My Fiance Ran Away

C576 Rumors a Scandal!

C576 Rumors a Scandal!

0Third Prince Chu didn't show any dissatisfaction after being treated coldly.    


He had encountered this situation when he had been to a few other places. He also knew that the sentries at the entrance of the Chu family also treated people who did not have an appointment with them with the same attitude.    


That was why he continued, "Cough, my surname is Chu, and my name is Chu Yang..."    


As soon as Chu Yang said his name, the military policeman was obviously stunned. He looked at Chu Yang and smiled. "You are called Chu Yang?"    


Huh? He seemed to have heard of my name. Chu Yang saw the soldier's face change so quickly and said proudly in his heart, "Yes, I am Chu Yang."    


"Mr. Chu, please wait for a moment. I will call and ask right away." After the policeman said that, he quickly walked to a small building at the side.    


When the armed police heard Chu Yang's name, they immediately became polite. It was not because Third Prince Chu's name could be heard by everyone in the world.    


The reason why the armed police on duty were so polite after knowing Chu Yang's identity was because in half an hour. Old Master Xie's secretary specifically told them to pay attention to a young man with the surname Chu and the name Chu Yang. If he came, he would quickly notify them.    


The armed police picked up the phone and said a few words, then quickly took off the phone and walked out. He said very politely to Chu Yang, "Mr. Chu, Secretary Wang said that you can go in directly."    


"Thank you." Chu Yang thanked him. He took the business card from the armed police officer and walked into the contract in big strides.    


As soon as he walked to the door, a man in his 40s walked out with Xie Fengyun.    


Chu Yang did not have a good impression of Xie Fengyun. He even muttered in his heart, I am such an awesome person, yet you know how to come out and pay my respects. Why don't you go out and take a look?    


That man in his forties was probably Secretary Wang.    


He deliberately slowed down when he stepped down the stairs. He cleverly stood out for Xie Fengyun and used this to show respect to Chu Yang.    


Indeed, there were no more than ten people of the same generation in Beijing who could make Master Ninth Young Master of Xie family personally welcome him.    


As if there had never been any conflict with Chu Yang, Xie Fengyun stretched out his hand from afar. His face was filled with a sincere smile. "Chu Third Elder Brother, Happy New Year!"    


After not seeing him for a year, this kid had become much more mature and could hide his dissatisfaction towards his father. Chu Yang smiled and held his hand. "Happy New Year, Ninth Young Master. Haha, Happy New Year."    


After Chu Yang and Xie Fengyun exchanged a few polite words, they walked into the courtyard with Secretary Wang and him.    


Perhaps they knew Chu Yang was coming, but the guests who came to the Xie family to pay their respects avoided him. Only Xie Chunlun and his wife were in the living room.    


The reason Chu Yang was worried about coming to the Xie family to pay his respects was because a few unpleasant things had happened between the two families last year.    


In addition, he had a 'deep' conversation with Xie Yaotong two days ago, and now the child was still lying on the bed in Gou Yue District. He felt a little guilty.    


Of course, whether the Xie family knew about Xie Yaotong or not, Chu Yang was not sure.    


But it was because of this that he felt unnatural. When he bowed to the elders of the Xie family, his posture became much more formal.    


Xie Chunlun seemed to be very happy about Chu Yang's visit. He even gave him a big red packet according to the custom.    


Chu Yang sat for a moment and said goodbye.    


"Hehe, I know you are busy going to other places, so I won't keep you. You can come and play when you have time in the future."    


Xie Chunlun stood up from his chair when he saw that Chu Yang wanted to leave. He waved to Xie Fengyun and Secretary Wang and said, "Feng Yun, go and prepare for the elders' New Year celebration. I will go and see Chu Yang off."    


Although he did not have a good impression of Xie family, Chu Yang was still shocked when he heard what Xie Chunlun said. "Old man, don't say that. I can leave by myself. How can I trouble you to send me off personally?"    


"Chu Yang, don't be polite. Let's go." Xie Chunlun said and walked out of the living room first.    


Chu Yang had no choice but to follow Xie Fengyun with a bitter smile.    


While Chu Yang was following Xie Chunlun to the door of the courtyard, Old Xie naturally chatted with him for a while. He stopped when he reached the door and turned around to look at him.    


Chu Yang felt a little unnatural when Xie Chunlun looked at him. He forced a smile and said, "Haha, old man, please stop. I'm leaving."    


Xie Chunlun nodded and patted Chu Yang's shoulder. He sighed and looked up at the sky. He said with an ancient tone, "Chu Yang, I know you have some conflicts with Yaotong and Feng Yun... Hehe, I am very happy that you can come to my place today."    


Chu Yang did not know why Xie Chunlun would say this, but he just laughed foolishly and said, "Haha, those are all in the past. I have already forgotten."    


Xie Chunlun did not say anything and just nodded.    


"Then I will go." After saying that, Chu Yang straightened his body and walked quickly towards the door.    


The phone in Chu Yang's pocket rang when he walked out of the door with his left foot. He wanted to take a look at it, but Xie Chunlun suddenly called him, "Chu Yang."    


Chu Yang's footsteps paused with Xie Chunlun's voice. Before he turned around, he heard Old Xie say in a low voice, "You have to treat Yaotong well in the future."    


