My Fiance Ran Away

C560 The Promise of the Qin Dynasty!

C560 The Promise of the Qin Dynasty!

3"Ha, I dare not refuse you. Cough, I think I'll just drive you to the car. You're out anyway."    1


Chu Yang also wanted to calm down outside, so he took the opportunity to send Qin Chao off. After passing through half of the parking lot, he arrived in front of a Land Rover. He looked up and down at the car and said, "I remember last July when I first saw you in Ji Nan. You drove such a Land Rover, right? "    


"Yes, that time was because of my sister Qin Mengyao... Alright, I'm leaving. " Qin Chao turned around and stretched out his hand again. "Chu Yang, goodbye."    


"Goodbye, be careful on the way." Chu Yang was not used to Qin Chao's unprecedented enthusiasm, but he did not think too much about it. He thought she was happy that he had come back to life.    


Qin Chao opened the car door and looked at Hua Canyu, who was standing at the entrance of the hall. He quickly got into the car and closed the door with a bang. However, after Chu Yang took two steps back, she suddenly rolled down the window. "Chu Yang!"    


Chu Yang, who was making way for Qin Chao's car, saw her drop down the window and call him. He thought there was something wrong. He quickly walked to the window and asked, "What's wrong?"    


Qin Chao looked into Chu Yang's eyes. Although his voice was low, it was very firm. "Chu Yang, what I said will count."    


"What, what words?" Chu Yang was shocked. He wanted to ask again, but Qin Chao had already rolled up the window. He had no choice but to step back.    


When Qin Chao's car drove out of the parking lot, Chu Yang was still a little confused. What did she say to me? I don't remember what she promised me. Strange...    


Chu Yang thought for a while and shook his head a few times, but he still couldn't come up with an idea. He decided not to think about it anymore. He lit a cigarette and leaned against the back of a red flag car. He started to think about what to do next.    


Today, whether it was Chai Murong's high-profile appearance or the shocking process, And the even more unbelievable ending, not only did it completely subvert the impression she left on Chu Yang. At the same time, it also successfully aroused a certain man's concern for her. Since she and Han Faang were innocent, then why did she allow him to hug her in the early hours of the morning? She really wants to divorce me? Would I be willing? Not willing? So what? He was already disappointed in me...    


Just as Chu Yang raised countless questions that gave him a headache, Hua Canyu slowly walked in front of him.    


"Hehe." When Chu Yang saw Hua Canyu, he smiled awkwardly, but didn't know what to say.    


"It's fine. No matter what, it's a fact that you and Manyu have a son."    


Hua Canyu casually covered up the awkwardness for Chu Yang. He looked in the direction where Qin Chao had gone. After a while, he suddenly asked, "Chu Yang, do you know what Qin Chao really thinks?"    


Chu Yang did not know how many times he had been stunned today, but after Hua Canyu asked this question, he was obviously stunned for a moment. "What does she really think?"    


Hua Canyu nodded and said, "Yes. Not long after we returned to the base from K Peninsula last year, she came to me and told me some things."    


"What is it?"    


Hua Canyu looked at the distant horizon and slowly replied, "She said that when she stepped on the lightning, she promised you that as long as you don't die, she will give you her body."    




Following Hua Canyu's words, Chu Yang suddenly understood what Qin Chao meant when he left.    


In an instant, the scene of last year when he helped Qin Chao clear the lightning once again clearly surfaced in Chu Yang's mind.    


Shaking his head, Chu Yang said with a bitter smile, "Ah, I know, so it's this matter... Actually, at that time, in order to relieve the burden on her mind, That's why I was talking nonsense. But I didn't take those words seriously at all. "    


"But she took it seriously."    


As Hua Canyu spoke, he gently touched the body of the red flag car. "At that time, I advised her that you were already dead. However, she replied to me and said that she would stay alive for you. "    


"She, how could she say that? I, I..." After hearing that Qin Chao actually thought so highly of him, Chu Chu felt a little proud in his heart but also felt a deep headache.    


He thought that the reason Qin Chao and Hua Canyu did not get married after returning from the base was because of that joke of his.    


He suddenly felt sorry for Hua Canyu and wanted to defend himself, but he did not know what to say.    


"You don't have to blame yourself. This matter isn't as simple as you think."    


Of course, Hua Canyu understood what Chu Yang was thinking. After saying something that made Chu Yang confused, he continued, "At that time, I thought she said this because she felt guilty towards you. She also reminded her that you already have a wife and a lover. Hehe, guess how she answered me? "    


Chu Li muttered, "She, how did she answer you?"    


"She said that you're already dead, so you don't have a wife or a lover anymore. All you have is feelings."    


Once upon a time, it was Chu Li's biggest dream to date Ms Qin.    


However, when Hua Canyu told him Qin Chao's true thoughts, he felt helpless and lost.    


He also felt an unspeakable guilt towards Hua Canyu. I am really a sinner, a sinner! Not only did he seduce the girl, but he also made her so close to him that she was scared out of her wits. Why... why is my fucking charm so great?    


Naturally, Hua Canyu did not know that at this moment, Chu Li still had such dirty thoughts in his heart. He just smiled faintly and turned around to pat his shoulder. He said in a deep voice, "Chu Yang, treat Qin Chao well... It, it was not easy for her. Don't worry about what Manyu will think. I will do her thinking work."    


