Asura War Supreme



1Hou Xiaolin rubbed his eyes, staring in disbelief at the slim figure of the youth in front of him. Two hours ago, he had always believed that Lin Jingyu would come, but when he saw him at this very moment, he couldn't help but feel a strong sense of excitement!     2


But the most important thing was that not only was Brother Jingyu able to arrive on time, he did not miss the chance to select the official disciples, and other than that, he actually saved him from Qin Zhi who was at the fourth stage of the Spirit Soul Realm. Furthermore, from the looks of it, the other party was seemingly instantly trampled over by the Brother Jingyu.    


In that split-second, Hou Xiaolin's mind was unable to process what had just happened. He could only stand there in a daze, not knowing what to do. However, the intense excitement in his mind quickly drove away all his confusion and surprise.    


No matter what, it seems that Brother Jingyu has really pulled himself together! This is great!    


Compared to the roiling waves and storm in Hou Xiaolin's heart, the atmosphere at the scene, however, showed a kind of wordless silence and stalemate!    


The atmosphere was very quiet!    


And it was terrifyingly quiet!    


Right at the moment when Lin Jingyu's figure appeared like a ghost in front of everyone, many of the sect's disciples also opened their mouths wide, looking at the scene in front of them in disbelief. At this moment, their faces were filled with excitement due to Lin Jingyu's "magnificent feat" earlier.    


Not only was Lin Jingyu able to arrive in time to save the lowly youth's life, he had actually unsheathed Qin Zhi's arm in one move!    


He hadn't expected that after encountering Lin Jingyu, he would be beaten into such a miserable state. Although Lin Jingyu had somewhat been 'sneakily' just now, from Lin Jingyu's' Shadowless' attack just now, it seemed like Qin Zhi would not have the chance to dodge Lin Jingyu's attack. This was because the latter's attack was just too fast, to the point that one could feel a gust of wind brushing across one's face, and in less than a second, one could hear his opponent's screams of defeat!    


Many people could not help but swallow their saliva when they thought of this. Immediately, they tried their best to suppress the shock in their hearts. However, the more this happened, the more uncontrollable it became.    


One move!    


Just one move!    


To be able to kill Qin Zhi who was at the fourth level of Qipo Stage, how terrifying must his strength be!    


Hiss, hiss, hiss ?    


At this moment, the air was suddenly filled with the sounds of countless gasps. A silent deterrent was pressing down on the hearts of everyone present, forcefully attacking and then severing their arms. This kind of killing determination was not something that an ordinary youth could possess!    


Originally, those disciples who had not been present to watch Lin Jingyu display his terrifying strength after using "One move against the enemy" could be considered to have personally comprehended it!    


Although most of them covered their eyes and did not look, they truly felt the strong pressure from the strong wind! From their point of view, that aura seemed to be able to sweep away everything. The scene of crushing everything in its path was even more exquisite!    


It seemed that Lin Jingyu, who had only appeared three years ago, was truly about to rise again, and countless people had the same thought in their minds.    


"Lin!" Surprise! "Yu!"    


Just as everyone was feeling slightly shocked in their hearts, a bone rubbing sound that caused everyone to feel slightly numb was transmitted from a spot not far away. This scene was extremely frightening and terrifying ?    


Lin Jingyu also raised his head, and his gaze just so happened to meet that pair of incomparably sinister cold eyes!    


Zhao Ziyang's face had turned the color of pig liver, it was extremely gloomy, with countless of cold glints flashing past his eyes, as though it had come from the depths of hell, causing people to feel suffocated!    


To him, Qin Zhi was like a dog under his control!    


But now, he had been beaten up badly by Lin Jingyu over and over again. How could he endure this?    


"Lin Jingyu, I never thought that you would actually dare to come. Since that's the case, today, I will make you suffer an utter humiliation. In this candidate disciple selection, just you wait in front of all the sect elders and be ruthlessly humiliated by me!"    


