I Got 999 Level With One Cut

C119 Her Struggle

C119 Her Struggle

4Three days later.    


The old carpenter, who was almost sixty years old, knocked the nail hard into the wooden table in front of him. At the same time, he stared at Belfast's castle standing tall on the cliff outside the workshop window. He could not help but sigh.    


Ever since the evil Demon King invaded the kingdom and took the castle for herself, three days had passed. During these three days, almost every resident of Royal Capital spent their days in fear. Not only did Demon King viciously pull out all the tulips in the castle garden, she also stepped on the ones that Sato killed when he ran away. She even put the princess under house arrest. She was very powerful. The trustworthy Lord Braveheart of Divine Secrets Sato did his best to escape the castle with another Bravehearts. She was even injured because of this.    


Although Bravehearts did not reveal the image of Demon King, he thought that Demon King must be a tall and big man with a disgusting face. She was wearing a big black cloak, and her entire body was emitting the aura of a dark power.    


Even if he was only staying in the castle and did not do anything, according to his understanding of Demon King, Demon King must have a violent personality and powerful strength to defeat Master Sato. He would not be able to sleep.    


Nicholas could only hope that Master Yamamoto and Master Mage Braveheart, who were fighting outside, could return to the city as soon as possible. They used their invincible power to kill Demon King and let the kingdom return to its peaceful days.    


However, just as Nicholas was thinking about this, a loud mechanical sound seemed to come from outside the window. At first, it was still faintly discernible, but only a few seconds had passed. It was even more noisy and noisy than the busiest market Nicholas had ever been to. He quickly threw down the tools in his hands and rushed out of his house.    


Nicholas happened to see the giant iron bird flying over his head like a gust of wind. The powerful mechanical sound was like the roar of the Thunder God, pushing the iron bird towards the harbor at a shocking speed. The bright silver paint was like the sharp blades of a warrior, shining with a bright light.    


I nodded my head and said, Alright, let's go. I'll be back in a bit. I'll be back in a bit. I'll be back in a bit. Alright, alright then. I'll be back in a bit. I'll be back in a bit. I'll be back in a bit, said Wang Jian, I'll be back in a bit. I'll be back in a bit. I'll be back in a bit. I nodded my head and said, Alright, I'll go and take a look. I'll take a look and see if you can find me any time soon. I'll take a look and see if you can find me any time soon. I'll take a look and see if you can find me any time soon. I'll be back in a few minutes, and I'll be back in a few minutes. I'll be back in a few minutes.    


Nicholas pointed in the direction of the iron bird and shouted in surprise.    


"Master Yamamoto! Master Yamamoto is back!"    


In fact, Yamamoto Wennan was not the only one who rushed back from the battlefield.    


There was also Xiangtai Yukawa, who had heard that the magician was very powerful, as well as the intelligence of the Bravehearts Alliance as Watanabe Zhener.    


Other than the noise caused by Yamamoto Wennan flying the piston fighter aircraft across the residential area at a low altitude, the other two were flying in different ships and arrived in a more environmental way. It was not that eye-catching. However, they had come back to punish Demon King openly. Therefore, the news of the three Bravehearts returning on the same day quickly spread throughout the entire city.    


What welcomed them was a grand welcome ceremony as usual when they were victorious.    


Although they had not completely wiped out the enemy this time, they had also not included the Duchy of San Diego in the northwest into the kingdom's new border. However, this welcome was originally not prepared to celebrate their victory on the battlefield, but because the citizens under Demon King's threat urgently needed a sense of security.    


Yamamoto Wennan and Xiangtai Yukawa had already become the undefeated war god in the eyes of the people after victory in expanding the war time and time again.    


Yamamoto had the strongest mount in the world, and Yukawa was the invincible mage. No one could defeat them, not even the ferocious Demon King.    


At least in Royal Capital, the residents who had listened to their legends day and night for the past five years thought so.    


Yamamoto himself also thought the same.    


So when he pulled open the cover of the Type 0 fighter and jumped off the plane, he saw the cheers and smiles of the crowd and felt that it was very good.    


Similarly, another thing that made Yamamoto Wennan happy was when he would be able to return to their original world. Finally, there was an answer to this question.    


In this world, the strongest enemy Yamamoto encountered and the dragon in the Great Northern Mountain Range were not his and Yukawa's opponents. Demon King might be very powerful, but no matter how strong she was, how strong could she be?    


Therefore, Yamamoto enjoyed the wine that the people had taken out from the cellar of his house for many years with a clear conscience. He planned to sleep in the city for the night and fight Demon King tomorrow.    


Riko Hasegawa's clone hid on the bench in Belfast's castle garden. She yawned and rubbed her teary eyes.    


Since she announced three days ago that she was Demon King and took over the castle, she had not slept well.    


The reason for this phenomenon was obvious: last night, she had captured 21 assassins who were trying to assassinate Demon King. This number was 23 the day before yesterday. It was 29 the day before, and there should be more than 10 of them tonight.    


These assassins did not have a unified organization and their identities were also very different. From chefs to knights, to sailors and even cleaners. However, they all had a common goal: to get rid of Demon King, save the princess, and get rid of evil for the people.    


Riko did not especially understand how she had harmed them.    


It was rumored that she had kidnapped the princess in the city and planned to transform Belfast's castle into Demon King's old nest. The first half of this sentence was correct. Riko had indeed planned to do this before. But the reality was that Linze Astil Belfast was willing to stay behind.    


"Your Majesty Demon King, if you can help me regain control of the kingdom, you can take away any duke territory in the kingdom and have supreme power and wealth. What do you think?"    


In the past few years, the five Bravehearts more or less revealed some information about "Demon King" that was about to appear and successfully made her take note that Demon King had not appeared yet. And now, after she found out that Demon King could beat Sato Mochizuki, who was ranked third among the five Bravehearts, until he could not fight back at all, Linze Astil, Belfast did not panic because of Demon King's arrival. Instead, she felt that the opportunity had come.    


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