My Fiance Ran Away

C1438 She Didn't Plan to Leave!

C1438 She Didn't Plan to Leave!

0After Chu Yang stood out, he took the initiative to accept the reporters' interviews.    


When he felt that it was about time, he invited everyone to lunch first, because it was getting late.    


However, the reporters who had just entered into working mode did not plan to let go of the 'amiable' Third Prince Chu just like that. They all shouted that they would not eat anymore and invited him to answer a few more questions.    


Chu Yang shook his head firmly. "No. If you still want to interview him, I suggest... You really should interview those construction workers, although they are all unknown. It is them who formed our powerful China, allowing our country to once again stand in the east of the world! "    


After shouting this political slogan, Chu Yang raised his hands high and squeezed out of the crowd with a smile.    


In fact, the reporters were already very satisfied that Third Prince Chu could make such a humble gesture. They all felt that this trip to the Western Region was definitely a great harvest. Not only did they see the pure little girl challenge Chai Murong and Shi Tuotuo, this disgusting maggot, they would no longer be able to ruin everyone's appetite. Moreover, Third Prince Chu was so enthusiastic and valued by him.    




After getting rid of the reporters, Chu Yang did not directly go to the temporary office. Instead, under Hsiao Jizhong's lead, he walked towards the military camp in the distance.    


About 500 meters away from the temporary office, there was a green canvas tent that seemed to have no end. This was the barracks of Hsiao Jizhong's group and the engineering soldiers.    


Tens of thousands of engineering soldiers set up camp in one place. Just imagine how many tents there would be.    


After walking along the camp for a few dozen meters, they came to a tent. Hsiao Jizhong, who was leading the way, stopped in his tracks. He turned around and whispered to Chu Yang, "Brother Yang, Second Lieutenant Huang is inside."    


"Yes, I know. You go ahead and do your work."    


Chu Yang nodded without batting an eyelid. He lifted the curtain and walked in.    


This tent was not where Hsiao Jizhong lived. It was where the female military doctors lived. He could tell that he was careful enough to arrange Huang Dongdong here.    


In this tent, there were a total of three individual military beds.    


Although the current conditions in Mayan New City were simple and crude, the inside was clean and tidy. The blanket on the bed, the shoes taken off, and other items were all neatly arranged... From these small matters, it could be seen that the army had strict military discipline. This also proved that the saying that China's army was the strongest army in the world was definitely not exaggerated.    


When Chu Yang lifted the curtain and walked in, he had already heard that someone was coming. Huang Dongdong was standing in front of a bed, his head lowered as he anxiously twisted his clothes.    


Huang Dongdong had mixed into the Condolence Dance Group to come to Xiyu Province because he wanted to take advantage of Chu Yang's absence. He wanted to use another method to show Chai Murong that a newborn calf was not afraid of a tiger and let her know what a newborn calf was. However, the truth was that Huang Dongdong could not gain any advantage in front of the sharp-tongued Official Chai. Instead, he lost all his face.    


Being ridiculed by Chai Murong was not what Huang Dongdong was most worried about. What worried her the most was that Chu Yang had actually returned.    


How would he look at me? Would he dislike me because of this? It can't be, right? After all, I am a pure little flower. Challenging Chai Murong to express his love to him should be something he should be proud of. However, would he really be that proud? Why did he ask someone to bring me here? What did he want to say to me? He wanted to teach me that he didn't want to see me again... Or was he going to comfort me in a soft voice... Huang Dongdong was nervous. He had been thinking about these questions during this period of time. Until Chu Yang came in.    


As the curtain of the door was lifted, the sunlight outside flashed for a moment. Huang Dongdong looked up nervously. The moment he saw Chu Yang, No matter what other people did to me, I wouldn't care. What I care about is that I have finally done what I wanted to do. As for what kind of impact it would cause, that wasn't important.    


After he suddenly figured this out, Huang Dongdong looked at Chu Yang and smiled calmly. "Here you are. Sit down."    




Chu Yang had planned to point at Huang Dongdong's nose when he saw her and yell, You are messing around! You are messing around! I am very unhappy, very unhappy! Do you know how much responsibility I am carrying on my shoulders right now? Do you know my every move? Do you know how many people's happiness is involved in this world? Do you know that this world cannot be without me... I am such a busy person and my time is precious. How can I have the time to deal with this kind of love? Ang, can you let me save some time!    


However, when Chu Yang saw that Huang Dongdong was actually very calm and smiled to let him sit down, the words in his stomach were stuck in his throat and did not come out. It made his small face somewhat red.    


"This is someone else's tent, okay? Do you think it's yours? You can just sit there."    


After being stunned for a moment, Chu Yang was like a deflated balloon. He lowered his head and could not care less that this was the female soldier's dormitory. He took out a cigarette and lit it up. He casually sat on the military bed at the door. He was smoking.    