After Hua Canyu said that, he walked towards the hotel without looking back.    


What the hell? Why do I feel like I am dreaming? Is this still Hua Canyu... You are the number one expert in the inner court, but you actually instigated your brother-in-law to pick up your girlfriend. This is truly unbelievable.    


Staring blankly at Hua Canyu's lonely back, Chu Yang felt that he was probably dreaming.    


In a private room on the second floor of the Beijing Grand Hotel.    


Although Kreston and William's status could not be compared with Xie Chunlun and the others, they were expensive because they were guests from afar. Therefore, he was arranged to stay by Chu Longbin's side.    


People said that people from M Country liked to be self-righteous. In fact, they knew their own limitations.    


For example, the current Kreston knew that he had liver cancer. Therefore, when he was preparing to eat at the table full of food, he paid a lot of attention to his personal influence. He took the initiative to ask the waiter to prepare a set of utensils for him, especially the dishes that he liked to eat.    


Kreston's way of doing things had won the praise of everyone present.    


Everyone present was an exquisite figure. After they sat down, They did not mention what happened next at all. Because of Kreston's presence, no one talked about politics or politics. They only chatted about the local customs, and the scene seemed to be very harmonious.    


After more than an hour, a staff member under Secretary Wen walked into the private room and whispered a few words to him.    


Secretary Wen nodded, then raised his wine glass and said that he wanted to take his leave.    


As Boss Lin's spokesperson, Secretary Wen had actually come to attend this birthday banquet to go through the motions.    


If it wasn't for Hua Mannyu, Chai Murong, and the others arriving one after another, he would have left long ago.    


He was so busy, how could he have the time to eat and drink with a bunch of old men?    


So, after his subordinates found out that the hall on the first floor was peaceful, he immediately said goodbye.    


Chu Longbin was naturally aware of Secretary Wen's work, so he did not ask him to stay. Just as he wanted to arrange for his sons to send him off, Xie, Hua, Chai family and a few other old men also stood up.    


When the two friends of M Country who were enjoying their meal saw this, of course they wouldn't stay alone to disturb the Chu family, so they also suggested to leave.    


Chu Longbin couldn't help but smile bitterly when he heard that everyone had withdrawn early, but he also knew what had happened today. He really didn't want to stay here any longer, so he could only say something insincere. The father and son politely sent them out of the hotel.    


After standing at the entrance of the hotel and shaking hands with the guests, Chu Longbin stood at the door and looked at the empty road in front of him. He was silent for a long time before he said, "Let's go home too... Bring Yangfeng and his son along."    


Chu Longbin deliberately emphasized that he wanted to bring Chu Yang and his son along. What he meant was, don't just look at how Chai Murong was messing around, Hua Mannyu had given birth to the fourth generation of the Chu family after all. Her position in the Chu family would not change for some reason.    


Chu Yong and the others nodded silently.    


A birthday banquet that should have lasted for a day ended before two o'clock in the afternoon because of the arrival of the official.    


In the main hall of the inner courtyard of Chu family.    


Chu Yang and Hua Mannyu, who was carrying the child, stood in the middle of the room obediently. Although their faces looked calm, only they themselves knew the uneasiness in their hearts.    


"Black Tortoise, Linger, the few of you accompany Manyu. Let's go to the front." Chu Longbin washed his hands and sat on the chair. The first thing he said was to drive the female family and Chu Xuanwu out.    


Regarding this, as a man, Chu Xuanwu felt very indignant in his heart, but he could do nothing about it. He could only support Old Madam Chu and the females out of the main hall.    


Wait. After only Chu Longbin and his three sons and three grandsons were left in the room, he raised his finger and pointed at the long bench under the south wall. He said to Chu Yang, "Chu Yang, sit down and talk."    


Chu Yang agreed and obediently sat on the bench.    


After everyone sat down, Chu Fengchao took the initiative to take on the task of pouring tea.    


"Thank you, Liu." After receiving the tea from Chu Fengchao, Chu Yang thanked him gratefully.    


Chu Feng smiled and shook his head, then sat beside him.    


Seeing that Chu Fengchao and the others did not look down on him just because Chu Yang was not an official, Chu Longbin felt very gratified.    


One. It was common for brothers to scheme and scheme against each other.    


However, up until now, the second and third generation of the Chu family had never encountered such a situation. Old Lao Chu was naturally very happy in his heart.    


After Chu Yang took the teacup, he took a light sip and organized the thoughts in his head again. After confirming that this was the most appropriate, he did not wait for Chu Longbin and the others to ask and took the initiative to 'confess'.    


In a room full of smoke, Chu Li used his magnetic bass. He talked about what he encountered a year ago, how he spent a year on a deserted island, how he met Sophie, and how he was rescued from this country. He began to narrate his plans and objectives.    


When Chu Yang said these things, he did not mention that he had obtained the 'MD' based on the virus and that he had established a new pharmaceutical factory in Ji Nan.    


This was a magical equipment that he and the old fellows had haggled over. He had to keep it until the end.    


Now, the most important thing was to explain why he married Lee Xiaomin and why Shen Yunzai wanted to be his sister.    


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