My Fiance Ran Away

C502 His Son's Last Name will No Longer be Chu!

C502 His Son's Last Name will No Longer be Chu!

1In fact, there are many ways to express your longing after meeting a lover day and night, and bickering and having sex isn't much less...    2


Anyway, since they had already met, why should they worry about not having time to do or do that in the future?    


Only a silly big sister like Shaang Lige would think of using that kind of crazy method to dilute the excitement in her heart.    


But if it was Hua Mannyu who was rather scheming, she would definitely be able to control her emotions very well.    


She raised her hand and gently touched Chu Yang's cheek, then looked at the son in his arms. Hua Mannyu's body leaned to the side and sat on the floor with a smile that was not a smile. "I don't like your current appearance."    


"You don't like it? Can you explain it clearly?"    


Chu Yang touched his cheeks in dissatisfaction and retorted, "You don't like the elegant look of me with long hair and a small mustache, or you don't like the way I dress?"    


Hua Mannyu ignored his flirtatious words and only asked," Do you still remember where we first met? "    


"Yellow River Park." Chu Yang held his son with his left hand and reached his right hand into Hua Mannyu's collar. He pulled out a cross. "This is the seal when the boss of Mantian Industry signed the cheque, right? If I had known earlier, I would have taken it for myself."    


Although he had already given it to a boy named Chu, it was not the first time that he had been bewitched by Chai Murong and changed into all kinds of uniforms to seduce him. However, Hua Mannyu was still not used to his frivolous actions. She lifted her hand to open his hand. She said coquettishly, "Don't touch him. His son is watching."    


"He is so young. What does he know? If he can really understand it, I will let him watch the intense scene when I have the chance."    






After the two of them talked for a while, Hua Mannyu pursed her lips and asked in a low voice, "Then what do you plan to do in the future?"    




According to the Marriage Law, after the husband of the couple dies, the marriage will be automatically canceled and the woman will not need to go through the divorce procedure.    


So, according to the law, after Chu Yang's' death ', Chai Murong became a free person. As long as she wanted to get married, she could marry out in a grand manner at any time.    


But now, it was different. Chu Yang had actually' revived from the dead '!    


Then what kind of relationship would he and Chai Murong have with each other?    


Marriage laws only had to be broken after a person died, but it did not say that after the 'dead person' lived again, would the 'dead person' still maintain the original marriage relationship with the original husband?    


Should Chu Yang and Chai Murong be connected again, or should he marry Hua Mannyu because of Chu Yangfeng's birth?    


This was the real reason Hua Mannyu asked Chu Yang what he planned to do in the future.    


Chu Yang knew very well, but he didn't know what to do. He just smiled bitterly and said, "This is really a headache. To be honest, I don't know what to do either. I have to ask grandpa and the others for their opinions."    


Chu Yang's answer made Hua Mannyu very dissatisfied. She coldly snorted and took her son from his arms. She weighed him lightly. "You don't want Chai Murong to leave, right? But do you know, during the year you 'died', She was very close to Han Faang of the Long Wind Group."    


Chu Yang lowered his head and did not respond.    


Seeing that Chu Yang did not seem to be affected by it, Hua Mannyu continued to blow up the news. "Furthermore, she called me last night to tell me that she will be coming to Ji Nan with Han Faang this afternoon. Chu Yang, I have already slept with both of them. Do you think that they are like me, this silly woman? Can I raise my son alone for you? "    


Provoking. Hua Mannyu's words were definitely trying to provoke the relationship between Chu Yang and Chai Murong.    


If Chu Yang really died, there was no doubt that the relationship between Hua Mannyu and Chai Murong would become good friends because of her leaving the Mantian Industry.    


But when someone very bored came back to life again, the fight between Nan Murong and Bei Manyu was destined to begin again.    


Hua Mannyu relied on her to give birth to a son for Chu Yang and hoped to be able to become Third Prince's wife openly. But what about Chai Murong? She would definitely not watch helplessly as the man she had yet to obtain submitted to her biggest rival just like that!    


War, a war between two proud women with schemes. Hua Mannyu had just met Chu Yang and had not even had the time to ask him where he had been free and unfettered for the past year. The curtains had already been drawn and they had met in battle.    


This Chu was very fortunate...    


"Sigh, Hua Mannyu, the reason why I disguised myself and returned to the country was not to solve these messy problems. I want to do what grandfather said and do some business!"    


Chu Yang was a little stunned for a moment with a headache. He slowly said, "Do you think it is very interesting to let me always get involved in the jealousy with you women? Actually, I am really sick of it! "    


She raised her hand and gently touched Chu Yang's cheek. Hua Mannyu pursed her lips. She said softly, "Chu Yang, what we did was, in your opinion, a fight for the affection of those who did not do proper work. But for us women, it is a big thing in our lives. Really, you have to give me a clear answer. "    


Chu Yang shook his head to avoid Hua Mannyu's hand. He stared at somewhere else and asked without confidence," What answer do you want? "    


Hua Mannyu slightly bent over and looked up at Chu Yang's eyes. She said word by word, "Do you want me or Chai Murong?"    


"Don't make it so serious." Chu Yang laughed and said, "Then can I have both?"    


"Sure." Hua Mannyu sneered and shrugged. She looked at her son in her arms and said, "Then your son will not have the surname Chu anymore."    


