Asura War Supreme



3's gaze passed through the hidden dense forest, and under the bright and clear moonlight, Lin Jingyu could see that above the three of them, there were currently seven spirits that were emitting different colored lights. They were all slowly floating, and the force that rippled out from their bodies was also extremely sharp.    


"Although this Netherezim Sword Formation is slightly weaker than a true Spiritual Array, it seems like its power is not weak. If you add on the strength of the three formation practitioners as support, then even if it's a practitioner of Ninth Stage of the Qipo, they would not easily lose to it ?"    


Looking at the situation in front of him, Lin Jingyu silently pondered before deciding to quietly wait and see. He temporarily put aside his plans of going back to notify Luo Yuanyuan.    


"However, this Xuanjia Iron Bear is a terrifying being ranked in the top three of the first stage of Star Origin Beast. I'm afraid it's not going to be so easy to deal with."    


Looking at the place not far away from the ancient tree that was currently sealed by an energy web, and seeing that it was still a brutal and tyrannical Star Origin Beast, Lin Jingyu could only swallow his saliva. After calming down, his eyes once again focused on the intense battle below.    


"A good chance!"    


Immediately, the swords that were tightly gripped in the three people's hands whizzed out, instantly transforming into three incomparably sharp light figures, and in an instant, they descended from three different places in the sky, and as these three sword images swept across the sky, it brought about countless strong energy fluctuations and the sound of air piercing. From the looks of the combined attack, it seemed as though the Xuanjia Iron Bear's skull was going to be completely pierced through by the three swords!    




Abruptly, the ground trembled. At the same time, a loud sound, like the pressure from a mountain, came out from the ground, followed by a shockwave that destroyed many of the trees in the area. The terrifying shockwaves caused the ground to be covered in ash and smoke, so even the Xuanjia Iron Bear's true appearance was concealed by the smoke.    


However, when it was impossible to detect them with one's line of sight, when one heard the loud noise and sounds, one could guess that under the violent attack of the Profound Nether Sword Formation, the arrogant Xuanjia Iron Bear would probably suffer quite a big impact. Even if it did not die, it was likely heavily injured.    


Seeing that the power of the sword formation was basically complete, the three disciples relaxed and a hint of joy appeared on their faces. However, just when they thought that the battle was about to end, the scene of the smoke dissipating caused their pupils to suddenly contract.    




A roar that was several times more terrifying than before suddenly came from below. The few of them were clearly caught somewhat unprepared, the extremely high decibels of the roar seemed to want to shake a person's eardrums until they bled. Three disciples of the Martial Profound Realm forcefully covered their ears, in an attempt to avoid such an unbearable sound wave attack.    


However, even though this was the case, the expressions of the three of them became increasingly ugly under this sharp sound wave. Their scalps began to tremble nonstop and sweat began to emerge from their heads.    


"The ultimate skill of Xuanjia Iron Bear, Voidwave Shock! I never thought that the sonic wave technique would be so fierce! "    


What he did not expect was that the aftermath would directly affect Lin Jingyu who was hiding in the forest not too far away. He was immediately shocked and hurriedly covered his ears.    


"These three people's plans will be ruined. It seems that I have to leave now!"    


Seeing that the Xuanjia Iron Bear had not only withstood the fierce attack from the Netherezim Sword Formation, but had also already completely torn the huge net of energy apart and escaped from Lin Jingyu's control, he immediately came to a decision. He was no longer prepared to stay, he immediately activated his Solitary Hong Ruo Ying and silently headed in the direction he had come from.    


In less than half a cup of tea's time, Lin Jingyu had once again returned to the side of the small lake, and immediately woke Luo Yuanyuan up.    


"Senior-apprentice Brother Lin, what's wrong?" Luo Yuanyuan asked doubtfully.    


"I found a trace of a Xuanjia Iron Bear hundreds of kilometers away, and it is probably heading towards us right now."    


"Xuanjia Iron Bear? It's that fierce beast that's ranked in the top three? " Luo Yuanyuan's small face was also pale white. She had heard of the name of this brute.    


"There's no time to explain so much. Let's go quickly, this Xuanjia Iron Bear is extremely powerful, with our current strength, it's probably hard to deal with it."    


"Well, which way should we go?"    


"In the southeast." Lin Jingyu nodded his head, the Xuanjia Iron Bear was in his northeast direction, so walking to the southeast should be able to avoid its presence.    


After saying that, Lin Jingyu and Luo Yuanyuan immediately headed towards the forest area in the southeast direction. On the way back to inform others, Lin Jingyu heard a few miserable screams from behind them, so it was likely that the three Intermediate Disciple s from before had suffered heavy casualties.    


However, as Lin Jingyu was walking frantically, he was unaware that the white jade pendant on his waist had fallen to the ground.    


"Brother Yang, what's going on up ahead?"    


