Asura War Supreme



3"I declare Zhao Ziyang against Lin Jingyu, Lin Jingyu wins!"    


At the same time Zhao Ziyang was knocked off the stage, it was also a sign that the competition was truly over. The Great Clan Elder also occasionally flashed with light and announced the final result.    


Lin Jingyu won?    


The spectators, the area filled with disciples, and almost all of the sect disciples were still in the midst of shock and were unable to extricate themselves.    


Moments later, the crowd finally woke up from their stupor, causing countless cheers and cries to roll in like a tide.    


The sect disciple selection test this time!    


Lin Jingyu went up on stage 78 times.    


78 wins!    


His strength suppressed the entire audience, and by relying on an incomparably strange martial skill, he conquered almost everyone present!    


At the same time, it also showed that he was threatening the genius with a thunder-like momentum and had returned to the sect with a domineering aura!    


"Yeah, young master won!"    


When he heard the thunderous applause from all around him, Ning Xiang was so happy that she was about to jump.    


"Brother Jingyu... You have finally proven yourself to others. In the future, no one will ever call you trash again! "    


Hou Xiaolin had a complicated look in his eyes, but it was hard to hide the excitement in his heart.    


On the side of the stands.    


The purple-dressed, beautiful girl also pursed her lips. Her smile was as nightmarish as a flower, and she was sincerely happy for Lin Jingyu.    


"He's just a candidate disciple. Even if I pass the examination, I'm still just a low-level disciple. Junior Sister, you will know one day that I am the most worthy person for you!"    


Li Yang's gaze darkened as he exclaimed in his heart. From the purple-clothed girl's performance just now, he could not help but guess that the blue-clothed youth in the martial arts arena must have some sort of deep connection with the girl he was pursuing.    


Wu Shu didn't know that the fuse that was created because of him had almost brought about an unimaginable calamity to the Martial Sect in the future.    


"Brat Lin ?" actually won? " Yao Qi glared at them and rubbed his eyes in disbelief.    


"Why is this happening?" Law Enforcement Master clenched his teeth, and his face flushed red.    


"Haha, law enforcement, you've lost this bet ?"    


Foreign Affairs Elder also stroked his beard, turning his head to look at Law Enforcement Master who was seated at the side with his body slightly stiff.    


"Hehe, Foreign Affairs Elder is truly resourceful, this old man admits defeat. However, this old man has some matters to attend to, so I will be leaving first."    


Law Enforcement Master revealed a smile that was uglier than crying, and was about to leave.    


"Wait, Law Enforcement Master seems to have forgotten something, right?"    


Foreign Affairs Elder smiled faintly.    




Law Enforcement Master stopped in his tracks, his old face instantly turning black as he gnashed his teeth in anger.    


"The loser will pay thirty thousand sect elders with points as well as an extremely precious bronze twenty-six Nirvana organ. Law Enforcement Master, could it be that you want to go back on your words?"    


Foreign Affairs Elder looked at Law Enforcement Master who had a sickly look on his face, and softly chuckled: "I think Law Enforcement Master must have forgotten this matter because of a noble person, you're not really thinking of reneging on your debt right? Cough cough ? After all, the Sect Master and Great Elder are still there! "    


After saying that, Foreign Affairs Elder instantly lengthened his tone.    


"Dang ?" Of course, this old man does not want to go back on his word. "    


Law Enforcement Master also turned his head with difficulty, with a smile that was not a smile on his face and almost tears that were mixed in his eyes, he said: "Foreign Affairs Elder, if you didn't say it, I would have really forgotten about it. I will go back and transfer those thirty thousand Sect Points to your name now, and tomorrow, I will personally ask the disciples of my Law Enforcement Hall to deliver a Bronze Twin Nirvana organ to you."    


"Then, thank you Law Enforcement Master for your generosity. Oh, you can leave now." Foreign Affairs Elder stroked his beard and laughed complacently.    


The corner of Law Enforcement Master's mouth twitched. He felt that he was really unlucky today, to think that he would have to accompany thirty thousand sect points just to watch a disciple selection match!    


What f * cking bad luck!    


His mood was also quite depressed, so when he passed by Li Zongyan, he glared at him fiercely.    


It was as if he was saying: If it wasn't for your grandson, I wouldn't be doing this loss-making business!    


"Cough, cough ?" Seven Peak Masters, Eight Peak Masters, Law Enforcement Master replied, I do not know what you two mean? "    


Foreign Affairs Elder coughed once again before turning his head to look at the two Peak Masters.    


"Of course ?" "He won't either ?"    


