Asura War Supreme



2Not long after Wu Jinhai's death, the green longsword in his throat suddenly trembled and vanished into thin air.    


When he reappeared, the cyan sword was already in Lin Jingyu's hand.    


Lin Jingyu lowered his head to look at the blood on the bronze three-leaf sword Sword, and shouted: "That fatty is dead!"    


Lin Jinghan, who was standing at the side, heard this and was stunned.    


She never thought that her brother's flying sword could actually kill enemies from thousands of miles away!    


Even with such a long distance between them, he could still easily decapitate Wu Jinhai!    


It was so satisfying!    


Thinking about this, the look in Lin Jinghan's eyes towards Lin Jingyu became more and more different.    


It was as if the girl's eyes were shining.    


Lin Jinghan smiled and said, "Big Brother, your sword technique that kills enemies with a thousand miles, can you …"    


Lin Jingyu said in a low voice, "No!"    


Lin Jinghan pouted and said coquettishly, "Why?"    


Looking at his willful little sister, Lin Jingyu shook his head, "No reason, your basic level is still too low right now. It's impossible for you to do this. Besides, you're a girl, what kind of sword techniques are you studying?"    


Lin Jinghan was about to argue again.    


At this time, Lin Jingyu didn't pay any more attention to his sister. Instead, he raised his head and looked over!    


Yang Jun appeared beside Lin Jingyu.    


When Yang Jun appeared beside Lin Jingyu, his face was full of smiles.    


With one look, it was clear that he had gained quite a lot!    


"How much?"    


Lin Jingyu looked at Yang Jun.    


In terms of wealth and income, the Four Great Clans of Qing Mountain Village were about the same.    


The Lin Clan could earn several million star dollars per month.    


I believe the Wu family is on a similar level.    


And this time, Lin Jingyu had overturned the entire Wu family!    


With the Wu Clan's business in Qing Mountain Village for the past ten years, excluding the daily expenses, it should be worth at least tens of millions!    


The truth was as Lin Jingyu guessed, it was pretty much the same.    


Immediately, Yang Jun opened his mouth and laughed, "Boss, we really struck it rich this time!    


It's not entirely estimated that I found at least twenty-seven million star dollars in the Wu family warehouse!    


Not only that, there were also a few Bronze Three Armored Nirvana organ, which were worth millions, and a few Bronze Two Armored Nirvana organ, which were even more numerous!    


In addition, there were countless spiritual herbs and herbs of different value!    


Boss, we've really gotten rich overnight, we're rich!    


So robbing is such a great thing! "    


Lin Jingyu rolled his eyes in surprise.    


[Yang Jun is addicted to robbing me.]    


To the side, Lin Jinghan's eyes lit up, "I didn't expect the Wu family to be so rich …"    


Hearing Lin Jinghan's words, Lin Jingyu was stunned.    


He suddenly looked towards Lin Jinghan and said, "Although our Lin Family's background is not as good as the Wu Family's, but it should still be around the same level, right?"    


Lin Jinghan shook her head, "Although our Lin Family and Wu Family are the top four families in Qing Mountain Village, the Wu Family is much richer than our Lin Family!"    


Lin Jingyu frowned, "Why?"    


Lin Jinghan lightly said, "In Qing Mountain Village, there are some industries that are rather shameful, such as casino banks and the like.    


Our Lin Clan will not operate these businesses.    


In order to gain more benefits, the Wu Clan, on the other hand, did not care what methods they used.    


"Otherwise, it would be impossible for them to use so much money and resources to nurture a peak level Saint Ying expert over the course of a few years …"    


Lin Jingyu nodded.    


He didn't expect that such a small Qing Mountain Village would have such a deep muddy water.    


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