Asura War Supreme



3Thunderbolt Wolf: 3    3


Under the setting sun, the scenery looked like a painting. The distant sky was dyed red by the red clouds, like a red silk canvas in a large dyeing vat.    


The evening wind blew, and a ray of the setting sun, which had been torn to pieces by the dense forest, caused the shadows of the people in the Violet Bamboo Forest to lengthen slightly.    


At this moment, Yang Jun, Luo Feng, buckteeth and the others were drenched in sweat, as if they had used up all of their life's energy. Each and every one of them, without exception, was lying on the grass, their faces flushed red, their hearts thumping non-stop.    


The entire afternoon, they had launched countless of attacks at Lin Jingyu, but they had never succeeded.    


However, even so, this was the first time they truly saw the limits of what they had!    


This feeling of contentment was something that they had never experienced before!    


"I have seventeen bottles of medicinal liquid. Each of you, each of you, take one bottle. Tonight, when you return, pour them into the bath barrel and begin refining your body. Try to absorb the medicinal strength contained within them!"    


With a wave of his hand, Lin Jingyu placed seventeen small jade bottles that were filled with purple foam spirit liquid onto the ground, and then he turned around and prepared to leave.    


However, before he left, he muttered to himself for a short while before turning his head to the side. Then, he opened his mouth and said: "We'll continue tomorrow."    


Yang Jun and the rest laid paralyzed on the grass, puchi puchi puchi, their breathing was uneven, they breathed heavily, their eyes flickered as they watched Lin Jingyu's figure slowly disappear into the distance.    


On the second day, a touch of fish-belly white swept across the sky in the distance. Lin Jingyu's figure appeared in the Purple Bamboo Forest as scheduled.    


Yang Jun and the rest had also appeared here first, and now, their faces were all red, as if they had been reborn!    


"How is it? After yesterday's training, have you all gained any insights?"    


Lin Jingyu looked at the seventeen youths, after which he chuckled, and just as he finished, he saw Luo Feng who was extremely excited, he couldn't help but walk forward and say:    


"Boss, yesterday, I used the purple colored medicinal liquid you gave me to temper my body. I didn't expect that after a short while, the injuries on my body would completely heal!"    


"Moreover, even my cultivation feels as though it has advanced by leaps and bounds. Originally, I had already stayed in the Fifth Stage of the Qipo for a long time without any signs of breaking through. However, yesterday, I felt a feeling of having broken through a bottleneck!"    


"Ever since I absorbed the medicinal liquid, the blood vessels in my body seemed to have become even more berserk, and my attack power increased greatly. Hehe, I think that within three days, my cultivation will definitely break through to the peak level of Fifth Stage of the Qipo!"    


Luo Feng couldn't help but to say confidently, as though he was extremely eager to display his results to others.    


Although Lin Jingyu was being ruthless yesterday, the training method to break through his limits seemed to be extremely effective on him. With the added effect of the purple liquid, it was even more terrifying, he only felt that his cultivation, which had been stagnant for a long time, was frantically increasing!    


"Right, right ?!"    


Hearing Luo Feng's words, many people nodded their heads in excitement. After yesterday's training, they indeed benefited greatly from it.    


"Has anyone achieved a breakthrough?"    


Lin Jingyu nodded and said.    


"Boss, it's me."    


At this moment, Ling Xuan stood up with a smile on his face. His complexion was rosy, and the aura around him seemed to be greatly different from yesterday's him.    


Ling Xuan took a step forward as his aura abruptly changed. His gaze turned as a booming sound erupted from within his body. After which, five consecutive soul fragments shot out from the top of his head!    


The scene in front of his eyes, astonishingly represented the cultivation of a practitioner at the Fifth Stage of the Qipo realm!    


Originally, Ling Xuan's cultivation had already reached the peak of the fourth level of the Spirit Soul Realm and was only one step away from the Fifth Stage of the Qipo realm. After yesterday's crazy training, and after another night of absorbing the Purple Molten Spirit Liquid's medicinal strength, breaking through was naturally only a matter of time!    




Lin Jingyu said with a smile, other than Ling Xuan who had broken through realms, the others had also made great progress, which meant, as long as they continued to train like this, their cultivation would continue to increase to an even more terrifying level!    


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