My Fiance Ran Away

C1104 Park Zhihuan You're so Shameless!

C1104 Park Zhihuan You're so Shameless!

4The news that Hua Canyu had stolen Chu Yangfeng had already shaken him to the core, but he had never thought that there would be another Chai Fangsi.     2


"What?! There's still another Chai Fangsi?" Chu Yang was once again stunned by the news that Shen Yunzai had told him. He knew that he would mutter, "Interesting, really interesting. The person who kidnapped my son. It was actually the person that Chai Murong and Hua Manyu regarded as the closest to. Hehe. Interesting. This matter is really interesting. Why did the matter become so complicated?"    


Sigh, he could not be blamed for not being able to accept this reality. The brothers of the two most influential women around him were the ones who kidnapped his son. Not to mention him, even if it was anyone else, they wouldn't be able to accept this ridiculous news. Actually, he was really pitiful.    


Seeing that Chu Li looked like he had lost his soul, Shen Yunzai immediately felt a motherly love in her heart. She held his chin with both hands and was about to kiss his mouth, hoping to use this method to resolve the helpless sadness in his heart.    


But just as Shen Yunzai's little mouth was about to press on Chu Yang's mouth, she heard a loud bang from the iron door behind her. Then there was an angry voice shouting, "Piao Zhihuan, you are really shameless. You dare to hire prostitutes in prison!"    




The woman who went to the prison cell to accompany Cole was really beautiful. When she left, I must leave her contact details. We are rich now, so we have the capital to hire a senior prostitute.    


Han Xiangdou, who was feeling sorry for Shen Yunzai for being a prostitute, finished exchanging the gambling money. Looking at the box full of cash, his mouth almost cracked open behind his ear. He started to naturally wonder if he should take care of that high class girl.    


"Fight, follow me for a bit!" Just as Han Xiangdou saw the beautiful woman in the box of US dollars, his uncle Han Dongzhe walked over and patted him on the shoulder.    


Han Xiangdou looked up as if he had just woken up from a dream. "Ah, uncle, you called me?"    


"Haha, kid, your eyesight is really good. You became a millionaire in just one or two days." Han Dongzhe looked at the colorful US dollar bills, and his eyes flashed with great greed.    


Completely subconsciously, Han Xiangdou immediately closed the box. But then he understood that he shouldn't have done this, so he whispered, "Uncle, isn't this all because of your help? I have already planned to wait until this place is completely quiet. I will immediately give Little Xuan, who is studying at a university in M Country, (Han Dongzhe's son) Mail 300,000 USD to repay Uncle for taking care of me for so many years. "    


Han Dongzhe was instantly overjoyed, but on the surface, he had a helpless expression. He raised his hand and patted Han Xiangdou's shoulder. "You, sigh, what should I say? Oh, right, quickly follow me to the office. Someone is looking for you over there. I'm telling you, don't talk nonsense after you go. Answer whatever she asks you. Alright, don't ask me who's looking for you. You'll know when you get there."    


He didn't know who was looking for his own Han Xiangdou, but seeing that his uncle was so mysterious, he didn't dare to ask any more questions. He could only hug the box tightly and follow him to the Warden's office.    


When they reached the door, Han Dongzhe made a gesture at the door and signaled Han Xiangdou to go in himself. Then he turned around and walked to the Deputy Warden's office to celebrate his victory.    


Who is looking for me? Han Xiangdou was very puzzled. After his uncle went into another room, He raised his hand and knocked on the door lightly a few times. Immediately, an elegant and cold woman's voice sounded, "Come in, the door is not locked."    


After hearing that it was a woman who spoke inside, Han Xiangdou was first stunned. Then he understood who was looking for him. A woman who could be respected by his uncle could only be the K Country's Yao Lan who represented the K Country in the competition. But why is she looking for me?    


Sure enough, after Han Xiangdou pushed open the door and entered, he saw that it was Lee Xiaomin, who had pushed Jin Changhe with her knee and turned him into a demon. He quickly closed the door behind him and put the box of money on the ground. He bowed respectfully and said, "Miss Li, my uncle said you wanted to see me?"    


Lee Xiaomin glanced at the box in front of Han Xiangdou and lit a cigarette. "Yes, sit down and talk."    


Han Xiangdou had long heard of the K Country's blue demon, especially after seeing her fierce fighting skills. He admired her even more and sat on the sofa without any disobedience. He straightened his back and looked straight ahead.    


"Don't worry. I called you here to ask you something." Lee Xiaomin spat out a puff of smoke and slowly sat on Han Dongzhe's usual table in the middle of the night. "Just tell me what you know about contestant number seven and what he has done in the past few days."    


Although Lee Xiaomin asked a prisoner from V Country for no reason, it really made Han Xiangdou feel puzzled. After a moment of silence, he did not dare to hesitate at all. He told her everything that happened during the past few days when Chu Yang came to the Busan Prison. He even told him the reason why he won the money.    