After hearing Xie Chunlun say this, Chu Yang's body shook. He subconsciously turned around and asked stutteringly, "Old man, what... what do you mean by this?"    


Xie Chunlun's mouth twitched a few times, and then there was an obvious sneer on his face. "Haha, it doesn't mean anything. It's just that after knowing that you and Yaotong had a secret marriage, I just want to give you a word of advice, although she is a little older than you. But she is after all from the Xie family..."    


Chu Yang did not hear what Xie Chunlun said next, because a voice rang in his head. I already know about the matter between you and Xie Yaotong. I know!    


This must have been deliberately spread by Xie Yaotong this morning. It must be! How can you use my kindness like this? A person is too shameless...    


When Chu Yang slowly woke up, Xie Chunlun had already walked into the living room. Xie Fengyun was standing in front of him with a smile on his face. "Chu Third Elder Brother... Oh, no, I should call you brother-in-law now. Hehe, I was worried about Big Sister when she divorced. Who would have thought that you guys would get together so quickly? Hehe, it's so romantic to watch fireworks together on New Year's Eve. I'm afraid that the entire capital knows about it now, right?"    


Looking at Xie Fengyun's' blessed 'smile, Chu Yang squeezed out a sentence from between his teeth, "Do you believe that I will smash your face?"    


Xie Fengyun immediately nodded like a chick pecking rice. "I believe, I believe. Of course I believe what you said."    


You... Sister's!    


Chu Yang coldly glanced at Xie Fengyun, then turned around and walked down the stairs.    


How did Chu Yang walk out of the alley, and how did he get into the car? He did not know before his phone rang urgently.    


In just five or six minutes, he had been thinking about how to deal with this matter. There was a way to make Xie Yaotong shut up forever.    


But it did not seem to have any effect. Because from Xie Fengyun's words just now, Chu Yang could already tell that he and Xie Yaotong were watching the fireworks on New Year's Eve. Xie family would definitely use their relationship to 'promote' to the outside world.    


In this way, even if Xie Yaotong died silently, everyone would be able to think of Chu Yang at the first possible moment.    


"I have been fighting geese all day long, but I was still blinded by them!" Chu Yang smiled bitterly silently, then took out his phone. When he saw that the caller was Hua Mannyu, he hesitated for a moment before answering the call.    


"Chu Yang..." Before Hua Mannyu could say anything, Chu Yang said lightly, "No need to say anything. I already know. It was the old man of Xie family who told me personally."    


Hua Mannyu was silent for a moment and asked, "Then what should you do?"    


"You go and explain to grandpa. To be honest, I don't know what to do now." After Chu Yang said that, he took off the phone and turned it off. He looked at the Audi in front of him and started to daydream.    


The reason Xie Yaotong thought of ways to spread the news at this time was not as simple as creating a small scandal.    


This was still a conspiracy!    


Think about it: Chu Yang and Chai Murong had just divorced for two days and he was already living together with the young mistress of Xie family, and it was New Year's Eve...    


When a person heard this news, their first reaction was that they must have gone together. Thus, the Chariot Alliance was completely replaced by the Chu Xie Alliance. This way, the various factions in Beijing would definitely react accordingly.    


Of course, Chu Yang could come out to avoid the rumors and say that all of this was caused by Xie Yaotong.    


But if that happened, not only would it offend the Xie family, it would also offend them. Moreover, Chu Yang would also be despised by many people. In these ten years, Xie Yaotong had always been associated with Beijing Prettiest Girl's throne! Even if you are Third Prince of Chu family, you are the eldest daughter of the Xie family, who has both beauty and power. You don't seem to lose much to her, do you? Why would she do such an embarrassing thing?    


It's not like I can kill him. Dispelling would only increase the contempt of others. This was indeed a very troublesome matter... Chu Yang thought about it carefully for a long time before he took out a cigarette and lit it. He muttered to himself, "It is said that trees are hard to live without skin, but people are hard to fight when they are shameless. It was really like that. Hehe, let nature take its course. Whatever you want. "    


Helpless, Chu Yang had no choice but to put away his thoughts for the time being. After finding the address of Hua family on the vehicle's navigator, he started the vehicle.    


In the study of the Hua family in the capital, Hua Yuanbo had an ugly expression on his face. He was giving orders to Hua Canyu, who had just returned home from paying his respects. "Go wait at the entrance of the alley. If you see that kid from the Chu family, come and see him. Tell him that I'm not feeling well and that I'm already resting. Also, call Manyu and ask her to come home and stay. If she doesn't come back, there might be some trouble!"    


Based on Hua Yuanbo's understanding of Hua Mannyu, she would definitely not sit by and watch Xie Yaotong's despicable actions.    


Hua Canyu frowned slightly and said with some difficulty, "Grandfather, I feel that the matter is not like what the outside world has said. Because I understand Chu Yang's character very well. He definitely would not do such a thing. Manyu had also called just now to say that Chu Yang was hurt because of Xie Yaotong. That's why I left her in Gouyue..."    


Hua Canyu wanted to say something but was stopped by Hua Yuanbo's hand. "I understand what you said and I believe that Chu Yang and Xie Yaotong had not discussed it with Manyu yet. But don't look down on the rumors outside. Before the matter is fully understood, there is no need for Hua family to get involved in it. "    


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