My Fiance Ran Away

C1337 There Was No Moon Tonight!

C1337 There Was No Moon Tonight!

3On September 22, 2012, during the day, everyone had seen the snake for more than three hours, but there was no moon in the night sky.    


According to the calendar of China, today was the seventh day of August, the lunar month.    


The moon, which should have appeared at night, had yet to appear. This caused the hundreds of thousands of Mayan believers to feel uneasy. Sigh, the weather during the day was still fine, and the weather forecast did not say that it was cloudy tonight. But why was there no moon? Could it be that this was an anomaly?    


Because the moon did not 'appear in time', this uneasy atmosphere quickly spread, and then became abnormally heavy, making many people feel that something was wrong. However, they did not dare to leave this place without permission, and just sat there foolishly and waited.    


Generally speaking, the more oppressive the atmosphere was, the more people did not dare to act rashly, so these people waited just like that.    




Time, however, wouldn't stop moving forward just because the moon didn't come out, and still walk towards the future with large strides.    


Slowly, the night was already very deep.    


When it was close to midnight, the sky was still covered in darkness. The hundreds of thousands of Mayan believers also stopped their whispers. They began to reflect on the unforgivable mistakes they had made recently, and began to pray in their hearts: Great Feathered God, last Tuesday, I just slept with the mayor's wife. Please forgive me.    


With a few faint drum beats, millions of heads looked towards the east.    


After hearing the faint drum beats, everyone knew that the High Priest had arrived with the Protectors and sacrifices. The sacrificial ceremony was about to begin, but the sky was still pitch black.    


There were no stars, nor were there any moons. There was only endless darkness, as if the day of the end of the world had arrived.    




Hu Yeao, who was following in front of the sedan carrying the 'offering', closed his eyes slightly as he followed the beat of the drum and walked towards the Kukulkan Pyramid step by step.    


Although Hu Yeao had recently taken over the position of the former High Priest, Sakku, he could still be considered an old man in this area. In his memory, as long as it was spring or autumn, the weather would always be good. It was either the bright spring or the clear autumn air. It was not like tonight at all. The sky was so dark, so strange that it was scary.    


Could this be the reason why Chai Fangsi usurped the throne and caused the blame of the heavens? Moreover, he had also obtained Feathered God's magic weapon (Sun Stone Bracelet). This was an unforgivable crime... Hu Yeao thought as he walked, but he didn't dare to stop. Behind him was Chai Fangsi, who was disguised as a protector.    


After Chai Fangsi took his sister's archbishop as his leader, he relied on his vicious methods and the two antidotes of the Ice Age. In a very short period of time, he had taken control of 2012's upper echelons. He had also taken control of the four old fellows (the Four Great Elders) who could point fingers at the archbishop. He sent them to the Western Elysian World and became the dictator of the Church.    


Before the autumn festival, Chai Fangsi had learned everything about this year's Spring Festival Night, and how he had shown off his power.    


Indeed, when Chai Fangsi confirmed that he had triggered the 'snake shadow' on Midnight, At one point, he even had a thought, 'Could it be that Chu Yang really is the reincarnation of Feathered God?' Otherwise, how could he have caused such a spectacle at night? He also had some fear of mystery.    


However, Chai Fangsi immediately calmed down. In this world, there was no such thing as ghosts and gods! The reason why that bastard triggered the shadow snake in Midnight must be because he used some kind of camouflage. Otherwise, if there was something strange about this bracelet, even if it was me, Perhaps I can do it too.    


Although Chai Fangsi didn't believe in the theory of Doomsday, he was surprised that Chu Yang was able to trigger the 'snake shadow' in midnight.    


Generally speaking, as long as it was something that went against the rules of nature, it would always make people feel fear in their hearts. Chai Fangsi was no exception.    


However, after Chai Fangsi had escaped after the 2012 archbishop and Skynet, who had taken Chai Murong, He had already fallen into a state of complete betrayal. If he did not count on the poison of the Ice Age, He couldn't even control the underground city of 2012.    


And most importantly, through some secret means... He had already learned some things about his younger brother Chai Yueran and Crown Prince Fujihara of R Country in detail. He knew that these two had 'betrayed' him. Especially the Crown Prince of R Country, after being taught a lesson by Chu Yang. No matter how much he threatened and enticed him, he wouldn't be able to do anything about it. * Hong Long...... *    


The feeling of being separated from friends and family was indeed not very good.    


If Chai Yueran and Crown Prince Fujihara's betrayal only made Chai Fangsi angry, then Jin Xier and the others looked at him. However, it made him really uneasy. Every time these people looked at him, His eyes were filled with hatred... All of this explained one thing: If he didn't use some facilities, then his fate would be very miserable.    


While Chai Fangsi was hiding in the underground city all day long, thinking hard, trying to find an opportunity or excuse to change all of this, the yearly autumn sacrifice ceremony arrived.    


