Asura War Supreme



1— —    


My sister!    


Wu Jinhai's face was already deathly pale, but when he heard that the person in front of him was actually Lin Jinghan's older brother …    


He almost fainted.    




Lin Jinghan actually had a brother who was a Saint Bearer Stage demon!    


At this moment, Wu Jinhai's face was drained of blood!    


It was incomparably pale!    


You said you have such a monstrous genius brother.    


Why didn't the Lin Clan reveal any of this back then?    


Now, wasn't this obviously pretending to be a pig to eat the tiger?    


"Young Hero, listen to me. This … this is all a misunderstanding …"    


In next to no time, Wu Jinhai who was in a sorry state at the bottom of the sky had a change in expression, and he had a fake smile on his face.    


Lin Jingyu glanced at Wu Jinhai coldly, "Misunderstanding? Are you sure?    


Hehe, I don't think so!    


This morning, during my mother's first seven days of sacrifice, it was your Wu family that brought a large number of men to make trouble in the Lin family's great hall!    


Not only that, she even tried to force the marriage of my sister in front of my father.    


Do you think our Lin Family will let you off?    


I forgot to tell you, your father and all the elders of the Wu family have been beheaded by me!    


Could it be that you think this is a misunderstanding between our Lin Wu and his clan? "    


Lin Jingyu laughed coldly at Wu Jinhai's obvious plea for mercy.    


He thought that in order to survive, this Wu Jinhai really could do anything.    


Lin Jingyu said this in order to be frank.    


However, when he heard this, Wu Jinhai's expression became abnormally abnormal.    


Not only was there not a trace of sadness on his face, he even laughed maniacally, "Hahaha, you killed well, you killed well!    


To be honest, I've long disliked those old fellows. They're dead, and I just happen to have a clean ear! "    


When Lin Jinghan heard this, she immediately thought to herself, 'This big brother is really a ruthless man.'    


In order to survive, he even dared to curse his own father!    


But no matter how much he cursed, Wu Tai was already dead.    


But if Wu Tai saw his precious son cursing at him mercilessly for the sake of his own life, he probably wouldn't feel good about it either.    


Lin Jingyu was stunned when he heard that.    


In order to live, this Wu Jinhai was really shameless.    


At this moment, Wu Jinhai could see the hesitation on Lin Jingyu's face.    


He immediately twisted his fat butt and kneeled in the well, begging for mercy, "Young Hero, as long as you spare my life today!    


You can take whatever you want with my Wu family's property!    


Moreover, I promise that from now on, I will leave this place and never return to Qingshan Town ever again!    


Moreover, if I ever meet Young Hero on the road in the future, I will definitely take a detour! "    


Lin Jingyu glanced at Wu Jinhai and nodded, "Alright!    


I'll give you a chance!    


As for whether you can escape, that will depend on your luck! "    


On the side, Lin Jinghan frowned, "Big Brother, you're not really planning on letting this guy go, are you?"    


Lin Jingyu nodded.    


However, he gave Lin Jinghan a reassured look.    


Obviously, Lin Jingyu was just speaking on the surface, he did not intend to let Wu Jinhai off.    


"Thank you Young Hero, thank you Young Hero!"    


When Wu Jinhai heard this, he was overjoyed and immediately kowtowed in the well.    


However, he secretly had another plan.    


"Hmph, 30 years, 30 years!    


I, Wu Jinhai, will definitely come back and seek revenge on your Wu Family when I become famous in the future! "    


How could Lin Jingyu not know what Wu Jinhai was thinking?    


Lin Jingyu naturally didn't want to let him go, he just wanted to play around.    


In the next moment, Lin Jingyu waved his hand towards the bottom of the sky well.    


Wu Jinhai's body immediately floated into the air.    


He came from the sky well to the surface.    


Lin Jingyu glanced at Wu Jinhai, who was covered in mud, and laughed, "The rules are very simple!    


You can run away recklessly within fifteen minutes!    


Of course, the farther the better!    


In a quarter of an hour, the azure sword in my hand will chase after you!    


If you cannot escape, then your life will be mine! "    


Lin Jingyu spoke very easily.    


However, Wu Jinhai's gaze trembled.    


But soon, he felt relieved.    


A quarter of an hour!    




He didn't think that Lin Jingyu's sword could catch up to him in a quarter of an hour!    


To be able to do this, he had undoubtedly already reached the level of a Sword God!    


With that, Wu Jinhai recklessly left the Wu Residence!    


As long as he ran fast!    


After a quarter of an hour, Wu Jinhai felt that he could not escape from Qing Mountain Village's territory.    


However, he had run fifty miles away from the Wu Residence!    


He was still confident!    


At that time, he would find a cave to hide in …    


He did not think that Lin Jingyu's sword could behead him!    


"Brother, that damn fatty broke the rules. You still haven't said the start …"    


Lin Jinghan was very unhappy.    


Lin Jingyu just smiled coldly and didn't seem to care at all.    


A quarter of an hour later.    


On a street south of Qingshan Town.    


A sea of people!    


However, at this moment, there was a figure on the street that seemed to have gone crazy, running with all his might.    


Wu Jinhai looked at the city gate not far away and the corner of his mouth gradually raised into a smile.    


The city gate was almost here!    


After he left the city gates, he wanted to see how that brat would use his sword to kill him!    


Just as this thought appeared in Wu Jinhai's mind, his body froze!    


A long sword pierced straight through his throat!    




Blood sprayed out!    


The smile had not fully bloomed on his face yet.    


It was already completely frozen in place!    


Wu Jinhai suddenly lay down in a pool of blood!    




The streets were filled with the cries of panic!    


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