Asura War Supreme



3Thunderbolt Wolf: Nine    


Moreover, this person's martial spirit, the Eight-winged Devil Horned Scorpion, was a third-order demonic beast's martial spirit, it was extremely terrifying and powerful!    


Mentioning this person, Lin Jingyu's eyes flashed with seriousness. After the last incident, he had also heard about some of the things that happened with Huo Dou, and heard that this person was naturally cruel, and did not have many good friends within the sect. The only person who had a good relationship with him was the Li Yang who was like water and fire to him!    


Presumably, if they were to face each other, the other party would try to kill him. Furthermore, Li Yang would very likely borrow a knife to kill him!    


After all, Lin Jingyu knew that he was someone that the entire sect's upper echelons paid attention to. If Li Yang were to personally act, it would not be good for him to win over the hearts of the sect's upper echelons in the future.    


After all, losing a super drug refining genius to the sect was not a small sin!    


Lin Jingyu understood in his heart, Li Yang, Huo Dou, these two, were enemies and not friends!    


"As for the third person, he should... It's Ta Luo, right? "    


Lin Jingyu said, causing Tang Lu's expression to change slightly, she felt surprised, she did not think that Lin Jingyu could actually guess, after all, from beginning to end, Ta Luo had never interacted with him.    


"Senior Sister Tang, no need to be surprised. Although I have never seen him before, there are many in the sect who do not know of Senior Brother Ta Luo's fame."    


Lin Jingyu immediately grinned, and explained. According to his knowledge, Ta Luo, Senior Sister Tang, and Senior Sister Jiang all seemed to be people from the same region, and it was likely that they were extremely familiar with each other, so their relationship was even better.    


Other than that, Lin Jingyu had also heard discussions from the sect members, it seemed that Ta Luo had some love and admiration for the Senior Sister Tang.    


Just that, Ta Luo was focused on cultivation, all day long, the matter of cultivation had been plaguing his body, although there was someone he admired in his heart, he had yet to confess his feelings.    


However, many people in the sect knew about this matter, but they didn't know what Senior Sister Tang was planning.    


Hearing Lin Jingyu's explanation, Tang Lu also instantly understood. After all, with Ta Luo's current cultivation at the third level of the Spirit realm, in the sect, it could be said that he was on par with Li Yang, and was even stronger than Huo Dou. Naturally, his reputation was also very high in the sect!    


"As for the fourth person ? should be the Senior Sister Tang right? "    


Lin Jingyu dragged his chin and thought for a while. Although Tang Lu did not use his spirit energy, Lin Jingyu's mental force was extremely sharp. With one glance, he was able to see through Tang Lu's cultivation, and he was surprisingly at the peak of the 2nd level of the Spirit realm!    


Compared to the last time they met, he had improved a lot. His cultivation was comparable to Huo Dou's, so Lin Jingyu guessed that the fourth person should be Tang Lu!    


However, what he did not expect was that Tang Lu actually shook his head with a chuckle, and revealed a profound expression:    


"It's not me, Junior apprentice Lin is overestimating me, although my cultivation is about the same as Huo Dou, but his martial spirit is at the third stage, and is much stronger than me, if we truly fight, I'm afraid that I will lose ?"    


"Oh, really?"    


Lin Jingyu also nodded his head, he was instantly curious, who exactly was the fourth person?    


"As for the fourth person, Junior apprentice Lin, you are so familiar with him ?"    




Lin Jingyu was startled, but very quickly, he seemed to have thought of something, he scratched his head, and immediately revealed a brilliant smile.    


He felt a warm feeling in his heart. He did not know how that girl Wu Shu was doing, ever since the life and death battle, Lin Jingyu had not seen that girl for almost a month.    


"Senior Sister Tang, you must be joking ?."    


Tang Lu pursed her red lips, and said: "No need for that, I was very serious just now."    


"Senior Sister Tang, you sure are good-looking for being so serious. I can't help but be moved ?"    


Lin Jingyu shrugged his shoulders and suddenly said those words. There was more or less some ridicule in those words, but at the same time, it also caused the corner of Tang Lu's mouth to suddenly rise to form a hint of playfulness.    


Who would have thought that the Senior Sister Tang, who was usually rather serious, would suddenly become so dazzling and enchanting that it would cause one's heart to twitch?    


"Is that so? Youngest junior brother, you are so outstanding. Why don't you also accept me, your senior sister? "    


Her red lips slightly pursed, and with a gentle step, her seductive body that was as exquisite like jade slightly neared Lin Jingyu's body.    




The tempting aura coming from the front made Lin Jingyu scratch his head, he was stunned, and muttered in his heart, What's wrong with Senior Sister Tang?    


Normally, she would not be so bold, but now, she actually dared to tease him in front of his face. This made Lin Jingyu feel weird.    


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