Asura War Supreme



0An afternoon quickly passed. As Lin Jingyu and Luo Yuanyuan continued to advance towards the inner regions of Demon Cloud Mountain Range, the harvest in their hands became more and more bountiful.    


Although they did not meet any more tempting offers from Red Flames Demonic Lion s, it was better to rely on quantity than quality. The hundred Star Origin Beast s in their hands, even though each one of them only had points worth a few dozen to a few hundred, if one were to talk about their total value, it would probably be twenty to thirty thousand!    


Therefore, the two of them could be considered to have lost the animal core, and there wasn't much sadness for them. What had they lost, don't worry, we can use our hard work and strength to recreate them!    


As night fell, the faint moonlight enveloped every inch of the entire Demon Cloud Mountain Range.    


Even at night, sounds of battle and metal collisions could still be heard from some of the corners of Demon Cloud Mountain Range. This also meant that many disciples' plundering of Star Origin Beast resources did not stop just because of Yue Ye's arrival.    


Beside a clear lake that was surrounded by tall trees.    


Lin Jingyu and Luo Yuanyuan stood in a hidden and safe corner beside the lake. They first cleaned up the harvest from today's battle;    


After that, they discussed about tomorrow's journey. After that, the two of them prepared to rest for a while in order to deal with tomorrow's hunt.    


However, Lin Jingyu's vigilance was extremely high. For safety reasons, he still proposed that he stand guard at night to prevent any accidents.    


"Senior-apprentice Brother Lin, let's take turns keeping watch."    


Luo Yuanyuan pursed her lips and said somewhat embarrassedly. She was not a selfish person, and she could tell that Lin Jingyu was also very tired today.    


"No need, how can I let a girl stand guard while a boy sleeps?" Lin Jingyu rubbed his nose, his face unblushing, as he calmly replied.    


Towards Lin Jingyu's show of machismo, Luo Yuanyuan's small face blushed red, and then she secretly laughed.    


Streams of sparkling moonlight were continuously sprinkled down from the clear silver plate suspended in the sky. Soon after, they enveloped the calm surface of the water, and wherever one's gaze swept over, it gave off an unprecedented feeling of tranquility and harmony. The world at night was also quite quiet, and other than the sounds of the two of them talking, one could only hear the crashing sounds of the lake water caused by the movement of the fish.    


Luo Yuanyuan squatted on the side of the lake, looking at the water surface that was washed by the splendor of the moon. He lowered his head, and was silent for a moment, as if he was thinking of something, and then turned his head to look at Lin Jingyu's direction not far away. After that, his lips slightly pursed up, and he finally couldn't help but say: "Senior Brother Lin, I can't sleep, can you talk to me?"    




Lin Jingyu, who was standing guard not too far away, nodded and then walked over to the girl's side and similarly squatted down.    


Luo Yuanyuan blinked her beautiful eyebrows, then said slowly: "Senior Brother Lin, do you think people should obey their own destinies?"    


Lin Jingyu was visibly stunned. After muttering to himself for a moment, he said: "That depends on whether this kind of fate is the result you want. If you don't want this so called fate, then you can revolt!"    


"Resistance?" Luo Yuanyuan muttered, his eyes revealing a look of confusion.    


Lin Jingyu could see that the girl had something on her mind. After that, she looked up and saw the faint glimmers of starlight in the sky, and if there was a deeper meaning behind it, she said, "Right, we can only continue to resist and fight, and break free from the restrictions the Heavenly Dao places on ourselves. Only in the end, will we be able to walk the path that we want to walk on!"    


"What if he can't resist?" Hearing Lin Jingyu's words, the girl seemed to have received some sort of enlightenment.    


"Then we will continue to strengthen our cultivation and improve ourselves until the day when we can have the energy to truly choose the path we want to follow!"    


Clang! The young man continuously spoke, but he did not seem surprised at all.    


The young girl also raised her gaze and looked over. Under the clear night sky, there was a faint starlight shining onto the youth's delicate and handsome face. From afar, there seemed to be a mysterious and vicissitudes of life.    


At the same time, the youth also looked towards the distant starry sky. His hands were tightly clenched, and a trace of coldness and tenacity slowly rose up on his delicate and slightly immature face.    


Nine Netherworld! Purgatory! One day, I will restore my former glory. With my status as the Asura Divine King, I will once again stand in front of you.    


The night continued.    


After Luo Yuanyuan fell asleep, Lin Jingyu immediately jumped onto a large tree not far from the lake, and stood on top of the branches of the ancient tree.    


Very quickly, Lin Jingyu executed the? Scarlet Blood Demon Eye? once again, and the color of his eyes turned a sharp scarlet.    


Relying on this mental cultivation method, Lin Jingyu's current state of mind had already reached the early stage of the Spirit Sea Realm.    


However, Lin Jingyu did not slack in the slightest, and did not give up on any opportunity to cultivate his mental strength.    




After cultivating for about an hour or so, Lin Jingyu's eyes suddenly opened.    


At the same time that he released his Spiritual Force, he noticed some unusual sounds.    




