My Fiance Ran Away

C767 2012's Chai Murong!(2)

C767 2012's Chai Murong!(2)

1After Chai Murong went through all her hard work, she finally found a secret passage in this outrageously luxurious room.    3


She did not know if she would walk to heaven or hell after entering this secret passage.    


But after experiencing dozens of hours of loneliness, she would rather go to hell than stay here anymore... Maybe that little pheasant got tough somehow, right in hell?    


Thinking of that guy who never knew how to be considerate of big officials, Chai Murong had endless courage and went into the secret tunnel without hesitation.    


This was a secret passage that was different from the usual one.    


Generally speaking, the underground passage was meandering downwards or parallel.    


However, when Chai Murong took a few steps down the stairs, she felt around in the dark and walked up a flight of stairs that was getting higher and higher.    


Even though her eyes had long adapted to the darkness, Chai Murong's peach blossom big eyes saw nothing but darkness. At the same time, she also understood that the room that she originally lived in was underground. Now, she was walking towards the ground from underground.    


Chai Murong walked, walked, and walked. She did not know how long she had walked, but this winding passage seemed to have no end.    


In the secret passage, other than Chai Murong's slowly moving footsteps, there was no other movement. This made her feel afraid and regretful at the beginning. I should have waited for Xie Yaotong, even if I had to suffer loneliness in that room. It was better than running around aimlessly.    


After walking for about ten or so hours after being forced by someone, Chai Murong, who was in the darkness, held onto the cold wall and cried, feeling wronged. "Well, when can I walk to the end?"    


There was no need to take off her shoes to look. Chai Murong also knew that her feet must have been rubbed with bubbles. She was even more certain that even if she wanted to go back to that room at this time, she would not be able to go back. Because on the way here, she did not only encounter a fork in the road. Each fork extended downwards. It seemed that it led to different rooms.    


It was even harder for a lonely person to find her way in the countless forks in the darkness than to find a place for a beggar to freeload for his entire life.    


If he accidentally entered another room, who knew if there was a bachelor who was crazy about women inside?    


A smart woman like a big official really couldn't do such a stupid thing.    


So, even though the big official cried very sadly, what she did next... She could only sing 'Sailor' loudly in her heart and continue forward: What did he mean by this little bit of pain in the wind and rain? Wipe away your tears and don't be afraid. At least we still have dreams! He said that the pain in the wind and rain was nothing. Wiping away your tears, don't ask. Why!    


"He said that this little bit of pain in the wind and rain is nothing. Wiping away your tears, don't be afraid. At least I still have dreams... Aiyo! " When Chai Murong, whose legs were already numb and her body was about to become weak, was in a trance singing this old encouraging song, she advanced forward. With a bang, her straight little nose was hit by a hard and cold thing.    


Instantly, tears fell down like a waterfall. She covered her nose and squatted down, quietly cursing all the profanities she knew over and over again. Then, she slowly stood up and reached out her right hand to touch it.    


Then, Chai Murong touched something called a 'wall'.    


Chai Murong turned her body and carefully searched her surroundings for five or six minutes. She finally confirmed that other than the stairs when she came, the rest of the place was filled with walls.    


"It can't be. The big official has gone so far. He came here to touch the wall here? F * ck, what's going on?" Chai Murong cursed in a low voice. She squatted down and began to carefully touch the wall from the bottom to the top. She did not believe that those stupid things would make such a long secret passage. They came here just to touch the wall for fun.    


Finally, when Chai Murong's small hands touched the body of her lover, inch by inch from the bottom to the position of the mouth that stood up, she felt something similar to a plug.    


I am really stupid. Isn't this the place where I hit the wall? Why didn't I touch this place first just now?    


After feeling guilty in her heart, Chai Murong pulled the plug to her left... Suddenly, a flash of lightning appeared in front of her eyes, making her quickly close her eyes.    


Where did the lightning come from in the dark tunnel?    


Chai Murong was very puzzled and slowly opened her eyes, then she smiled.    


That smile was so bright and beautiful under the light.    


Just now, when Chai Murong was pulling the plug towards Zola, a small window that looked like a poker card silently appeared on the wall in front of her.    


There was a strong light that shot over from the small window. Chai Murong, who had walked in the darkness for an unknown period of time, was unable to adapt to this light and thus thought that it was lightning.    


Looking at the ray of light that represented life, the smart Chai Murong immediately realized that the source of this ray of light was the end of the secret passage.    


Finally, there was hope of leaving this secret passage... Chai Murong gently let out a sigh of relief and then slowly put her eyes on the small window. Preparing to see what was going on outside, at the same time, her hands started to touch the small window again. She hoped to find the switch to open a door.    


