My Fiance Ran Away

C1412 Something Happened Outside!

C1412 Something Happened Outside!

4When Chai Fangsi just came out of the hospital, Skynet thought he would do the same thing he did before: assassinate Chai Murong, Chu Yang, and the others with excellent cybertechnology.    


However, not only did Chai Fangsi not agree with this, he also hoped that Chu Yang could build Mayan New City as soon as possible.    


Because in Chai Fangsi's heart, as long as it was done properly, he, Chai Fangsi, would become the master of Mayan New City sooner or later. Chu Yang, on the other hand, was just a free worker!    


Therefore, Chai Fangsi had no intention of assassinating Chu Yang, nor did he have the intention to kill Zeus King.    


Regarding this, Skynet did not understand at first, but after thinking for a long time, he finally figured out Chai Fangsi's big plan, and called it the 'Peaches Picking Plan'.    


Seeing that the great achievement was about to be achieved, Chai Fangsi, who was in ecstasy, once again explained his point of view. "When Chu Yang created the Mayan New City, we also had to clean up the Mount Olympus. Let those people become our own strength, and then go and pick the 'peach' of the Mayan New City. Ha, haha, when that time comes, not only will we have the Mount Olympus, but we will also have it. And the Mayan New City too! As long as we control the Mayan New City, I will have the right to challenge the Z Country Government. The Chai family will seize the opportunity to rise."    


Chai Fangsi walked slowly on the ground, as if he had seen his future proud blueprint. "Although the Chu family will be angry because of Chu Yang's death, those politicians will not destroy the Mayan New City that they built with great effort. When the time comes, they will definitely cooperate with me and set off the brightest chapter in my life! Besides, I am no longer Chai Fangsi. As long as you don't say it, no one will know who the future City Lord of the new city is. As long as I'm a 'survivor' of the Chai family, I'll be able to control everything behind my back in peace. After a few decades, I will once again be at the top of China's political scene. Ha, haha! "    


Amidst the wild laughter, Chai Fangsi looked at Skynet with an unnoticeable killing intent. When you get the Mayan New City, it will be the time of your death!    


Skynet did not seem to hear or see all of this. He only said after Chai Fangsi's laughter became softer, "Let Zeus King go?"    


Chai Fangsi said affirmatively, "Yes, let her go! But I can make her suffer some injuries, because she also injured me before!"    


Skynet typed on the keyboard, "Should we destroy the Twelve Master Gods under her, including those important leaders, in their respective rooms?"    


After laughing, Chai Fangsi shrugged. "Zeus King can temporarily stay alive, but these people must die. Because even if they are alive, they will not listen to my orders. Hehe, there will still be a Zeus King in Mount Olympus, and there will still be twelve of them. But only I am Zeus King, and the twelve Sovereign Lords are all decided by me! Don't ask any more questions, just act according to the plan!"    


" Alright, do it! "    


As Skynet said those three words, his white and slender hands immediately turned into two elves and nimbly jumped on the keyboard.    


Although Zeus King rarely drank with others in the past, it did not mean that she did not know how to drink. She just felt that no one was worthy of drinking with her.    


Of course, sometimes when she made a ripple side, she often held a glass of red wine, but she had indeed never drunk white wine before.    


Legend has it that red wine can beautify a woman, but white wine can only bring harm to a woman's body.    


But sometimes, especially when people are very vexed, most of them choose white wine. Just like how men know that smoking is harmful to health, but they never plan to quit.    


Tonight, it was already very late at night. Zeus King carried two bottles of white wine in his hands and walked back into the house barefooted.    


In the spacious and beautiful room, following Zeus King's action of turning off the lights, It became dark, and only the computer monitor that was five to six meters away from the big bed was left. It was still on. This also made the portrait of someone Chu on it. It was even more clearly visible, the thing that Queen Hera gently caressed on his crotch. It looked even more majestic.    


After opening a bottle of wine, Zeus King lay on the bed diagonally. He curled his legs slightly and did not even use a wine cup. He raised the wine bottle towards the mouth of the bottle and drank directly.    


In this world, there were many women who would always say whatever they wanted. They clearly said that they hated a certain man. But when that man summons her... Women's habits were similar to white liquor at times: when white liquor enters the mouth, the taste of throwing away the spiciness is very cold. However, once it enters the stomach through the throat, it makes people feel like a ball of fire is jumping. Furthermore, in a very short period of time, it will burn to every nerve endpoint in the human body. It would make his entire body heat up.    


Zeus King was enjoying this feeling.    


In just a minute, Zeus King, who had drunk half a bottle of vodka white wine, felt his whole body heat up. He sat up and untied his robe, revealing her perfect and healthy body.    


Due to the white wine, her originally white skin was now slightly red. As Zeus King's breathing became thicker, her hand subconsciously placed on his chest.    


