My Fiance Ran Away

C1396 The Troublesome Trump Platform!

C1396 The Troublesome Trump Platform!

3Liang Xin only understood what was going on when she saw Lao Lee say those words with an ambiguous expression. After all this time, it turned out to be such a personal problem.     0


After Liang Xin understood, she looked at Lao Lee and said in her heart, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, "Sigh, you people know how to hammer! You only know that Faan Jing is the mother of Chu Yang's lover, but you don't know that Chu Tiantai is his father! Faan Jing came to find Lao Chu to seek justice for her daughter. But you all suspect that there is some dirty thing between the two of them."    


When Liang Xin revealed a complicated expression, Lao Lee thought that the situation he brought out would be very useful to the chief. He even thought happily, Humph, I have long heard that Vice Bureau Director Chu and Bureau Director Liang had a conflict in the past. If Chief Liang could take advantage of this opportunity to mess with Vice Bureau Director Chu, he would definitely feel very good. When the time comes, he might be happy because I provided this information. Give me some benefits!    


Just as Lao Lee was thinking about this complacently, he saw Liang Xin's face turn cold. She said in a low voice, "You guys better not talk about this behind my back. If I hear it, humph..."    


Ah, could it be that I flattered the horse's legs? After seeing Liang Xin's cold expression, Lao Lee quickly lowered his head and waved his hand. "Chief Liang, I dare not say it casually!"    


"That's for the best. Go do what you need to do. Tell the others to focus on work. Don't talk nonsense when you have nothing to do!"    


Liang Xin scolded Lao Lee coldly, then turned around and walked to the deputy director's office. Sigh, that old woman at home was really incompetent. She was good at ruining things! You actually instigated her to come and find me for the sake of saving your own worries. Isn't this deliberately causing trouble for me!?    


Chu Tiantai looked at Faan Jing, who was wiping her eyes with a handkerchief, and felt bitter in his heart. However, he didn't know how to comfort her. After all, these were all troubles caused by his son. As a father, he should give her a clear explanation.    


But then again, even if Lao Chu wanted to give Faan Jing an explanation, the problem was that he didn't know why his son suddenly wanted to marry a woman from R Country.    


Strictly speaking, Chu Tiantai did not have a very good impression of Faan Jing and her daughter. There was not only the matter of Faan Jing betraying the Chu family, but also Zhou Shuhan 'changing her love' to Qin Guanning.    


However, Lao Chu was also very clear that there were many inside stories. He also heard that Zhou Shuhan had fallen in love with Chu Yang. He felt that it was not easy for Ms Zhou to do so. In addition, some bastard had married one wife after another, but did not marry other people's daughters. As a father, he was also confused.    


"Cough, Fan, Faan Jing. Actually, I understand your current feelings, but please consider my situation."    


Chu Tiantai took a cup of plain water for Faan Jing for the N times and placed it on the coffee table in front of her. He said apologetically, "It's true that I am that guy's father. If he did something wrong, it would be true. I also have the right to beat him up. But the problem is, even if I'm his father, when it comes to personal relationships... I don't seem to have much right to speak, do I? So please understand my difficulties. Look, you've been here for an entire morning. Not only did you make it impossible for me to work normally, but you also made it difficult for me to work normally. And it also has a bad effect."    


Faan Jing completely ignored Chu Tiantai's words, as if she was certain she would eat him up.    


After seeing Faan Jing just wipe her tears without saying anything, Chu Tiantai scratched the back of his head helplessly. "How about this? You go back temporarily and do Tangtang's work properly. When Chu Yang returns to Jinan, I will immediately order him to handle this matter. What do you think? "    


Faan Jing, whose eyes were slightly swollen, took a deep breath and said, "Vice Bureau Director Chu, I also know your difficulties. To be honest, I don't want to trouble you for this kind of thing. But if I could pacify Tangtang, I wouldn't have come here. Sigh, you didn't see that child. These few days, he really seemed to have lost his soul. He was in a trance all day. All I needed to do was to persuade her. She'll ask me those few questions. I really don't know how to answer them. "    


The few questions Faan Jing mentioned had already been discussed with Chu Tiantai. Every time she guided her daughter, Zhou Shuhan would ask her, Mom, since Chu Yang even married Nanzhao Xixue, why didn't he marry me? And why did he ask Sunn Bin to pass a message back, saying that he would let Nanzhao Xixue be the vice president of the company? Could it be that he was very dissatisfied with my work? He felt that I could not help him solve his problems, so he used this method. Was he trying to hint me something?    


Faan Jing did not know how to answer the questions that Zhou Shuhan asked. Helpless, she could only bring her daughter back to the countryside and find Yun Ruoxi.    


Although Yun Ruoxi was Chu Yang's biological mother, she did not know how to explain it to others. She could only sell Lao Chu. The deputy director of the City Bureau in Jiannan was my family's old man. You guys should go and find him. Actually, I think that Tangtang this child is quite good.    