A slightly trembling voice was heard. Under the night sky, in a certain forest area in the southeast direction, the figures of a dozen youths could be seen slowly advancing forward.    


Their team was a little lazy, as though they were not very alert of the wild beasts' attacks, their line of sight slowly moved, and upon closer inspection, these ten odd people, were actually Yang Jun and his group who had some conflicts with Lin Jingyu.    


However, looking at their empty bodies, it was as if they had not gained much in the past half day. Because they were all from the Ninth Peak, among the various disciples in the sect, their aptitude was originally of the lower class, coupled with the fact that they usually trained and joked around, and did not train to the actual level after only three days of fishing, which resulted in most of them still having strength at the peak of the Fifth Stage of the Qipo, and some of them were not even at this level.    


However, this bit of strength was a little dangerous within the incomparably dangerous Demon Cloud Mountain Range that was densely packed with powerful Star Origin Beast. Not only did they not have powerful strength on their own, but they also did not have the guidance of an experienced person like Lin Jingyu. In terms of hunting Star Origin Beast, they naturally would not benefit much from it.    


Therefore, after half a day, other than killing a few Greenwood Wolves that looked weaker due to their luck, they basically gained nothing else.    


"Arghhh! There's only one frog! Look at how scared you are! You've really lost face for me!"    


A howling creature jumped out from the bushes in front. Seeing this scene, Yang Jun, who looked a little depressed walking in front, was furious for a moment. He immediately grabbed the person who "lied and reported the military intelligence" and beat him up!    


"I told you to follow the map and find your way back to the base. You actually brought me to this damned place!"    


"I told you to lead the way! I told you to lead the way! "    


Yang Jun bellowed in frustration.    


"Wuu wuu, boss, stop hitting me. Next time, I won't dare."    


Luo Feng held his head, begging while feeling wronged.    


"Old... "Boss, stop hitting Luo Feng, I think there's really something going on ahead"    


A somewhat skinny youth with buck teeth forcefully pulled on the corner of Yang Jun's clothes and said with a trembling voice.    


At the same time, before the bucktoothed youth could finish his sentence, two extremely fast lights flew over from a place not too far away from him.    


"What is going on?" Yang Jun was also startled, he immediately stopped teaching the man a lesson.    


"Boss, could it be wolves?" The bucktoothed youth scratched his head.    


"Impossible." Yang Jun shook his head. Right at this moment, the two figures of light got closer and closer to him, and when he saw their faces, his pupils shrank a little.    


"Lin Jingyu." Looking at the somewhat impatient young man in front of him, Yang Jun's eyes revealed a complex expression.    


"It's all of you." Lin Jingyu and Luo Yuanyuan met Yang Jun's group directly, and also stopped in their anxious steps, looking at Yang Jun and the others with eyes filled with surprise.    


"There's a very powerful Star Origin Beast up ahead. If you don't want to die, then don't go any further!"    


Lin Jingyu lightly swept a glance over the dozen people in front of him, then kindly left behind a few words. After that, he no longer stayed there, displayed his movement technique, and flew forward.    


He had already felt the powerful aura of the Xuanjia Iron Bear, and it was heading straight for him.    


Lin Jingyu suddenly thought that it was very possible that the three warriors were escaping towards his direction, which was why he attracted the Xuanjia Iron Bear. Therefore, Lin Jingyu also escaped from the domain controlled by the Xuanjia Iron Bear with his fastest speed, if he really had to face it, whether or not he could still escape was truly a question.    


Seeing how I left without saying a word, what do you mean? Lin Jingyu, you are looking down too much on me, Yang Jun!    


Looking at the two figures that flashed past, Yang Jun was so angry that he stomped on the ground fiercely a few times, he thought that Lin Jingyu was belittling his performance just now.    


"Boss, then should we still move forward? There shouldn't really be a terrifying and powerful Star Origin Beast in front of us right?" The bucktoothed youth said somewhat panickedly.    


"Don't worry about him, why must he listen to what Lin Jingyu has to say, who knows, maybe this brat is lying to us!" Thinking back to the past two times where he had been taught a painful lesson because of Lin Jingyu, Yang Jun became extremely angry.    


"Fuck, let's keep going. I don't believe this evil thing, I can't walk back to the camp!"    


With Yang Jun's command, all of Lin Jingyu's good intentions were put to the back of his mind, and very quickly, the dozen or so people continued towards the inner edges of Demon Cloud Mountain Range without knowing what they were doing.    


"Boss, there seems to be movement up ahead?"    


After walking for a while, Luo Feng suddenly said.    


"Ahh! Pah! Why do you have so many things to do? Do you feel that this is very amusing? You're here to entertain me again, right?" Yang Jun said with a face full of anger.    


"Boss, this time isn't fake. I can guarantee that there's really something going on ahead."    


Luo Feng reflexively held his head and said while trembling.    


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