My Fiance Ran Away

C595 My Surname Is Chu Chu He Han!

C595 My Surname Is Chu Chu He Han!

4Although Colonel Zhang doesn't believe that someone Chu and Ye Chuqing are siblings, for the sake of that letter of introduction, Of course, he wouldn't shake his head and say no, so he immediately ordered Xiao Ma, "Xiao Ma, bring Mr. Chu to Instructor Ye's dormitory."     0




"[Thank you, Colonel Zhang.]" After saying thanks to Colonel Zhang, Chu Yang followed Xiao Ma to Ye Chuqing's dormitory.    


Pointing to the corridor on the second floor, Xiao Ma turned to Chu Yang and said, "Mr. Chu, Instructor Ye's dormitory is in the room on the west side of the corridor. Do you need me to inform you?"    


Chu Yang smiled and waved his hand. "Forget it. I'll go up myself. If you go and inform her, she might even stab the door to death. She won't let me in at all."    


I guess that's also the case. That's why I asked you this question... Xiao Ma muttered in his heart. He nodded and turned around to leave.    


After Xiao Ma left, Chu Yang leisurely went up to the second floor. When he arrived at the door of the room at the westernmost part of the corridor, he did not knock and enter. Instead, he lit a cigarette and laid on the railing, looking at the soldiers who were training in the field. It was unknown what he was thinking.    


Although she rejected Chu Yang's request to see her, Ye Chuqing began to regret not long after Xiao Ma left.    


Through the days she was with Chu Yang, Silly Ye could tell that this fellow was the kind of person who could raise his butt to the sky with a flick of his tail. This time, he took the initiative to come over to express his goodwill but was rejected. It might make him lose face. This would cause the two of them to meet again in the future, but they would be like strangers.    


However, although Ye Chuqing regretted it, she could not bring herself to take the initiative to meet him. She only hoped that he could send Xiao Ma to invite her again. That way, she would definitely go downstairs.    


Ye Chuqing waited and waited, but the door was not pushed open again. Instead, she heard the loud and clear sounds of soldiers on the field in front of the dormitory building.    


Ye Chuqing's heart was in a mess as she touched her phone and looked at the time. It was 1: 57 in the afternoon.    


In other words, it had been 27 minutes since the small horse came here.    


She threw the phone to the side again and Ye Chuqing turned her body. She scolded hatefully, "It has been so long but he still did not come. Looks like that bastard must have left! Damn it, I hope that he will have a car accident on the way and a broken thumb. "    


After scolding this insincere sentence, Ye Chuqing lifted the blanket and got up from the bed. She held her bent knees with both hands and put her chin on it as she started to stare blankly.    


At this moment, her heart full of remorse, uneasiness, and grievance after Bei Gongcuo killed people was completely filled by Chu Li's voice and smile.    


Especially when she thought of the scene when Chu Yang had to walk on the red carpet hand in hand with Lee Xiaomin in order to let her safely return to the country. At this moment, it was even clearer, so clear that she wanted to cry.    


But all of this might be chased away today, and it would become a sad and touching memory in her life from now on.    


After being stunned for a long time, Ye Chuqing felt that she should go out and take a look. She stood in the corridor and looked at the path that the guy had come to before.    


"I am so stupid."    


After Ye Chuqing muttered these three words, she slowly got off the bed and pulled on her shoes like this. She hugged her arms and slowly walked to the door. She used the tip of her toes to gently push the door open.    


Then she was stunned.    


In the corridor outside the door, there was a fellow who was leaning on the railing and smoking with his back facing the door.    


On the floor of the corridor, there were three or four cigarette butts. From this, it seemed that this guy had been lying there for a long time.    


This back had appeared in Ye Chuqing's dream at least 385 times in the past year!    


Ye Chuqing did not even need to look at his face. Just by smelling the scent on his body, she could tell that he was - Chu Yang!    


If you ask Ye Chuqing who the man you love the most is?    


She definitely wouldn't tell you that it was her father because she was an orphan who didn't know who her father was. So she would only tell you that the man she loved the most was Chu Yang.    


Ye Chuqing loves Chu Yang. This is an open secret.    


Because not all girls in the world could do silly things like breaking their own place with a stick after their beloved was suddenly in trouble.    


If you ask her who the man she hated the most is again?    


Ye Chuqing will also tell you that the person she hates the most is still Chu Yang.    


Ever since Ye Niu secretly changed her view of Chu Yang in her heart, he firmly occupied the most sensitive position in her heart. Even a passionate man like Bei Gongcuo could not replace him after he 'died'! But it was precisely because of this that Ye Niu hated him. She hated him for hiding it from her after he came back to life! Hate why he didn't really die, and never take over her heart from now on, every night... Dream!    


A man would never have such strong feelings of love and hate for any man in the world.    


But a girl could. This was the power given to them by the Buddha of the Western Paradise and the God of Ara...    


Now, seeing the guy she loved and hated lying on the railing and smoking so casually, Ye Chuqing's first reaction was to be stunned.    


Her second reaction was to smile and cry.    


Her third reaction was to bend down and take off her shoes.    


The fourth reaction was to raise his hand and raise the army boot. He aimed it at the back of the guy's head and smashed it hard!    