When Faan Jing heard that Chu Yang's father was actually the Vice Bureau Director Chu of the City Bureau, At the same time, she misunderstood some of the news. Oh, no wonder Chu Yang married Liang Xin in such a hurry. It turned out that he got along well with his father. No, for the sake of Tangtang's happiness, no matter what, I have to thicken my skin and personally take action!    


Thus, Faan Jing rushed over to the City Bureau early in the morning. When she met someone, she said that she wanted to look for Chief Liang and had some private matters to discuss with Vice Bureau Director Chu.    


Faan Jing, who had been in the official circles for many years, was very clear that some ambiguous news was very important to the official, so she pulled down her face and used this method to force Chu Tiantai into the office.    


After hearing Faan Jing talk about how she did not know how to answer Zhou Tangtang's questions, Lao Chu also felt a headache. He could not help but curse. "Ah, Chu Yang that bastard. When he comes back... I must teach him a good lesson, so that he doesn't have me as his father in his eyes anymore."    


Strictly speaking, Chu Tiantai, the father, had lost quite a bit of face. Chu Yang had married six wives in a row, but he, the father, did not attend a wedding. This was definitely a form of disrespect towards him!    


However, after scolding his son, Chu Tiantai still had to wipe his ass for him. He smiled and said to Faan Jing, "Fan, Faan Jing, to be honest I don't know what is going on either. So even if you force me to say something, I can't explain anything to you. Besides, my fifth daughter-in-law is not in the station. Why don't we wait for her to come back? I'll ask her to look for you immediately. What do you think?"    


Someone knocked on the office door as soon as Chu Tiantai finished his sentence. He immediately straightened his back. Before he could say anything in a dignified voice, the door opened and Liang Xin walked in.    


Seeing Liang Xin come in, Chu Tiantai immediately heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. Phew, finally someone came to help me deal with Faan Jing. It has been the whole morning and I am exhausted to death!    


Although he felt relaxed in his heart, on Chu Tiantai's black face, he still put on a business-like appearance. "Chief Liang, you are here. Do you have any work to arrange for me to do?"    


Liang Xin felt that Lao Chu's' hypocritical 'behavior was a little funny in her heart. But on the surface, she also shook her head in a serious manner. "I don't have any work to arrange for Vice Bureau Director Chu to do. I just have some private matters to discuss with you. To be precise, I want to talk with Auntie Faan."    


In the past, when Liang Xin did not know who Chu Tiantai was, Lao Chu, who was very male, did not notice anything.    


However, ever since the incident with Yeh Liusu and everyone's relationship was exposed, Chu Tiantai once again saw Liang Xin in the police station. It was very natural and very unnatural. After all, when a father-in-law was ordered around by his daughter-in-law, he was still very unhappy in his heart. This was also the most fundamental reason why he was unwilling to attend Liang Xin's wedding.    


"Oh, then please take a seat, Chief Liang."    


Although he looked like he was doing business, after Chu Tiantai saw that Liang Xin also treated him in such a way, She still felt a little awkward, especially when she was guarding this' outsider ', Faan Jing. He felt that his dignity had been seriously challenged, but there was nothing he could do about it. So he could only hang his head low and say something, then he turned to the back of the desk. He went to drink tea.    


Liang Xin naturally understood what Lao Chu felt in his heart, but she did not care. Who asked this old fellow to put on such an expression? This could not be blamed on her, right?    


"Auntie Faan, I have to apologize to you first, because I heard your conversation at the door just now."    


First, she apologetically nodded to Faan Jing, and then Liang Xin sat on the sofa beside her. She grabbed the glass of plain water that Lao Chu had just received and took a sip before saying, "Regarding the questions you asked just now, I think I can give you a clear answer."    


In the past when Faan Jing was the municipal party secretary, Liang Xin was once suppressed into a patrol officer. It could be said that she fell from the clouds into mud all of a sudden.    


But now, when the two of them sat together again, In the past, Secretary Faan became a housewife, but what about Liang Xin? But now, she had become the dignified director of City Bureau. This had to be said about fate. She had always been unpredictable, but she still had to grit her teeth and endure it.    


Faan Jing might have been able to say something to Chu Tiantai in a righteous manner just now. Putting aside their social status for the time being, she only relied on Liang Xin being Chu Yang's legal wife. In front of his man, Mo's mother, there was a hidden sense of superiority.    


Faan Jing was very clear about this in her heart, so after Liang Xin asked to answer those questions, She immediately revealed a grateful smile, "Chief Liang, if you can resolve the knot in Tangtang's heart, then I will really be grateful to you. Sigh, you do not know about that child. After knowing these things, What kind of spiritual appearance does he have..."    


After listening to Faan Jing's' bitterness' for a while, Liang Xin raised her head and looked at Chu Tiantai. She sighed and said, "Auntie Faan, Vice Bureau Director Chu, actually Chu Yang married Nanzhao Xixue like this. I was forced to do it. This was originally a big secret. He had also instructed that no one was allowed to leak it. However, there are no outsiders sitting here, so I think I should tell the truth."    


Chu Tiantai, who was sitting behind the desk, heard Liang Xin say that the reason Chu Yang married Nanzhao Xixue was a big secret. He was still upset.    


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