The ground in the distance rumbled continuously. This was the terrifying sound of a gigantic ancient tree being smashed to pieces!    


Lin Jingyu's mind moved, he suddenly activated Solitary Hong Ruo Ying Steps, and with fifty feet in each step, he quickly rushed towards the source of the sound.    


Very quickly, Lin Jingyu's figure appeared in a forest area fifty hundred kilometers away.    


Lin Jingyu looked down at the battle scene below and noticed that about seven to eight disciples dressed in the martial attire of the Martial Sect's sect were currently entangled with an incomparably enormous bear-like Star Origin Beast. Upon closer inspection, that bear-like Star Origin Beast was over forty meters tall, and its entire body was wrapped in an extremely hard iron armor.    


"The Xuanjia Iron Bear is indeed powerful, looks like these few people are not their match!"    


Lin Jingyu's eyes revealed a touch of heaviness. Although the Xuanjia Iron Bear was also a first stage Star Origin Beast, its power was still a little stronger than the Red Flames Demonic Lion that Lin Jingyu had fought before! According to Lin Jingyu's estimations, the Star Origin Beast could be ranked at least in the top three of the first stage's Star Origin Beast s!    


Rumble rumble rumble!    


The ground trembled again, and just as Lin Jingyu expected, the eight disciples combined their powers, but in the end, they were no match for the Xuanjia Iron Bear, and had all lost.    


Four of the disciples were miserably hit by the Xuanjia Iron Bear's giant steel-like palm. After spitting out a few mouthfuls of blood, they finally fell to the ground and lost consciousness.    


The other three martial artists looked at each other when they saw that the situation wasn't looking good. Then, they moved and covered their wounds, flying in the same direction!    




The Xuanjia Iron Bear obviously wouldn't let these people go easily under its rage. It immediately roared and chased after the three of them.    


"Oh no, these three people and the Xuanjia Iron Bear are actually heading in the same direction they came from. It looks like I have to go back and inform Luo Yuanyuan to quickly evacuate."    


If he were to clash head on with the Xuanjia Iron Bear, the result would be hard to escape from, and Lin Jingyu also knew that this guy known for his brute strength was extremely powerful. In his opinion, even considered a Ninth Stage of the Qipo Realm warrior would find it hard to defeat him!    


Given Lin Jingyu's current condition, even if he were to use his most powerful killing move, the Terminator Asura Finger, it would probably be very difficult to kill him!    




Lin Jingyu focused his gaze, an uncertain possibility surfaced in his heart. Unless he could unleash the second form of the Asura Finger, the Void Spirit Asura Finger, but the further down the Asura Finger went, the higher the requirement to a warrior's cultivation quality would be. From the looks of Lin Jingyu's current strength, whether or not he could unleash the second form, the Void Spirit Asura Finger, would still have to depend on two factors.    


Therefore, unless it was absolutely necessary, he felt that it would be best not to get entangled with the Xuanjia Iron Bear. Furthermore, the latter was currently in a state of fury, which would make it even more difficult to deal with!    




Just as Lin Jingyu was about to evacuate and return to notify Luo Yuanyuan, he discovered something strange. At the same time, Lin Jingyu's figure also leaped, and like a lone Hong, he continuously climbed up the trees in the forest. Very quickly, he caught up to the few warriors and Xuanjia Iron Bear s.    


"Boom!" "Boom!" "Bang!"    


A dozen or so large trees were knocked down by the Xuanjia Iron Bear in a row, and its palms struck the ground furiously, instantly ripping a hole in the ground. At the same time, its palm-colored eyes were filled with raging flames.    


Seeing this, the three warriors in front of it looked at each other, then three figures exploded in the air and surrounded the Xuanjia Iron Bear from three different directions.    


Lin Jingyu was also able to discern some clues, looks like, these few disciples had also left some tricks up their sleeves.    


"Hahaha!" "You barbaric animal. Today, I shall let you experience the might of us three brothers!"    


One of the three martial artists loudly laughed. Very soon, he touched the button on a tree beside him!    


Suddenly, a huge white net condensed with traces of the power of the stars pressed down from the sky. In the blink of an eye, it completely covered the entire Xuanjia Iron Bear's beast body!    


At the same time, a 'heh' sound was heard as a silver sword suddenly appeared in the three practitioners' hands. As the silver sword moved, it unknowingly released an endless amount of killing intent in the pitch-black night.    


"Profound Nether Sword Formation!"    


The leader of the three martial artists coldly shouted. Abruptly, three pillars of different colored energy erupted from the bodies of the three martial artists. At this time, the combat strength of the three martial artists also increased several fold!    


At the same time, the swords in their hands were thrown into the air.    


The trio's formation started to change unpredictably, turning into a type of horned formation, transforming into countless sword images, rushing towards the direction of the Xuanjia Iron Bear!    


Lin Jingyu, who was hiding on top of the ancient tree, could see very clearly that the cultivation of those three people were all at Peak of seventh Qipo stage!    


It seemed like they had already prepared to lure the Xuanjia Iron Bear to this point.    


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