Zhao Ziyang's expression was fierce, but inside was a show of strength. His eyes were fierce, waiting to swallow up. After he gave a deep look to Lin Jingyu, under the gazes of everyone, he walked away.    


He really wanted to teach Lin Jingyu a lesson and let him know how high the sky is and how thick the earth is. However, he endured it in the end, and defeating him here, was not enough to achieve his goal. What he wanted to do, was to completely destroy him in front of everyone in the entire Martial Sect, and then ruthlessly humiliate him, and make him completely lose his reputation, and never be able to raise his head again! This way, it would be in accordance with his style, which was supposed to be the "Little Overlord" Zhao Ziyang!    


"That will depend on whether you have the ability ?"    


From the looks of it, he didn't take Zhao Ziyang's words to heart at all. In his opinion, after he was reborn, the only thing he could do was to continuously improve his own strength, and then slaughter his way back to the Heaven Realm and God Realm. In the end, he would need to find the two old fellows, Purgatory and Jiu You, to take revenge.    


"Gongzi, are you alright?"    


A melodious voice came from the side of the youth.    


Only now did everyone realise that standing beside Lin Jingyu was a fourteen year old girl.    


The young girl was wearing a light green outfit today, which perfectly set off her initial size. A pair of flowers were shyly waiting to bloom, unconsciously releasing the vitality and color of youth.    


Her black hair had also been tied into a pair of delicate and adorable ponytails, looking just like a cute and playful loli.    


Because this was the first time that he was accompanying his young master outside, Ning Xiang purposely dressed up.    


Who would have thought that he would become a celestial person in an instant! The surrounding male disciples of the sect were also fixated on the young girl's body with their eyes fixed on her.    


I wish I could replace Lin Jingyu! This response was even more passionate than when Luo Yuanyuan appeared.    


Regarding Ning Xiang's sudden appearance, Lin Jingyu obviously saw the doubt on Hou Xiaolin's face. To that, he also smiled, and then explained for a while, saying that Ning Xiang was a maid that he had hired, and that it was unavoidable that he would rely on her to take care of him these days. Ignoring the slight astonishment on Hou Xiaolin's face, he then turned around and gently touched the girl's head, then said to Hou Xiaolin and the girl: "Let's go, the selection is about to start."    


"This guy, in just a few days' time, he actually managed to stir up trouble for me!"    


Although she had scolded Lin Jingyu seven or eight hundred times in her heart, she was still worried about whether Lin Jingyu would disqualify her because he was late. Fortunately, the latter was able to appear in time at the most critical moment, causing the young girl to let out a deep breath of relief and let her thoughts run wild. Judging from the various shocks the youth had brought the girl before, Wu Shu believed that a mere disciple examination should not be too hard on the latter ?    


"Junior Sister, what happened to you?"    


Li Yang felt that the young girl was acting abnormal today. The latter's emotions seemed to have changed a little, and faintly, she appeared to be extremely nervous and excited at times. Very quickly, the intelligent Li Yang at the side noticed her, "If junior sister doesn't want to stay here, how about we change locations?"    


The purple-clothed girl quickly wiped away the anger in her heart and said indifferently, "No, Senior Brother, I think this place is pretty good."    


Li Yang was about to reply.    


At this moment, Dong! Dong!    


At the peak of Ninth Peak, a huge bell chime came out from the summit. From top to bottom, circle after circle of ripples slowly spread out, slowly spreading out like a beautiful Buddhist chant that resounded across the area within a few hundred miles of Ninth Peak.    


At the same time as the voice sounded out, countless pairs of eyes shot over from the gathering location of the disciples from different classes. Countless people raised their heads to stare at the origin of the voice, the ancient bell place on the peak!    


They knew that as the bell chime spread, it also signified that the third year of Martial Sect's official disciple selection competition was about to begin!    


