Asura War Supreme



1Will of Blood: 2     1


"Don't go over there!"    


Just as Luo Feng and the others were about to step forward, they were stopped by a hand from Lin Jingyu.    




Abruptly, a terrifying change occurred on Yang Jun, who was standing with his back facing the group of people, as a wild roar erupted from his mouth!    


In the blink of an eye, the color of the sky and earth changed. The winds surged and clouds surged. Strands of blood mist once again drifted over from the Purple Bamboo Forest.    


In the next moment, Yang Jun's long hair fluttered, his entire body of hair, in the blink of an eye, turned blood-red!    


With his long blood-red hair fluttering in the wind, a bloody and berserk aura burst out from Yang Jun's body!    


The figure that was emitting the blood mist turned around slightly, only to see two extremely sharp fangs growing out from Yang Jun's mouth!    


The originally dark black pupils had now been gradually replaced by a horrendous bloody red. Those eyes were emitting a bloody light. In an instant, it felt as though his entire body had become incomparably fierce!    


However, this was not the most frightening part. At this moment, Yang Jun's body actually had a beast like mane sprouting from it, as though he was completely a vicious beast. His eyes became filled with hostility and a bloody light!    


Yang Jun's blood-red hair fluttered in the wind, as he stood there. For a moment, all the flowers and trees in the world withered, withered, and their lives dried up!    


The vast life forms, were all destroyed!    


Luo Feng and the others looked at everything that was happening and were completely shocked!    


All of them stood there in a daze, their mouths wide open, their eyes filled with disbelief. Could it be ? Boss had become ? Magic beast?    


Only Lin Jingyu's expression did not change. He stood there calmly with the corners of his mouth raised in a curve, and his gaze was fixated on the Yang Jun who had undergone a great change. He was thinking, perhaps Yang Jun's current appearance, was his true appearance ?    


Blood Ruthlessness, Berserk!    


A martial artist's blood will had awoken!    




Immediately after, under the shocked gazes of the crowd, a rumbling sound came from the depths of space. This terrifying sound seemed to carry a bloody light energy, causing a lot of the surrounding life force to be annihilated in an instant!    


At the same time, a Blood Charm light shot out from Yang Jun's body. His blood frantically surged, as if it had awakened!    


Lin Jingyu knew that this was not a true warrior's awakening of the martial spirit, but rather, using the mystical energy contained within the Dragon Jade Pendant s to stimulate the reaction of the profound energy in his body in advance before a warrior could awaken it.    


The blood light that pervaded out from Yang Jun's body had become even more terrifying!    


Several bloody holes of different sizes gradually formed in front of him. Those holes of blood were terrifying, as if they could swallow anything!    


"Boss, our Boss has become a magical beast?"    


Luo Feng and the others' eyes were gleaming, their faces were pale, and now that someone else had seen Yang Jun's appearance, it could be said that they were trembling with fear.    


"Don't go over there. Your boss is fine. Don't worry."    


Lin Jingyu's eyes were still calm as he looked at Luo Feng and the others.    




A rumbling sound echoed in the air. In that instant, ferocious Bloody Demonic Wolves slowly formed behind Yang Jun, and at the same time, an extremely terrifying pressure descended.    


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