My Fiance Ran Away

C1367 The Future Mayan New City!

C1367 The Future Mayan New City!

1A fantasy!    3


What Chu Yang said just now was definitely a fantasy story. How could there be such a thing in reality?    


According to what Chu Yang said, Chu Yong and the others did not need to carefully calculate to know that the material and human resources possessed by 2012 would definitely be even more awesome than some small countries in the Third World!    


But just like that, this 2012, who was rich enough to rival an entire country, was instigated by Chu Yang to come to Huaxia?    


Do you believe me?    


Of course, Chu Yang knew what these people were thinking. After giving them some time to digest it, He continued proudly, "You have to believe me. I am not joking right now. Because I have already considered it in detail. Don't look at how vast the Xiyu Province is. However, most of them are barren lands, especially the people in the west. Therefore, I want to build a new city there. Its name is Mayan New City."    


"Mayan New City?"    


"Yes, it is the Mayan New City. In the future, there will be a Mayan New City in the Xiyu Province!"    


After listening to Chu Li's speech, the big shots who were sitting slowly woke up. They began to learn to think: Yes, if two million Mayan people really migrated to China... This indeed increased the population, but what Chu Yang said was right. Most of the western regions of Xiyu Province were barren, and there were no mineral resources underground. The hundreds of thousands of residents living there had to ask the country to allocate a large amount of relief funds every year. It was a burden in itself.    


Hehe, such a piece of land that could be said to be 'useless'... Even if he were to add another two million, it would not be a big deal. At most, it was the population of a medium-sized city, but if it was really as Chu Yang had said... If all the properties in 2012 were to be moved over, let alone two million Mayan people... Even if it was another two million, it would be a total of 1.6 billion people in China. It was just a drizzle. It had been more than ten minutes since Chu Yang finished speaking. Chu Longbin and the others were still in shock.    


Chu Yang understood the big guy's expression very well. In any case, after seeing the Mayan's assets, he also had the same expression.    


What made Chu Yang the most happy was that 30% of the Mayan's assets were in K Country and R Country, these two countries.    


With 2012's withdrawal, at least tens of thousands of people in these two countries would lose their jobs. There were tens of thousands of people who would lose their jobs in the two countries of Japan and South Korea. The lofty Chu was not willing to worry too much about it.    


"Yang, are, are you telling the truth?" Chu Longbin's composure was extremely strong. However, when he woke up and asked this question, his tone was still a little shaky.    


Chu Yang took out a piece of information from his pocket and placed it on the table. "Grandpa, how could I dare to joke about such a big thing? If I'm not wrong, the biggest e-commerce company in R Country, Longchuan Group, and Dong Hao Group, which is ranked sixth in K Country, Chu Yang said. I believe that in the evening news at 10 o'clock, There will be a report."    


Chu Jiangshan immediately walked to the door. "Then let's go watch TV!" While Chu Longbin and the others were busy with the Hong Yongsheng incident, the two media outlets in Japan and South Korea... After some gloating reports a few days ago, they collectively lost their voice today.    


It was not because their wives and husbands had cheated on them that they were able to keep their mouths shut. It was because they were not in the mood to watch the liveliness of the Z People, because there were some super large companies in their country. But he asked for a refund for no reason, and a refund without considering the consequences!    


The Prime Minister of R Country and the President of K Country had become hot potato ants on a hot pan. They had abandoned all the matters at hand, and were busy with the withdrawal of the Longchuan Group and Donghao Group.    


Whether it was the Longchuan Group of R Country or the Donghao Group of K Country, these companies had moved into the two countries after World War II.    


In the past few decades, these two companies had been the leaders of these two large enterprises. Not only did they make a huge contribution to the economic development of the two countries, but they also solved at least tens of thousands of jobs. It could be said that they had become an indispensable foreign company for the two countries.    


But now, the foreign companies led by these two companies... They did not even have any consultation with the government and proposed to withdraw their investments, regardless of the consequences. And their attitude was exceptionally firm, even if the Prime Minister and the President personally came to ask about it, They all used the words' no comment 'to stop him and calmly and nervously began to pack their things.    


For a moment, the business world of the two countries was in a state of panic. No one knew what had happened.    


If these companies were a joint venture with Japan and Korea, then the governments of the two countries would definitely force them to stay.    


But at the crucial moment, all of their assets were controlled by foreigners.    


This was similar to the company workers: Although they used your place to work, they did not sell you people. They said that they would not work in the company anymore. Other than forcing them to stay, there was nothing else the company could do.    


Not all bosses could fire their employees. There were also many employees who could choose to fire their bosses.    


Without a doubt, the two countries of Japan and Korea had encountered such a situation.    


The first to receive the news was the reporter from 'Tokyo News', Xiaoshan Youzi, who had rushed to the headquarters of Longchuan Society. He brought along two colleagues carrying cameras and ignored the obstruction of the company's security. He forcefully charged into the office of the chairman of the headquarters.    