Could he dodge? Am I using too much strength... After the boots left her hands, Ye Chuqing suddenly became nervous.    


However, Ye Chuqing's nervousness was undoubtedly unnecessary.    


Don't say that this Chu was the famous and arrogant former Assassin King, even if he wasn't... Don't forget, during the period when he lived together with Official Chai in Ji Nan, Over time, he would be attacked by things like pillow, shoes, underwear and so on. Of course, he would be able to practice a good technique to catch things with one hand.    


Therefore, just as Ye Chuqing's army boots were about to hit the back of Chu Yang's head, He casually used his left hand, which was holding a cigarette, to lift it back. With a bang, he grabbed the shoe in his hand. Then, he slowly turned around and looked at Silly Ye's face, which was full of concern. "Ye Chuqing, the smell in your shoe is much worse than before."    


Seeing Chu Yang holding the shoe with one hand, Ye Chuqing wanted to pretend that she did not care and smile.    


But before the smile completely bloomed, tears had already flowed.    


Letting the tears fall on her chest, Ye Chuqing's left foot landed on the door behind her. She sniffed twice, raised her chin, and looked at the distant sky. Her voice was like a dream drifting, "Who, who are you?"    


"I am me."    


"What is your name?"    


"I am Chu, Chu He Han Realm Chu. My name is Chu Yang, Yang, waving his hand to say goodbye. "    


"What are you doing here?"    


"I'm here to see someone."    


"Who do you want to see?"    


"Ye Chuqing."    


"What is your relationship with her? " When Ye Chuqing said this, her lips curved like the crescent moon in the cold night.    


"She was once my comrade, my brother, the little fool in my eyes."    


Chu Yang slowly walked to the door and squatted down. He slowly reached out and grabbed Ye Chuqing's left foot. He slowly put on the shoes for her. "I owe her a lot. I will not be able to pay it off for my whole life. I don't know how to pay it back, so I can only hide. It is very unmanly to avoid it. "    


The moment Chu Yang grabbed her ankle, Ye Chuqing shivered all over. After closing her eyes and cutting off the tears that she could not cut off, she subconsciously pulled back her feet. In the end, she obediently put on her shoes and asked in a low voice, "Then why did you come to see her now?"    


Chu Yang stood up and raised his hand to wipe the tears on Ye Chuqing's cheeks. "Because she needs me now because I promised her before. If anything happens to her, I will risk my life. I will not leave her behind! And now, she had encountered an unsolvable accident. That's why I'm here."    


As soon as Chu Yang finished speaking, Ye Chuqing suddenly threw herself into his arms and tightly hugged his neck. She cried out involuntarily, "Chu Yang, you are the one who fucking came!"    


"One two one, one two one..."    


Just as Ye Chuqing hugged Chu Yang and cried with all her might, the few hundred students who were exercising on the field were running downstairs while shouting loud and clear numbers.    


Everyone raised their heads and looked at the corridor on the second floor. They deliberately shouted the numbers loudly and stomped their feet hard, completely drowning Ye Chuqing's crying.    


I was once a soldier who entered the army twice, but now I am a super bailiff who is responsible for comforting a beauty. I have already played this little trick of yours a long time ago, don't embarrass yourself here...    


Facing the deliberate jeering of those soldiers, the corner of Chu's mouth curled up into a contemptuous expression. Just like the legendary flower guardian envoy, his right hand lightly patted on Silly Ye's back, his eyes carrying a sense of self-blame and did not move.    


Ye Chuqing who was lying in Chu Yang's arms, did not know how long she cried.    


In any case, this huge cry of hers had all the yearning, grievance, hatred, and strong love that she had for the past year. She had vented it all out until her crying stomach growled. He laid on Chu Yang's shoulder and wiped his tears and snot on it. She then looked up and said, "Alright, I'm done crying."    


He looked at his right shoulder from the corner of his eye. Was he thinking about the new groom that he had just changed into? After three seconds of silence in Sinur's suit, Chu Yang asked, "Do you feel much better now?"    




Ye Chuqing nodded. She squinted her swollen eyes and looked into the distance. She said lightly, "I only know now. It feels much better to cry than to poke there with a stick."    


Before Ye Chuqing finished speaking, Chu Yang raised his hand and covered her mouth. He pulled her into the room and closed the door before he let go. "What nonsense are you talking about?"    


"I am speaking the truth. I am not talking nonsense." Ye Chuqing shrugged indifferently. She slowly walked to the front of the bed and sat down. She picked up the lunchbox on the bedside table and picked up the chopsticks to eat.    


Chu Yang followed her and grabbed the lunchbox. He pointed to the basin under the window and said, "I touched my feet and wiped my nose just now. Go wash your hands first before eating."    


Ye Chuqing glanced at Chu Yang and laid on the bed. She looked at the roof and said lazily, "I was too tired to cry just now. I don't want to move now."    


Poor kid... Chu Yang saw that Ye Chuqing did not have any image of a girl. She just laid on the bed. He did not care that her flat and white waist was exposed in front of him and could only shake his head. He walked to the front of the window and washed his face. "Alright, then I will fetch water for you."    


Ye Chuqing did not pay attention to him and only curled the corner of her mouth.    


If Bei Gongcuo and Xue Tao could see Ye Chuqing's facial expression at that moment, they did not know how they would feel.    


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