Very quickly, under Foreign Affairs Elder's pressure, the two of them transferred fifteen thousand of these points into Foreign Affairs Elder's name. Then, they transferred the other forty five thousand points into Ninth Peak Master Yao Qi's name.    


"Hehe, Nine Peak Masters, take the remaining seven or eight Peak Masters' two Bronze Nirvana organ. This old man's bet was not meant to be made in the first place ?"    


Foreign Affairs Elder looked at the stunned Nine Peak Masters and smiled kindly.    


"45,000 points, is this true?" Ninth Peak Master Yao Qi's face flushed red, as if he was on stimulants.    


Originally, he thought that he would have to accompany him until he lost everything. He never thought that Lin Jingyu that kid would actually be able to win the competition like that, and defeat Zhao Ziyang!    


Even until this moment, he still felt like he was in a dream.    


"After going through three rounds of examination and taking into account the opinions of the various Elders, this old man will now announce the results of this time's selection ?"    


At this moment, a turbid voice was transmitted from the enormous green rock. The First Elder, who had been hiding behind the curtain for a long time, had now personally become the host.    


There were two reasons for this.    


Firstly, Zhao Ziyang vomited blood and fainted. Li Zongyan, who was originally the host, was no longer in the mood to host. Secondly, the First Elder was truly happy. This year's selection had exceeded his expectations.    


Soon, the results of each contestant and their final ranking were announced. The result was as follows:    


First, Lin Jingyu (78 wins)    


Second, Zhao Ziyang (77 wins and 1 loss)    


Third, Luo Yuanyuan (76 wins 2 losses)    


Fourth, Zhou Tong (75 wins 3 losses)    


Even though the above-mentioned disciples had more or less exceeded the limits of their abilities, most of them were already at the level that they normally displayed. However, what was worth noting was that Zhou Tong, whose strength was originally above Luo Yuanyuan's, had suffered too much damage in his battle with Lin Jingyu, and in the end lost his top three position to Luo Yuanyuan!    


"I didn't expect that the sect's official disciple test this time would be so exciting. Looks like all of us old guys need to strengthen our cultivation. Otherwise, wouldn't it be very embarrassing if we were caught up by these junior brothers and sisters who are younger than us?" The male disciple, who was dressed in green and carrying a longsword on his back, said with a sigh.    


The other people nodded when they heard this. However, as the top senior disciples of the sect, they could not help but feel extremely proud. Therefore, the fear in their eyes did not linger for long before it disappeared.    


"That little junior in blue seems to be getting more and more interested in me ?" As if she had felt this aura, the white clothed female standing next to the azure-clothed male disciple frowned slightly and said: "Awakening, you are a senior disciple, you can't bully a junior disciple that just entered the sect ah! Otherwise, even if you win, you will still lose the face of a senior disciple! "    


Hearing this, the male disciple called Su Xing immediately scratched his head with a helpless look on his face.    


"According to the sect's traditional rules, the top ten of the sect selection are qualified to choose their own mountain to join for cultivation."    


After these words came out, the eyes of many of the top ten disciples lit up with excitement.    


Hadn't they put in all their effort in these past three years just for the glory of this moment?    


At this moment, the 789th Peak Master took a step forward and walked over.    


"Lin Jingyu, as the leader of this year's new disciples, you should be the first one to choose!"    


With a flash of light, the First Elder's gaze landed on the blue-clothed young man below.    


This was the biggest harvest of the official disciples of the sect! In the future, he had reason to believe that Lin Jingyu would become the most outstanding disciple in the Martial Sect and he would even one day compete for glory with the legendary "number one heaven chosen of the Lingnan" of the White Feather Sect!    


"Before I choose, I have a request." Lin Jingyu did not rush to make his choice, but spoke with extreme calmness.    


"Oh? "Tell me."    


The Great Elder hesitated for a moment before nodding.    


"I would like to ask the peak masters, if I join your peak, how many benefits can you give me? Or, in other words, how many cultivation resources can you give me?"    


As expected, his words caused a lot of people to be astonished.    


No one would have thought that Lin Jingyu would actually negotiate with the three Peak Masters in person.    


Wasn't this way too arrogant!    


Lin Jingyu's meaning was clear: I will go with whoever gives me the most benefits! Even though the majority of the disciples thought that these obvious words that did not need to be hinted at, but to brazenly bring it up, Lin Jingyu was definitely the number one person!    


However, Lin Jingyu did not pay much attention to the strange looks that the others were shooting at him with.    


