had just said and how she had still heard it, Lin Jinghan suddenly felt as if her cheeks were burning hot.    


The Du Family's Patriarch's gaze landed on Lin Jingyu. In the next moment, he bowed slightly to Lin Jingyu, "Sir, I am the Patriarch of Black Cloud City's Du Family. Earlier, a member of my Du Family accidentally offended you, so I apologize."    


Saying that, he waved his hand and nodded to the elder of the Du Family behind him. The elder took out a storage ring and walked to Lin Jingyu, saying, "Young master, this is a small greeting gift from our clan master, please accept it as an apology."    


Lin Jingyu's lips curled up into a smile as he received the storage ring from the other party. Following that, he directly broke the seal on the storage ring in front of the Du Family.    


"I'm very satisfied." Lin Jingyu coughed and nodded. He did not want to say anything more. At this time, he only wanted to escape as soon as possible. However, the Du Family obviously did not think this way.    


How could the Du Family's Patriarch let Lin Jingyu off so easily? That was sixty million yuan, which was basically the entire Du Family's bottom line. Thinking about it, he felt as if his heart was bleeding.    


The clan head of the Du Family said politely, "This young master, your talent and cultivation level is unexpectedly monstrous, truly something that I admire. It's just that I don't know what your name is, young master, what is your master's name? "In the future, if we meet again, I can call you by that name …"    


"My surname is Lin, and my name is Lin Er. As for Master, he is used to roaming the world, so it's inconvenient for him to reveal his name here. I'm sorry, but I can't tell you …"    


Lin Jingyu, of course, wouldn't foolishly announce his real name.    


"Oh, so that's how it is. Oh, so it's Sir Lin. I was rude just now …" Lin Jingyu's answer looked ambiguous on the surface, but it made the Du Family's Patriarch even more so. Lin Jingyu's answer revealed a mysterious color everywhere. Without a doubt, there was an expert teaching behind it.    


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