When he saw Chu Yang sitting there without even letting out a fart and smoking, Huang Dongdong became even more confident. It seemed that he would not panic when faced with a situation. The benefits would be great.    


Huang Dongdong, who had a lot of confidence, walked in front of Chu Yang with a smile on his face. He slowly squatted down and looked up at him. "Chu Yang, are you very angry right now? You even want to beat me up, don't you? If you really want to do this, then beat me up to vent your anger. But don't slap me in the face. You can beat up my little butt. Because I'm afraid that if my face is swollen, it won't look good. "    


"Sigh, that's enough. Don't deliberately anger me here."    


Looking at Huang Dongdong, Chu Yang shrugged helplessly and said, "I'm really puzzled. What did I owe you in my previous life? Letting you pester me like this, isn't this causing trouble for me?"    


"Did I cause trouble for you? I, I am sorry."    


Huang Dongdong immediately put on a pitiful look. In his big black and white eyes, At the same time, a layer of mist appeared on his face, and his voice choked up. He raised his hand to cover Chu Yang's knee and said, "Chu Yang, you did not owe me anything in your previous life, and you did not owe me anything in this life. I'm not simply making trouble for you by pestering you like this. I just feel that ever since Big Sister passed away, besides you, No one cares about me anymore. That is why I came all the way here to find you. I wanted Chai Murong to know of my existence in advance. I want you to protect me in the future. To me..."    


"Alright, alright, stop talking."    


Chu Yang saw that Huang Dongdong was getting more and more 'touching'. He hurriedly waved his hand and interrupted her. "My Miss Huang, please don't be so pretentious, okay? How many times do you need me to say it before you can understand what I mean? You are still young. For the time being, you have that kind of hero worshipping plot against me. That's normal. But when you grow up, you'll know what you're thinking right now. How ridiculous, that's why I agreed to you for the time being. Actually, I'm giving you a chance. Do you understand?"    


After saying so much, Huang Dongdong shook his head and said, "I don't understand."    


"Uh, forget it. I didn't say anything."    


Chu Yang helplessly smacked his lips and stood up from the bed. "You should rest here and return with those people in the afternoon."    


Huang Dongdong grabbed Chu Yang's hand and shook his head firmly. Like her tone, he said, "Since I am here, I have no intention of leaving."    


Chu Yang immediately frowned. "No way. Huang Dongdong, don't be so stubborn, okay? Do you remember what I told you? Not to mention you are still young, even if you are an adult now. I'm not in the mood to talk about love anymore, because right now, I have to focus all my attention on the construction of the new city. I don't dare to slack off at all. Perhaps one day, I'll be ambushed by the enemy. If I die, won't you be even more sad? "    


"I won't allow you to say such inauspicious words!"    


Huang Dongdong stood up and raised his hand to touch Chu Yang's chin. Feeling the slight thorns brought by the stubble, his voice began to become ethereal. Soft and gentle. : "Uncle, I know that you are currently facing the greatest turning point in your life. I also know that you are in a very dangerous situation, but you shouldn't have been in Beijing... It was your marriage this time that allowed me to see hope. That is why I encouraged me to temporarily leave the General Staff Department and come to Xiyu Province to help you resist the evil forces. I know that you need me now, really!"    


" So, you came to the Xiyu Province for these reasons. "    


Looking at Huang Dongdong, who was a head shorter than him, Chu Yang sighed in his heart. He grabbed her hands and sat side by side on the bed. He said lightly, "Huang Dongdong, do you know why I was in such a hurry to marry Nanzhao Xixue?"    


Huang Dongdong shook his head honestly. "I don't know. I just know that your actions have given me hope. I wanted to wait a year before appearing in front of you."    


"Then I will tell you why I wanted to marry Nanzhao Xixue."    


Chu Yang let go of Huang Dongdong's hand. There was a trace of helplessness and pain in his eyes. "You also heard Chai Murong say that Nanzhao Xixue and I were getting married. She pushed it. But do you know why she did that? It was because she couldn't live much longer and urgently needed a talent who could lead the company to rise. Nanzhao Xixue just so happens to have the ability."    


"What? What did you say!?"    


Huang Dongdong suddenly stood up from the bed, his eyes wide open. "You, you said Chai Murong won't live long. How, how is this possible?"    




After seeing that Official Chai was in a bad mood, Ye Chuqing and Nanzhao Xixue tactfully took Hestia and left the temporary office.    


Although this office was temporary, Nanzhao Xixue and the rest knew that Chai Murong's health was very bad right now. Perhaps a cold could kill her. So when arranging this office, ... They all used the best facilities: leather seats, high-power air conditioners, bathing rooms, and so on. They even brought along a small lounge that was even more cozy.    


This small lounge that could be directly entered from the office was specially catered for Chai Murong. When she felt tired from work, she could rest here for a while.    


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