From his point of view, his physique was too special, and his cultivation speed was more than ten times that of the others. If he couldn't keep up with his cultivation resources, then everything would become a headache for him.    


"This ?"    


The Medical Hall and External Affairs Elders looked at each other in surprise.    


"Lin Jingyu, who do you think you are! Even though you are number one among the new disciples, do you really think you are someone special? "    


At this time, Seven Peak Masters stood up and shouted in anger.    


From the very beginning, he had already planned everything.    


Judging from the conflict between Zhao Ziyang and himself, which was akin to water and fire, he could at most accept one of them under his peak.    


And now, even though Zhao Ziyang had joined his seventh peak, it was already certain, but Lin Jingyu was the variable.    


Now, he heard his son actually dare to brazenly negotiate conditions with him. This made him angry from the bottom of his heart, so he simply gave up on the idea of letting Lin Jingyu join his group.    


In his opinion, Lin Jingyu was, after all, a disciple who had no status or background.    


There were many geniuses who died prematurely in the middle of their journey.    


Who knows if Lin Jingyu will be the next one or not?    


Choosing Zhao Ziyang would at least be able to win over Internal Affairs Elder Li Zongyan.    


As for choosing Lin Jingyu, it was very likely that she would receive nothing.    


Thus, after weighing the pros and cons, he made his decision without hesitation.    


"Seven Peak Masters, please take note of your words and actions."    


The Great Elder cast a sidelong glance.    


"Since Seven Peak Masters looks down on me, then what about Eight Peak Masters and Nine Peak Masters?"    


Lin Jingyu grinned, revealing a mouthful of white teeth.    


"This ?"    


The two Peak Masters were slightly hesitant. As the number one new disciple, Lin Jingyu was naturally the person they wanted to take in as their number one.    


Thus, after they pondered for a moment, a bright glint appeared in their eyes at the same time.    


"Lin Jingyu, if you choose to join my Eighth Peak, I can give you the most superior cultivation grounds, the most advanced spirit herbs from the sect, and can also give you twice as many points as the average disciple!"     3


The eighth peak's Peak Master was the first to speak. As far as he was concerned, if the previous number one new disciple in the sect had not joined the seventh peak, then it would have been him joining the Eighth Peak, and the Ninth Peak was not even within the consideration of the outstanding disciples.    


This was because, in the eyes of the disciples of practically all the sects, Ninth Peak was the one of the nine mountain peaks with the weakest overall strength, and the one that lacked the most cultivation resources. Ninth Peak was a place to live on, a place where only trash disciples from other sects would go.    


Of course, this created a vicious circle. Ninth Peak's overall strength was getting weaker and weaker, until he became infamous!    


Now, the Seven Peak Masters had voluntarily withdrawn from the "Great War of Stealing".    


In the eyes of the first Eight Peak Masters, under such tempting conditions, Lin Jingyu would definitely obediently enter his tutelage.    


Just as he had thought, when he threw out such rich conditions, the eyes of all the sect disciples instantly turned passionate.    


It was the most superior practice area!    


The highest grade spiritual herbs and medicines!    


He didn't need to complete any missions every month to get twice as many points as others!    


These... Isn't this too infuriating!    


Not only were they freshmen, even some older students were envious.    


Then, to everyone's surprise, when faced with such abundant conditions, Lin Jingyu merely nodded slightly. His eyes did not contain much excitement, and after that, he looked towards Ninth Peak Master Yao Qi and asked: "Nine Peak Masters, what kind of benefits can you give me?"    


Yao Qi was startled, he did not know what to say, but in his heart, he felt helpless.    


In terms of cultivation resources, spirit material, Nirvana organ, he, the Ninth Peak, did not seem to be able to afford it at all. Just as he was laughing bitterly, Lin Jingyu narrowed his eyes and said faintly, "If Peak Master Yao is willing to give me half of Ninth Peak's cultivation resources, I can consider it."    


As soon as these words were spoken, the thousands upon thousands of sect disciples in the arena burst into an uproar.    




Half of the cultivation resources of the entire mountain? Am I hearing things?    


Lin Jingyu, this is the typical lion's mouth!    


Originally, the resources in the Ninth Peak are already very scarce, and you even have to monopolize half of it yourself!    


Why don't you just snatch it!    


They had never seen such a shameless person!    


All of a sudden, the lower level disciples of the several hundred Ninth Peak s present all had the corners of their mouths twitching violently, as they were extremely agitated in their hearts.    


They were all praying in their hearts: Peak Master, Peak Master, please do not agree to the conditions of this demon!    


Otherwise, how will we live in the future?!    


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