I Got 999 Level With One Cut

C134 What Did He Do Wrong Again

C134 What Did He Do Wrong Again

2Riko was too lazy to even raise her hand this time.     1


She leisurely walked in the rain of magic. Whether it was the sharp ice spear or the howling fireball, they would always disappear into the air before landing on her body. Riko's doppelganger combed her hair and crazily attacked Yukawa with red eyes. She sighed lightly.    


"I'm a little disappointed." Riko said as if she was talking to herself.    


"The information you guys got was' defeating Demon King 'before you can return to Earth, right?"    


"If that's the case, then I would be very happy to be a good person and directly say' I admit defeat 'to you guys. In this way, you guys can be considered to have defeated Demon King..."    


"Coincidentally, the thing that the person who summoned me here wanted to ask me to do is to save this world called Ansk from your shadow. So, if you do this, you can also go home. The people here will no longer suffer from war..."    


"However, you did not seem to have thought of this. Or rather, if you think of it as a matter of course, you will treat 'defeating Demon King' as' killing Demon King at all costs'. If that is the case, it will be very difficult for me to deal with it..."    


Riko tilted her head and blinked her eyes awkwardly. She made a hand gesture and a huge magic array that was glowing with golden light appeared from the ground and slowly rotated.    


The ice spear that shot out stopped in the air and the burning flame on the fireball no longer jumped. Xiangtai Yukawa wanted to run, but his movements were also frozen in place, as if the passage of time had been frozen.    


"Let's not talk about it first. There is probably no one who can prove that you will be able to return to the main world after killing me. Even if you really return, have you thought about what will happen?"    


"Everyone here, everything, will never be able to resist the storm of Void. The only outcome awaiting them is that they will be torn apart by the storm within a few seconds. Devour them, and then disappear from the origin of Void. No one will be able to survive... "    


Riko's doppelganger said in an almost inorganic voice. At the same time, she stretched out her hands towards the sky. Under the influence of magic, two figures flew over from afar. One was Sato Mochizuki, and the other was the last person Riko knew, Bravehearts. He was a fat man.    


Just as they were about to hit the ground, they were stopped in the air by the effect of magic.    


"No, probably, you did not think of them as' people 'at all. Including me, all the souls in this world... In your eyes, they are all characters that you can kill as you wish in the game, and you have even killed a village because of food. No matter what, it's not strange... "    


"In the end, you want to return to the place where you came from, which is the modern Japan. It's just that you feel that this' game 'you're playing right now is too boring. Therefore, you want to change to a new game, which is also a city theme, right? "    


"Because no one knows what will happen at that time. But if you treat everything with the mentality of a game, you will definitely kill a lot of people and make the world a mess... "    


"Then since that is the case, I cannot let you return to the main world...    


Riko walked forward step by step in the still world, with her back facing the three Bravehearts. Even if the fake Rank 8 Space Magic she released looked like a time pause, it only froze the movement of the objects in this area. It did not really stop time...    


Bravehearts, who was in the state of the fake time stop, could still hear her words.    


Riko used a wind magic to blow away the dust on the ground and sat down with her arms around her legs.    


"My father was sentenced to death because he committed a crime. He is probably still waiting to be executed in some prison. My mother also jumped off the building and committed suicide because of this matter. So in school, I was bullied very badly..."    


" I will never forgive those people, but no matter what, I will not hate the entire world directly, and I will not harm people who have nothing to do with me because of my emotions "    




She placed her right hand on the road paved with bricks.    


"I won't kill you all, but I can make sure that you won't be able to walk on this land for the next countless years. "    


Under the shadow cast by the storm, the girl began to chant softly.    


" - - - Aurahahaskanicropper... "    


"Rartivita Edificiodicodicipala..."    


This spell did not have a name because it was just invented by Riko. The enhanced gravity skill and an ordinary sealing spell were combined together, forming a top Rank 8 control spell that was infinitely close to the Ninth Rank. In fact, if Riko persisted in improving it, she might really have a chance to advance and become a terrifying forbidden spell...    


But no matter what, these five Bravehearts probably would not be able to see that day.    


At the same time Riko canceled the fake stillness, countless heavy steel chains rose from the ground. They firmly locked and entangled them. Then, the earthen yellow earth rolled. The huge gravity made the earth on the ground form a whirlpool like flowing water. A whirlpool! It turned into a huge, ferocious mouth that swallowed Bravehearts and the others. They were buried deep under the ground where they could not see the light of day.    


Riko's clone hovered at the edge of the whirlpool, watching the man sink down in vain as he screamed. Finally, she said softly.    


"Good night."    


Three days later.    


For some reason, Riko had a feeling that the five Bravehearts were pulled into the ground by the gravity of the earth. Their movements and even the rhythm of their conversation became a little strange. It was as if some unknown time magic had slightly weakened them.    


But Riko was certain that she had long stopped the false prohibition. From the beginning to the end, she did not say an H or S spell. This was a little strange, but she had already recorded this phenomenon in the small book. Prepare! She wanted to try it out when she had the chance in the future.    


As for the remaining cleaning up work for the Plane...    


"You only need to say that the five great Bravehearts and Demon King perished together, saving the world. Anyway, I will be leaving soon..."    


Riko looked at her clone that had become a little translucent. She tilted her head and said to the young girl sitting opposite her.    


"Are you okay?"    


Linze Astil Belfast rubbed her eyes. In the past few days, she had been busy taking over and handling this chaotic country. She comforted the people and rebuilt the places that were destroyed. Therefore, she seemed to be short of sleep.    


Riko smiled and shook her head, "I don't care about these things."    




After getting an answer, Riko shifted her gaze to the last person present.    


"Ignodia, I am about to leave. Do you have anything to say?"    


She bit her lips and shrank back into the chair.    


"I don't know. I keep feeling that there is something very important that I haven't told you, but I can't remember."    




Riko rubbed her head. A few days ago, she had used telepathy on Ignodia. Maybe it was because that incident was buried too deeply in Ignodia's heart, or maybe it was because of some other reason. In the end, she did not find out what it was.    


"Then, goodbye..."    


As she spoke, she made her clone fade away bit by bit in the air.    


"Wait a moment!"    


Ignodia suddenly ran back to a room and took out a glass bead about the size of a ping-pong ball from inside and stuffed it into Riko's hands.    


"This is for you."    


After saying that, she took two steps back and waved at Riko as a sign of goodbye.    


Ten seconds later, the person named Riko Hasegawa completely disappeared from the distant and fragile Plane. The wisp of remnant soul that her clone carried was passing through the entire Void at an unimaginable speed. Like a meteor, it flew towards the direction of Earth.    


Riko woke up. It was a dark rainy day. Meiko stood in front of her bed. The fire in the fireplace in the room dispersed the cold air brought by the rain.    


She sat up and reached out to rub her eyes. She found a glass ball with unknown meaning lying in the palm of her right hand.    


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