According to the tradition of 2012 since ancient times, although the archbishop had supreme authority in the church, However, he was only an archbishop who dealt with secular matters. Compared to the 'saving lives' Feathered God in the hearts of millions of people, he was only an archbishop. He did not need to, or rather, did not have the qualifications to climb to the top of the Kukulkan Pyramid Tower. Participating in the sacrificial ceremony.    


However, when Chai Fangsi learned that the autumn festival was about to arrive, I also want to participate in this sacrificial ceremony. I will use the Conflicted Bracelet to activate the 'snake shape of light' once again. I want to become the Feathered God in the hearts of the Mayan people!    


As for whether or not he could use the Conflicted Bracelet to trigger the strange phenomenon of the 'light snake', Chai Fangsi had no confidence at all.    


He only knew that if he did not take advantage of this opportunity to show off his skills, then he would very quickly be eliminated by the resentful 2012 members.    


Fortunately, something that happened a few days ago had given Chai Fangsi more confidence. Therefore, he decided that he must participate in this sacrificial ceremony.    


He also concluded that even if he could not trigger the snake shadow, he could still see the result he wanted to see the most!    




When Ziye's footsteps came closer, Chai Fangsi finally followed Hu Yeao's honor guard and walked towards the Kukulkan Pyramid.    


To be honest, Hu Yeao was very unhappy that Chai Fangsi came to the sacrificial ceremony, but he couldn't do anything about it, because his life was in someone else's hands.    


He looked up at the dark night sky and frowned even more. He had to sacrifice the moon later, but the moon did not come out tonight. What did he have to do with it?    


What was different from Hu Yeao was that Chai Fangsi was not confident at all. When he saw that midnight was about to arrive, but the sky was still dark, He was secretly happy. If the moon never came out, Hu Yeao would not be able to sacrifice the moon. Of course, he could not use the bracelet to trigger the shadow snake, but he could totally use this opportunity. He made an impassioned speech at the top of the tower, using his words to make those stupid Mayan people... And worship him!    




Dong, dong, dong... Along with the monotonous and dull sound of the drum, Chai Fangsi followed Hu Yeao to the bottom of the Kukulkan Pyramid.    


At this time, the devout Mayan believers had already stood up. They bent down and placed their right hands on their chests to welcome their High Priest.    


A few holy ladies who were washed and fragrant off the palanquin supported a girl wearing a white muslin from the palanquin. She was the 'offering'.    


The last time during the Spring Festival, Ruan Lingji from V Country almost became the sacrifice of the offering. This time, it was unknown which family's poor child would become the deceased tonight.    


Looking at the powerless' offering 'being supported by the four saintess towards the top of the Kukulkan Pyramid Pagoda, Those experienced believers acutely noticed that this sacrificial offering was definitely not a virgin, because when she walked, Her butt was swaying and her waist was not moving at all!    


Why did she find a woman to be the sacrifice for tonight's sacrificial ceremony? Wasn't it obvious that she wanted to profane the great Feathered God!?    


Those who were more experienced in the Church who were closer to the pyramid were puzzled and angry at the High Priest for choosing such a sacrifice.    


However, before they could confirm whether the offering was really a woman, these ordinary believers could only say it in their hearts. No one dared to say it out loud.    


With the monotonous sound of the drum, four Saintesses, three Protectors, and the High Priest Hu Yeao slowly walked up the stairs to the west of the pyramid.    


Chai Fangsi walked to the top of the pyramid and saw the layout on top of it with the help of a few torches.    


The top of the ladder pyramid had about 30 square meters of space, and in the center was a flat ground of about 15 square meters.    


On the flat ground near the crowd, there was a rectangular wooden table, like an enlarged tea table.    


Around the square table, there were seven carefully placed torches. The top of the torches was as thick as an arm, and the dark yellow flames swayed with the night wind, but they would not go out. No one knew what it was made of.    


Chai Fangsi felt that the enlarged tea table was probably the altar.    


These seven torches, in addition to being used for illumination, were placed according to the position of the Big Dipper.    


After roughly examining the layout of the tower, Chai Fangsi looked up at the sacrificial offering supported by the four Saintesses in front of him. A grin appeared on his face. Chu Yang, oh Chu Yang, I'm afraid you won't even dream about it. Your old lover, Shaang Lige, will fall into my hands!?    




The sacrifice whose face and body were covered by a white veil was precisely Shaang Lige, who had snuck into the M Country a few days ago.    


Shaang Lige did not come to the M Country alone. She came with Koo Mingchuang and Hu Lee.    


Shaang Lige and the others were running amok in the assassination world. This time, they came to M Country in a way that they did not want to sneak into the village and shoot. However, in the M City that was covered in 2012, their whereabouts were quickly exposed. And they were quickly grasped by Chai Fangsi.    


This result wasn't because Shaang Lige and the others were careless, but because the forces of 2012 in the M Country were simply too powerful.    


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