Wine, for a long time, had become the catalyst for sex. Moreover, she had put on a big hat that could confuse the sex. No matter how innocent the wine was described, It was fair and unfair, but it could not be denied that when Zeus King's body turned red, and her subordinates realized that they were touching her towering breasts, His entire body began to heat up, and he instinctively started to tremble.    


"Hiss... Oh."    


Zeus King let out a soft moan in his throat. Her long and healthy legs were also tightly shut, but her hand... It did not listen to her orders at all. It was like a snake. It slid along the two lumps of towering flesh and slid down her flat abdomen. She swept past a certain part of the grass that was not growing and forcefully pierced between her tightly shut legs.    


When Zeus King's finger touched the most sensitive part of her body... It was as if someone was doing some kind of rough action by the side. She let out a soft moan once again. Her legs suddenly opened, and three fingers, which had been placed together, skillfully pierced into the depths of her body. Pcht... Pcht... Pcht... Pcht... Pcht... Pcht... Pcht... Pcht... Pcht... Pcht... Then, her legs were once again tightly shut, and her round buttocks... As her waist twisted, it began to sway.    


When that human instinct rose from the deepest part of her body once again, Zeus King's right hand quickly rubbed against it, and his left hand reached out with great difficulty. He grabbed the bottle of wine on the bed and took a big swig.    


The spicy and cold liquid slid into Zeus King's throat with a ball of fire. Her eyes were completely blurred, and her right hand moved faster and faster. Her waist twisted even more rapidly, and her right leg, which was originally tightly closed, It was slowly getting too high, and the tip of her foot was stretching and contracting. It was as if he was luring some kind of feeling.    


"Uh, oh, I want to..."    


After Zeus King swallowed the liquid in his mouth, he looked at the man on the computer screen. She had a strong desire to be fulfilled, so she had to drink all the wine in the bottle. Talent There was a temporary decrease, but then it was like a spring with a greater force. It made her feel a kind of crazy desire!    


Zeus King now strongly desired that the man on the screen could come down and use the thick root between his legs to make her feel greatly enriched!    


But that man was only a painting. It was just like the painting of Teacher Cang Jing, who had caused countless youths to fly. No matter what you were doing down there, it was filled with enthusiasm. He was still just a virtual image made up of digitized decryption. Other than having a greater visual effect, It simply cannot solve the intrinsic problem.    


He could see, but he could not touch, nor could he use it... This was the most unbearable thing for a person who was burning like fire!    


Zeus King was like this now. Apart from using his fingers to wreak havoc on himself, he was also like this. He could only look at the man and let out a roar that was louder than the previous one. "No, no! I, I can't take it anymore. I want, I want you to be with Hera. Come and serve me... No, not to serve me, but to torture me, to torture me with force!"    


Zeus King, who had 'gradually entered a better state', had completely lost himself in this feeling of soaring at high speed. He was like a big white snake, rolling back and forth on the wide bed. However, her eyes were still staring at the computer desk, just like how her fingers did not slide out from that place.    


Gradually, Zeus King was no longer satisfied with her three fingers. He suddenly turned around and sat up, opened his legs wide, picked up the wine bottle that he had just finished drinking, and stuffed it down.    


Under the intense panting, the bottle of wine in Zeus King's hand squeezed into that messy warm place bit by bit.    


But in fact, the cold and hard non-living thing not only did not make Zeus King feel satisfied for a moment, but also did not make him feel satisfied. But in reality, the cold and hard dead thing did not make Zeus King feel satisfied for a moment. Instead, it increased her desire for 'living things'. It made her have a thought that made her afraid: find a guard to solve the problem, and then kill him after it was done!    


"Yes, I will do that. I don't want to keep what I have kept for so many years. Tonight, I must give it to a man for money!"    


After shouting in a low voice, Zeus King threw away the wine bottle that he did not understand the meaning of. He staggered out of the bed and walked towards the door.    


Outside Zeus King's bedroom, there were eight close guards all year round guarding it. As long as she shouted at the door, someone would run over and do whatever it took for her.    


Zeus King got off the bed, bent his waist, and left his hand between his legs. He walked towards the door. She wanted to find a guard man to enjoy the real feeling of being alive!    


Zeus King walked towards the door. His head was heavy, but his eyes had a frightening luster. When she was one meter away from the door, she seemed to hear a loud sound. Boom!    


Zeus King felt his feet shake. That kind of feeling that almost drove her crazy, along with the loud sound and slight trembling, decreased a lot. Her heart suddenly became empty.    


"What's going on?"    


Zeus King stopped walking and stood up with a slight frown. "Could it be that I was hallucinating just now? Otherwise, why would I hear the loud sound?"    


Before Zeus King could fully regain his consciousness, there was another loud and clear sound. It was faintly heard from outside, and this time, the vibration was even stronger. It startled her. All her pink thoughts vanished in an instant. She completely woke up. "Not good, something has happened outside!"    


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