If you still can't let go of Chai Murong, then I will take the child and find another man!    


This was what Hua Mannyu meant. Chu Yang understood very well, which was why he had a headache.    


Before he decided to secretly visit his son, Chu Yang did not consider this problem at all.    


Because he did not want Hua Mannyu and Chai Murong to know that he was still alive.    


But who would have thought that Hua Mannyu would come back and force him to reveal the true identity of 'I am the child's father'.    


Furthermore, Hua Mannyu even 'timely' revealed Chai Murong's latest situation to him.    


If you were Chu Yang, would you have a headache?    


What? No? Then you should return to Mars...    


Fortunately, just as Chu Yang was having a headache, Sunn Bin, who claimed to be invincible in the village, snorted and opened his eyes.    


We will talk about this in the future!    


Chu Yang and Hua Mannyu looked at each other and saw the meaning in each other's eyes.    


"Aiya, who knocked on my head?" Sunn Bin rubbed the back of his head in pain and took his hand to his eyes to take a look. He was so scared by the blood stain that he immediately sat up and wanted to shout at the top of his voice, Which shameless kid dares to sneak attack me? However, his mouth was covered by Chu Yang's hand.    


"Let's go, there was a small misunderstanding just now!" Since there was an outsider present, Chu Yang naturally would not expose his relationship with Hua Mannyu. He reached out and grabbed Sunn Bin's arm, and once again deeply forgot about the child. His mother glanced at him, then quickly walked out of the room.    




Hua Mannyu, who was carrying her son, waited for Chu Yang and Sunn Bin to leave in a hurry. A mysterious smile appeared on her lips as she whispered, "Chu Yang, there are some problems that you have to face sooner or later. You can't escape from them... Chai Murong, I hope that you can perform a show of affection with Han Faang today. Only in this way can I arrange for Chu Yang to see it with his own eyes... "    


Hua Mannyu tilted her chin and thought for a moment. Then, she quickly walked into the bedroom and picked up the phone. She dialed a number that she had never called since she came to Ji Nan.    


On the other side of the phone, when Hua Mannyu heard the second beeping sound, someone picked up the phone. Lee Biao's respectful voice came from the other side. "Director Hua, I am Lee Biao!"    


Turning her head to look at Chunmei who was still unconscious at the door of the bathroom, Hua Mannyu said lightly, "Gather all your trusted brothers and gather them before the flight from Shuzhong to Ji Nan arrives. Gather at the international airport and wait for my instructions!"    


"Yes!" When Lee Biao answered, his tone was obviously excited.    


Ever since Hua Mannyu retired, those absolute confidants of hers had gotten a bank card with five million in it, which was considered a dismissal fee.    


Although five million was an astronomical figure that an ordinary family would never have in their entire lifetime, compared to the days when they were with Hua Mannyu, Lee Biao and the others would rather be penniless.    


Sometimes, respect could not be bought with money.    


Therefore, now that Lee Biao heard that Hua Mannyu wanted to make a comeback, it would be strange if he did not get excited.    




"Boss, what kind of play did you play just now? Besides feeling the pain on the back of my head, how come I don't understand anything?"    


Sunn Bin, who was hurriedly pulled away by Chu Yang, aside from Hua Mannyu's family, got into the car. He asked with a puzzled face, "Between you and that young woman carrying the child, is there some kind of unexplainable..."    


"Sunn Bin, if you want to follow me in the future, you have to learn to use your eyes more and use your mouth less."    


Chu Yang lit a cigarette, looked at the front and said faintly, "Why don't you be the head of security at Twin Happiness Clubhouse in the future."    


Although Chu Chu was not an official and did not have the imposing manner of a superior, his identity as Third Prince of Chu family and Assassin King still made Sunn Bin feel an invisible pressure.    


" Oh." Sunn Bin nodded obediently and drove out of the community. Just as he was about to ask if he should return to the Double Happiness Club, he heard Chu Yang say, "Go to Cherry Blossom Foot Washing City."    




Cherry Blossom Foot Washing City was the territory of Wang Daodao, Chai Murong's subordinate, in Ji Nan. This was something that Chu Li knew when he worked in Cloud Water Group.    


After getting off the plane yesterday, when Shen Yunzai patted Chu Yang's butt, he had already guessed what that girl had done.    


However, at that time, he did not point it out. Instead, he followed his own plan and escaped from the back window of the bathroom.    


On the way back to the city in Sunn Bin's van, Chu Yang had already taken off the bean-sized Tracker.    


Originally, Chu Yang wanted to casually throw the Tracker into the sewers, but after thinking about it, he felt that teasing Shen Yunzai could be considered as taking revenge on her for ruining his wedding. It seemed quite interesting.    


Therefore, Chu Yang took Sunn Bin to Sakura Footwash City. After comfortably washing his feet, he left the Tracker there.    


Chu Yang calculated that Shen Yunzai would not go there to find him at the first moment. It was very likely that she would choose a time when it was late at night...    


This way, that self-righteous girl had an 80% chance of being caught by Wang Daodao and the others.    


As for what kind of outcome Shen Yunzai would face after being caught, that Chu would not care.    


After seeing Shaang Lige and seeing his son, Chu Yang felt that it was time to rescue the child-faced angel from the fire pit. Only then did he let Sunn Bin drive to the Cherry Blossom Foot Washing City.    


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