It was just as I had imagined. The poor rich men's attitude had infuriated him. Only then did he play a game that no one could understand... Lee Xiaomin smiled slightly and nodded, "Yes, I understand. Is contestant number seven back in the cell now?"    


"Yes." Han Xiangdou replied, saying, "According to the rules of Prison, after the competition, the contestant must be brought back to the cell immediately."    


"Alright, then tell me which cell he is in and give me the key. I want to see him alone."    


Han Xiangdou looked up at Lee Xiaomin and said, "You, you want to go to the cell alone to see a prisoner in V Country?"    


Lee Xiaomin looked down at the cigarette in her hand and said lightly, "Yes, but other than you, I don't want anyone else to know about this. I hope you can understand what I mean. And I have already told your uncle in advance. From now on, you will be on vacation. The holiday ends in the morning the day after tomorrow. I'll take care of the rest of your work for you."    


"What?" Han Xiangdou did not understand why Lee Xiaomin would say that. He was just about to ask something else. He saw her slowly raise her head and look at him with her sharp eyes. His heart skipped a beat and he immediately said, "Okay, okay, I will do it. I will never tell anyone about this. Please rest assured. But I still want to remind you that even though Cole..."    


Han Xiangdou wanted to name Chu Yang's identity as a prisoner for Lee Xiaomin, but the latter did not want to hear him say these things. He just impatiently waved his hand and interrupted him. Thank you for your good intentions. I will be careful myself. Now you hand over the key and carry the money that belongs to you and leave Busan Prison immediately. Remember, don't talk nonsense with others. Otherwise, you will lose your life to spend this money."    


Since Lee Xiaomin had said such words, Han Xiangdou naturally did not dare to say anything else. He could only obediently take out the key and place it on the sofa. He stood up and bowed again. He carried the money box and ran out of the prison warden's office as if he was running away.    


Half an hour later, Lee Xiaomin, who wore a brand new police uniform and had her hat pressed down so low that she was stunned, lowered her head and walked quickly to Prison Room 16.    


She first used her hand to pinch the brim of the hat to size up the surrounding environment. After making sure that even if she killed pigs inside, it would not affect the people outside. Only then did Lee Xiaomin excitedly open the door of the room and quickly walked in.    


Because Chu Yang and the others had the identity of a contestant, each of them had an independent space. They were also equipped with a prison guard specifically to guard them. Outside the real prison cell, there was also a breathing room specially for prison guards to rest in. Other than that, there was also a small space to relieve their hands and take a bath. Although it was a little crude, But in the prison, it was definitely a 5-star level.    


After quietly locking the door outside, Lee Xiaomin touched her hot cheeks for some unknown reason and thought, This kid must have been looking forward to Big Sister coming here a long time ago. Yes, it must be like this.    


She thought that she might be in this kind of place next time, doing things that she almost forgot what it felt like to do with someone. Lee Xiaomin's heart was beating even faster. Her legs also seemed to have gone soft. She slowly walked to the door of the cell where Chu Yang was imprisoned. She raised her hand and opened the small window to look inside. Just as she wanted to see what he was doing inside, she realized...    


Lee Xiaomin opened the small window on the door and looked inside. She found two people hugging tightly on the bed.    


There was no need to run in and pull the two people's heads to look. Lee Xiaomin also knew that the person being pressed down was her husband, Chu Yang, and the one on top was a long-haired woman!    


Women. Chu Yang actually had a woman in his cell, and at this time, he was doing this kind of shameless thing without any restraint! He clearly knew that I would come, but he still found another woman!    


Seeing this scene, Lee Xiaomin's heart was filled with tenderness. Desire and happiness were immediately replaced by immense anger. Her hand that was holding the key was violently trembling. She forcefully suppressed the gushing tears. She trembled as she opened the iron door of the cell. She did not even have the time to pull the key out of the lock. She raised her left foot and kicked the iron door open with a bang. She shouted angrily with tears in her eyes, "Piao Zhihuan, you are so shameless. How dare you hire prostitutes in prison!"    


If Chu Yang had not been shocked by the news brought by Shen Yunzai, he would have listened to the child. He would definitely have been able to hear something unusual when Lee Xiaomin opened the door. It would have been impossible for him to hear it after the door was kicked open. He was suddenly shocked and wanted to raise his head to see what was going on. She heard a shout and someone rushed out of the door like an arrow!    


"Ah, who is it!?" Similarly, Shen Yunzai, who had placed all her attention on Chu Yang, asked. It was also at this moment that she realized that something was wrong. She had just raised her head and shouted these words. She felt her hair tighten and her entire body was grabbed by Lee Xiaomin's hair and lifted up. Before she could react, she felt a heavy blow to her stomach. It made her scream in pain and tears immediately flowed out. The muddy water twitched and shrank into a shrimp. She covered her stomach with both hands and lay on the ground.    


It was as if all women loved to be beautiful. Being jealous at any time and anywhere was their privilege.    


Similarly, just like all the women in the world who found out that their husband was having an affair, her first reaction would definitely be to hate the woman who seduced her husband, and not to consider whether her husband would hook up with someone else first.    


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