Chai Murong's left eye slowly moved closer to the small window and looked outside. She was stunned for a moment and then quickly retracted her right hand, which had unconsciously grabbed a rope, to cover her mouth that was about to let out a scream.    


Chai Murong's right hand had just covered her mouth when she thought in her heart, Thank goodness the big official woke up. She did not make a sound when prying into other people's secrets, but that man was too abnormal, right? On one side of the wall is the light, and on the other side is the darkness. Suddenly, with a creak, the wall in front of him swiftly split apart. Her body, which was tightly pressed against the wall, swayed, and she staggered out of the secret passage.    




I, why haven't I died like Anelia?    


'Lord, please kindly take me away. Even if I have to go to hell to pull out my tongue, I don't want to live in this world and be ravaged by this man.'    


In a red fur spacesuit, only his chest and lower body parts were exposed. His pale, bloodless face was covered by his long golden hair. He stuck tightly to the cold floor, his eyes that were filled with spring water a few months ago. There was no longer any color of life. He just stared blankly at Anelia, who had been thrown into the corner and turned into a corpse.    


She no longer had any strength left in her body. Her arms were limp on the ground. If it wasn't for Cantambos hugging her crotch tightly, she definitely wouldn't have been able to maintain her kneeling position.    


Cantambos, who was naked all over, except for his head and crotch. The rest of his body was covered with candle liquid and bloody whip marks. One look and one could tell that he had just been tortured inhumanely not long ago. Whip and wax dripping.    


However, there was not a hint of pain on his face. Instead, there was excitement, a fanatical and violent excitement!    


"Eh! Urgh!" Cantambos, who was kneeling on the ground, panted heavily. He straightened his body and looked at the ugly thing that had been 'working' for an hour without showing any signs of shrinking. It was moving faster and faster in Vias' body. Every movement... There were a few drops of blood dripping from the bottom of his thigh onto the floor.    


Cantambos held Via's left wrist, which was on his hip. He wore a bracelet that emitted a soft fluorescent light under the light.    


The bracelet moved along Vias' body, and the shiny Sun Stone. Occasionally, the light would be reflected on the chains and shackles on the ceiling of the room that was specially used to interrogate criminals. When placed on the east wall of the room was the sheathed samurai sword. The two points of light would instantly collide and then separate.    


"Ah, ah!" Cantambos, who felt that the most ferocious moment was about to arrive a few minutes later, opened his mouth wide and let out a wolf's howl. His movements became more and more fierce. "Vaias, scream, scream! As long as you are willing to scream, I will never touch you again! "    


When a man was about to reach his height, he hoped that his partner would cooperate with him and make a melodious sound, which would strengthen his sense of power.    


Cantambos, the fighter among men, was also like this. That was why when that moment was about to arrive, he desperately used his hands to slap the woman's butt, ordering her to shout loudly in bed.    


However, Cantambos's beautiful wish was shattered by the smile of relief on the corner of his mouth, and his pupils rapidly diffused.    


However, Cantambos did not know that he had tortured Vaias to death. He continued to slap her butt with all his might, shouting and begging her to scream.    


Vias' refusal to cooperate made Cantambos very angry. He suddenly stopped advancing. He bent down and grabbed her hair, lying on her back. His chin was on her cheek, and he wanted to roar, but he found that she was already dead.    


Although Mr. Cantambos had a certain ability after wearing the Conflicted Bracelet, he had won. He really hoped to continue playing with a woman like this forever, but he didn't like playing with a corpse. This was the most comfortable thing to do. So when he saw that Vaias was dead, he cursed. He let go of his hand that was holding his hair, and just as he was about to stand up and go outside, he called for two more female subordinates. A creaking sound was heard.    


Cantambos suddenly turned his head and looked to the east. He saw a girl in sportswear, stumbling out of the secret tunnel.    


Cantambos, who had died before Vias had completed her mission, was furious. But then he was overjoyed and stood up from the ground with a shout. He kicked away the body under his crotch and strode towards the girl who was so beautiful that she was completely dumbfounded. I didn't expect that there would be a woman in the cult who is not inferior to East Demon Charm. She appeared at the moment when I needed her the most. It seems like God is too good to me!    




God, aren't you playing with me? Why didn't you show yourself when I couldn't find the exit? I wanted to avoid others, but you made me appear in front of this stinky man?    


Chai Murong, who didn't know what was going on, suddenly stumbled into the house. She stared at the pair of peach blossom eyes and foolishly stood by the secret door. Looking at the foreigner who walked over with a 'gun', she secretly complained in her heart, Don't look at me, don't look at me, don't look at me, don't look at me, don't look at me, don't look at me, don't look at me, don't look at me, don't look at me, don't look at me! I didn't see anything from this guy. Ah, what is he doing here?    


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