My Fiance Ran Away

C1351 Digging a Hole!(1)

C1351 Digging a Hole!(1)

1Before this high-level meeting had even begun, Chu Yang had already decided to let Shaang Lige take the position of Archbishop of 2012.    4


Koo Mingchuang and Hu Lee also expressed their agreement. After all, letting Shaang Lige play in the underworld was a very suitable job for her.    


However, these few b * stards clearly had a candidate in their hearts, but they did not want to say it out loud.    


This was like those men who loved vanity. After marrying a beautiful wife, they were modest and ordinary people. They needed other men to say it out loud. It could be said that they were crafty.    


Indeed, after Chu Yang revealed this intention, the smart Jin Xier immediately proposed to let Shaang Lige become the archbishop.    


After hearing what Shaang Lige said, the other department heads were stunned at first, but they immediately understood and nodded in agreement.    


Although these heads of the departments were not as good as Jin Xier, which one of them did not have sharp senses?    


Furthermore, Chu Yang controlled the happiness of their lives for the rest of their lives. Only those who were brainless would raise objections.    


On the other hand, after everyone supported her to enter 2012, She was suddenly at a loss. She quickly stood up and shook her hands. "No, no! I, I can't. You can let me fight and kill. But if you want me to shoulder such a heavy responsibility, I don't have the ability to do so. Chu Yang, you are still another... "    


Without waiting for Shaang Lige to finish, Chu Yang grabbed her hand." Jiuer, you are now the wife of Chu family, my wife. You better learn to take responsibility for me. I believe you can do it. "    


Now, there were a few wives who managed the domestic industry for him. Some were helping him in the army or the police, or rather, it was convenient for him. Everyone had an indispensable role for him. Shaang Lige was very clear about this in her heart, but she was also very helpless. Because she always felt that she was just a killer. Other than doing something in the dark, There was no other use.    


When a person felt that he was not very useful, he would feel inferior.    


Especially after Shaang Lige became Chu Yang's wife, if she did not change, she would definitely feel inferior in front of Chai Murong and the others.    


She knew this very well, so she had to be someone 'useful' to Chu Yang. And now, there was such a chance.    


Under Chu Yang's encouraging gaze, Shaang Lige was stunned for a moment, then she clenched his hand and nodded, "Alright, I don't think I will let you down."    


Chu Yang smiled and let go of her hand. "You have never let me down. You will never, and never in the future."    


No matter how sweet the words between men and women were, it could not be compared to a man who guarded a large group of people to praise his woman. This was a fact that could not be refuted. Otherwise, Ms Jiuer would not suddenly feel hot blood surging.    




With Shaang Lige guarding here, 2012 could be considered to have settled Chu Yang's biggest problem. No one knew better than him that Ms Jiuer would definitely do what he wanted.    


As for the heads of the various departments in 2012, they could also see it at this time. Immediately, they secretly made up their minds. In the future, they had to curry favor with the new archbishop and strive to get rid of the Ice Age on their bodies as soon as possible.    


After a simple and enthusiastic celebration, from today onwards, Shaang Lige became the 2012 new archbishop. This also proved that Chu Li had countless manpower and resources. This caused the eyes of this fellow to be so wide that they became slits. This made Koo Mingchuang despise him in his heart.    


Actually, in real life, many people who did not have confidence, as long as they got the words' I believe you can do it 'from the person they deeply loved, that person would definitely have a hundred times more confidence and courage.    


Less gossip, the book returned to the main topic.    


After the heads of the various departments used the Mayan method to sincerely express their loyalty to Shaang Lige, Everyone, can anyone tell me what the five prophecies of the Mayan prophecy are? What is the most important one? "    


The person sitting in front of them was a high-ranking official of 2012. What are the five prophecies of Maya's prophecy?    


Seeing that Jin Xier was about to stand up again, Hu Yeao did not want this woman to snatch away all the limelight. No matter what he said, he had to be the first to do so. He used this to curry favor with the great God and the archbishop of trust.    


So he quickly raised his right hand and stood up, saying, "Reporting to the great God, Maya's five prophecies, respectively, prophesied their own demise. They prophesize that our generation will have high technology like planes and cars. They prophesised that a person like Hitler would appear in recent times, and also predicted his birth and death date. The fourth prophecy was that our generation would end in the fifth Sun Era. The last prophecy referred to the end of the world on December 21, 2012."    


The five prophecies that Hu Yeao mentioned could be easily searched online.    


However, no one could be sure whether the prophecies of the Mayan people over the past few thousand years were accurate. No matter what, through the scientists' recent tests, they had clearly stated that there would be a huge change in the world in 2012.    


Therefore, in theory, the five prophecies left behind by the ancient Mayan were more than 80% true.    