"Mr. Sascha, I am the full-time reporter from Tokyo News, International Economic Department, Xiaoshan Youzi!"    


Under the protection of two colleagues, Xiaoshan Youzi handed the microphone to Sashas, the chairman of Longchuan Society. "I have a few questions I would like to ask the chairman. I wonder if you can temporarily stop working?"    


Sashas, who was packing his things, originally didn't want to pay any attention to Xiaoshan Youzi. However, seeing that she looked like an empty well, he raised his hand to comb her forehead, which only had a few dozen strands of hair. With a serious expression, he said, "Miss Youzi, I know what you want to interview me about. I really can't comment on this, because I'm also carrying out an order! "    


Xiaoshan Youzi was stunned. "Mr. Saszas, you are the chairman of the Dragonriver Society. How could you say that you are carrying out orders from someone else? Could it be that there are vertical superiors above the Longchuan Society? The reason you withdrew your funds in such a hurry is to carry out orders?"    


Sashas, who had received the headquarters mission a long time ago, no longer had any scruples at this time. He simply said bluntly," Yes, there is a vertical superior above Long Chuan Society. For a long time, we have existed in an independent form of foreign capital. But when faced with a huge, unavoidable disaster, it is not just our Long Chuan Society. I believe that at least a few hundred companies in the world have received and received orders from headquarters... Let us withdraw our investments at all costs! "    


Because of Sashas' words, Xiaoshan Youzi's huge chest... Her eyes widened. "What? Mr. Sashas, what you just said was that you encountered a huge, unavoidable disaster. What kind of disaster? Other than Longchuan Society, which other companies have also received orders from the so-called headquarters? "    


" This... "    


Sashas hesitated for a moment. Before he could say anything, the phone on the table started vibrating crazily. He grabbed the phone and said apologetically to Xiaoshan Youzi, "Sorry, I have to answer the phone first."    


"Please do as you wish."    


Under the gaze of Xiaoshan Youzi, Sashas picked up the phone. "I am Sashas of Longchuan Society. Um, um, I am doing it! Good, good. Please tell Lord Bishop that I will complete the migration procedures in the shortest time possible. Yes, yes! Alright, I will definitely follow Lord Bishop's instructions and announce the truth of the withdrawal to the public! Yes, yes! Goodbye. "    


After answering the call, Sashas slightly bent his waist. He stood up once again and looked at the shocked Xiaoshan Youzi. With a serious expression, he said to the camera, "I just received a call from headquarters. They clearly instructed me that I can borrow your interview. Announce the truth of our withdrawal to the public! "    


"Ah, please, please speak!" Xiaoshan Youzi hurriedly raised the microphone and placed it by Sashas' mouth.    


Facing the camera, Sashas said calmly, "First of all, I want to tell you a fact. The foreign companies that suddenly withdrew their investments all over the world. All of them have a common identity, and that is, we are all descendants of the Ancient Mayan people. "    


Sashas currently had a Canadian-nationality, but this could not change the fact that he was a descendant of the Mayan people. Many people knew about this, and Xiaoshan Youzi seemed to have heard about it before.    


Sashas continued, "Secondly, I will first talk about religion here. There are more than six billion people in the world, and there are different beliefs. There is no doubt about it. We Mayan people also have our own beliefs, I believe that no one in this world will oppose "    


Xiaoshan Youzi couldn't understand why Mr. Saszs would say something about faith here. However, in order to cooperate with the interview, she could only nod and say: "Yes, just like how I believe in Islam now. Everyone has the right to choose their religion, this is something that no power can stop "    


Sashas said happily: "Miss Youzi's words make me very happy. Then I want to ask you one more thing, you know the five prophecies of the Ancient Mayan, right?"    


Since she could become a famous reporter in Tokyo News, Xiaoshan Youzi was naturally not the type of idiot who would flaunt around just by relying on her son. After hearing Sasa say this, she was stunned for a moment before she came to a realization. "I know! All the companies led by the Mayan people chose to withdraw their investments at this moment. This is because you believe that the 21st of December this year will be the end of the world. That's why they withdrew their investments and took refuge! "    


Sashas nodded and said: "Yes, I am saying this here, it does not mean to bewitch the hearts of people. I was only interviewed as a Mayan. Actually, the world already knows about those five prophecies. But not many people would believe that day was the end of the world... To be honest, even I, a Mayan, wouldn't believe it, but my belief forced me to believe it. If we don't move to a safe zone before that day comes, We might be destroyed. That's why after we received orders from headquarters, We withdrew our funds in a hurry."    


Before Xiaoshan Youzi could say anything, Sashas continued: "I'm sorry, we withdrew our funds only because of our faith, and this has nothing to do with your government. It has nothing to do with anyone who doesn't believe in the Mayan prophecy. This is just an internal movement of more than two million Mayan believers. So, everyone really doesn't have to be nervous. "    


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