On a huge boulder in the middle of the empty ground, stood a grey robed elder. He was the referee and host of today's official disciple selection competition, Internal Affairs Hall Elder Li Zongyan! He looked down at the plaza below and saw thousands of figures. After which, with a flick of his sleeve, a turbid voice slowly rang out:    


"I announce the official disciple selection competition for the 13022nd time sect of Martial Sect will officially begin!"    


After the preliminaries, the Sect Master and the Great Clan Elder would have to speak, but these words were very inspiring. In Lin Jingyu's opinion, they were not important, and were even a bit long-winded.    


And then the sect cut the ribbon, and the firecrackers ?    


Lin Jingyu, who was standing in the corner below the huge boulder had his hands behind his head, and was listening attentively, with a blade of grass hanging from the corner of his mouth. His expression was rather loose, and was in perfect harmony with the other disciples' devout and focused appearances, which formed a huge contrast.    


It wasn't easy for him to go through all of these procedures.    


"The sect examination is divided into two rounds, and the first round is to test the resistance against pressure."    


"The second round of the assessment will be a martial arts contest between the candidates."    


Under the guidance of Li Zongyan, the two hundred disciples that were standing at the bottom of the arena walked into one of the kung fu stage s.    


This kung fu stage was the grandest of the fifty, and could easily fit two hundred disciples.    


"For the first round of resistance, the Qi pressure that the First Elder released will appear above your heads. When you cannot resist it, you can choose to jump down from the training grounds. This will mean that you have been eliminated!"    


"This round, 50 people will be eliminated. The remaining 150 people will be promoted to the next round."    


"Do you understand?"    


The two hundred disciples answered in unison. However, there were a lot of people with serious expressions on their faces. They did not expect that 50 people would be eliminated in the first round. This was quite a cruel situation for others.    


However, in the eyes of some strong warriors, this was a piece of cake. This was just a basic test, and the test of resistance to pressure could reflect a martial artist's basic physical training and comprehension of their realm.    


It could be said that he had made a simple warm-up for the upcoming match. This was quite a good arrangement.    


Very quickly, Grand Master Liyan's body moved, instantly transforming into countless afterimages, and in the blink of an eye, he appeared in the air not far from kung fu stage.    


His eyes drooped slightly, and his two sharp pupils emitted countless rays of light.    


Xiao Yan waved his sleeves and a bright red glow that filled the sky rushed out.    


A bright light flashed as countless streams of vigorous Qi gathered in the sky above the Martial Arts Practice Grounds and pressed down on the candidates.    




All the disciples clenched their fists as they bent their waists. Their gazes turned serious and they all held their stance, resisting the pressure and attack of these violent forces.    


Everyone focused their minds and did not dare to be distracted.    


At this moment, the terrifying sound of air exploding could be heard from the martial ring.    


At the beginning, it was still alright. However, as time passed, many of the candidates began to feel that it was getting more and more difficult.    


With the flow of time, the First Elder by the side began to gradually strengthen the strength of the force.    


Until now, he had already released the terrifying aura of a martial artist at the first level of the 'Colossus Realm'.    




Finally, a fifteen year old youngster with a weak appearance jumped off the martial ring. At this moment, he was completely exhausted, and his sweat poured down like rain.    


As soon as he jumped off kung fu stage, he collapsed immediately.    


Following that ?    


Tap! Tap! Tap! Tap! More than ten candidates had chosen to give up because they couldn't withstand the oppressive force. Their faces were filled with unwillingness, but it was clear that they had reached the limits of their bodies.    


Two hours later.    


The Great Elder's oppressive aura was equivalent to the aura emitted by a martial artist at the third level of the Gigantic Ying Stage.    


During this period of time, many people had left the Martial Arts Practice Grounds one after another.    


Currently, there were still a hundred and fifty-one candidates left on stage.    


In other words, as long as another disciple was eliminated, the remaining people would be able to advance to the next round!    


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