Regardless of whether these prophecies were from the Ancient Mayan, the first four prophecies were all accurate. This was also the main reason why all the Mayan believed that Feathered God would lead them to the new Sun Era on the 21st of December this year.    


When they decided to hold this 2012 high-level meeting, Chu Yang and the others had already looked through the five prophecies in detail and saw an opportunity. That was why they asked this question at this time.    


"Very well, High Priest Hu Yeao's answer is very correct." Chu Yang smiled and nodded to Hu Yeao in satisfaction. The latter immediately felt that his whole body was filled with endless fighting spirit.    


First, he stirred up everyone's enthusiasm and put on a 'kind' face. After easily eliminating the last trace of fear in their hearts, Chu Yang gradually revealed his true face. "Our high priest accurately said the five prophecies of the Ancient Mayan people just now. Everyone knows that the first four prophecies have been realized. It is also because of this that the fifth prophecy is about to arrive. And I am afraid that I am not wrong, right? "    


The people of other countries, especially the people of the Eastern countries, basically regarded the five prophecies of the Ancient Mayan people as a topic of idle chatter after a meal.    


However, to the 2012 higher-ups, as that day came, they truly felt uneasy.    


Especially after Chu Yang triggered the 'shadow snake' at dawn, no one refused to believe that the 21st of December 2012 would be the end of the world.    


Otherwise, how could Chu Yang trigger such a miracle?    


This could only prove that this fellow was the real Feathered God!    


As long as Feathered God really existed, that day would come!    


Therefore, when Chu Yang straightforwardly said that the day would come, Everyone began to feel uneasy and immediately got everyone's approval. "Yeah, seeing that the end of the world is imminent, we still need to ask the great God to save us."    


Many people wanted to ask Chu Yang, When that day comes, what will you do to lead us through the disaster? Was it really like what Cardinal Salaxis said, when the time comes, you will only bring some children to other planets?    


But no one asked that, because... the secrets of heaven cannot be leaked.    


It's fine as long as you know fear, what I'm most afraid of is that you don't know fear!    


Chu Li laughed in his heart, but his face was serious. "Then, who can tell me what the fifth prophecy of the Ancient Mayan prophecy is about?"    


After Jin Xier and Hu Yeao spoke, the others also wanted to express themselves.    


As soon as Chu Yang finished speaking, the head of the research department, Carlos, stood up and said, "According to the fifth prophecy of the Ancient Mayan, when the time passes to December 121, 2012, It will be the end of this civilization of mankind in the Mayan calendar. After that, mankind will enter a completely new civilization that has nothing to do with this civilization. "    


Because when he stood up to speak, Carlos forgot to ask the great god for permission to speak first, so he was a little nervous. When he spoke, he was not confident enough.    


However, Chu Yang did not care. He just nodded with a 'kind' smile to encourage him to continue.    


After getting the recognition of the great god, Carlos was relieved. "According to scientific predictions, on the 21st of December 2012, The north and south magnetic poles on Earth will be reversed, and then the era of glaciers and the great flood will come. However, in the Ancient Mayan prophecy, it did not mention these things. She only said that after the sun went down that day, it would never rise again. From then on, the world will be shrouded by a huge darkness, and the temperature on the surface will drop to -100 degrees Celsius. The extremely low temperature would even freeze the seawater. All life on Earth will freeze to death... At that time, only Africa and some people in the western part of China will survive."    


Over the years, it had been widely spread on the Internet: When the end of the world comes, only people in the western part of China and Africa will survive on Earth.    


In other words, after that day comes, other than the people in these two places, there will be people who will die!    


And after Chu Yang wasted so much of his words and lured everyone to talk so much, it was actually to make these people say this most important sentence!    


So, after Carlos finished speaking, Chu Yang took the lead and started to applaud, praising, "Dr. Carlos said it very well, and his explanation was very wonderful!"    


What's so interesting about it? I know what he said too. I also know that he forgot to mention the mysteries of the thirteen crystal skulls. If I were to be the one to speak first... It would definitely be even more interesting than his performance... Many people scoffed in their hearts when Chu Yang clapped for Carlos. They deeply regretted not standing up to speak.    


Carlos really did not expect that his uninnovative words would receive so much attention from the great god. He was greatly flattered and repeatedly bowed to everyone to show his humility.    


Only Koo Mingchuang and Hu Lee were clapping and laughing in secret. You guys did not know that you had fallen into the trap that Chu Yang had set for you. You are still jealous here. Ha!    


After Carlos sat down proudly in everyone's applause, Chu Yang pressed his hands down and motioned for everyone to stop clapping. "Let me say something here first. I really like everyone talking enthusiastically, really."    


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